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S3 licensed
uhm it seems that LakynVonLegendaus send a experimal/dev version to victor Tongue

when i join alau07's his server , you will see a dev-message on top of the screen.
S3 licensed
Nice to see, that you got it "sort off" working for Linux.

Could you add a changelog with the added/deleted code?
For the future releases.

Not sure if Lapper has been working on Linux before.
I simply cant test it because i dont use Linux and i dont know how to use it Tongue
S3 licensed
Sure will give it a try when i get home.

You could make a testversion yourself, if you want to.
The projectfile and everything can you find in the 'src' folder
Last edited by Bass-Driver, .
S3 licensed
Oh that make sense.
Thank you for the explaination.

The '$ cat' line is something Victor has added.
S3 licensed
Will load one soon.

i've got only a few of them. But mostly offroad stages.
Will build more in the future.
S3 licensed
Just looking into the sourcecode. It seems that Lapper reports a wrong password, when it doesnt receive a proper ISP_VER packet.

No idea why its coded like this. Sounds not very logical to me.
The code doesnt have any commentary at all , which in some cases is really hard to understand, for a non-programmer like me Smile .
Here's a snippet of the code.

Quote :
public void insimConnectTCP(string host, int port, string adminPassword, string mode, string nameApp, bool isLocal, int receiveJoinReq, int disableAIcars)
int nbTry = 0;
int maxTry = 2;

tc = new TcpConnection.Connection(host, port);
myDebug.Write("mss", "Connecting to: [" + host + " / " + port + "]");
if (nbTry > maxTry)
myDebug.printDateOnEachLine = false;
myDebug.WriteLine("mss", "Ko");
myDebug.printDateOnEachLine = true;
throw new ConnectException("Lapper Instance [" + host + "/" + port + "] failed connecting with TCP connection!");

Console.WriteLine("Lapper Instance [" + host + "/" + port + "] failed connecting!");
myDebug.printDateOnEachLine = false;
myDebug.Write("mss", ".");
myDebug.printDateOnEachLine = true;
goto retryConnect;

if (adminPassword.Length > 16)
Console.WriteLine("Wrong length adminPassword! :'" + adminPassword + "' max 16 characters");

myDebug.printDateOnEachLine = false;
myDebug.WriteLine("mss", "");
myDebug.WriteLine("mss", "Instance [" + host + " / " + port + "] successfully connected");
myDebug.printDateOnEachLine = true;
byte[] inSimInit = myEncoder.ISI(adminPassword, 0, 0, nameApp, isLocal, receiveJoinReq, disableAIcars);
this.Send(inSimInit, inSimInit.Length);
catch (Exception e)
throw e;
byte[] recvPacket;
this.waitReceiveLow = true;
recvPacket = this.ReceivePack();

InSim.Decoder.VER ver = new InSim.Decoder.VER(recvPacket);
this.connected = true;
this.Product = ver.Product;
this.Version = ver.Version;
this.InSimVersion = ver.InSimVersion;
Console.WriteLine("Password does not match your multiplayer admin password!! restart LFSLapper");

Last edited by Bass-Driver, .
S3 licensed
you might could install/update this file aswell.
S3 licensed
nice to see that we get closer to the connection issue.

hmm, never seen that LFSencoding error before. You could give it a try to update mono.
S3 licensed
i've been trying to reproduce this, but no luck yet.

It seems like a Lapper crashed.

Some questions:
  • -Are you able to see the LFSLapper console?
The messages on the console should look like this: When it is successfully connected.

Quote :Client OK
Connecting Servers...
>Lapper Instance [DEF1/] Successfully connected!
  • -Are there any ERR files in the "logs" folder
  • -Which files did you changed to set-up Lapper.
S3 licensed
This is a good one. I will investigate this when i get home.
Could you try to change the 'remote port' in /bin/LFSServers.cfg.

From my experience. I know that Lapper doest start/connect when you have multiple Lapper instances running with the same "remote port" on the same machine
S3 licensed

Could you please reply in the correct topic??
I moved these posts to the correct topic.


Make a screenshot of the problem.
S3 licensed
Did you load the script?
If you still having problems. Please make a screenshot and describe your problem.
Last edited by Bass-Driver, .
S3 licensed
Spamming doesnt help!!!

Take a look at this script: Register_System created by Yisc[NL]
S3 licensed
Quote from harun940 :All the roads will unite? Does anyone have information , Like X and Y

Not for demo users.
S3 licensed
Looking good , good job Scavier

They keep the best for last.

Fern Bay
South City

btw seeing those tents and flags at each track update.
Is it possible to add those to the autocross editor, within a new list named: Scenery objects

With this i think the objectlimit need to be increased.

another question:
if i make a box with concrete slabs, will it be pitch black inside?
Last edited by Bass-Driver, .
S3 licensed

English Please!
Even Google Translate cant translate this turkish sentence properly.
S3 licensed
Well heres a another turkish cracked community that are advertising on their demoservers.

Seems the drifthane websites are still active.
S3 licensed
What is your friends username and what is the servername. I'm very interested what you guys are trying to create. Smile
S3 licensed
You realised you bumped this topic?

And you cannot use Insim checkpoints or any other autocross objects as a Demo licensed player
S3 licensed
Ye those servers.
Didnt want to post to much info about this.
S3 licensed
hi , i dont wanted to start a new topic , so i just do it in here.
There are a few demo servers named: drifthane.

They have a website/facebook etc.

Its a turkish team that invites players to join theire cracked community.
Could the dev or someone else take those servers down and theire entire community?

Already sent a mail to the devs.

Thank you.
S3 licensed
It is been a while since i updated this addon.
a good time to update the timetable code a littlebit.

Also was a good time to switch to a other saving methode.
Using the EditFile() and ReadFile() now instead of using usergroups.

You probably wont see anything of the updates, when you join the server.

Check the changelog below:

Add: TimeList optimizing code ( delete empty/faulty lines)
Fix: TimeTable: Some stages couldnt go further than 3rd page
Fix: TimeTable: gaptimes on 2+ pages not displayed correctly
Fix: TimeTable: Buttons not proper deleted after going back to first page ( (Car/Player)filter or all-records)
Fix: TimeTable: Slower times not deleted properly.
Fix: Startline: Playervalues not set properly when TimeNextDriver is set to -1.
Update: TimeTable: Wait message when loading timetable.
Update: TimeTable: code optimization
Update: New Filesystem to save/load times. (ReadFile(),Editfile() instead of using usergroups)
Update: Now possible to turn on/off the yellowflag system.
Update: Decreased size logo option
Removed: TimeTable: Nickname change option.

If you see anything, that doesnt work properly, report it.

Have Fun
Files - Create/Read/Edit/Delete
S3 licensed

#Tutorial: Create/Edit/Read/Delete files and delete lines in a file.
#In this tutorial i show you some code examples. You may use these in your scripts aswell. 
#We use the OnMSO Playerevent , which registers the input of the message box ('T' keypress)
Event OnMSO$userName$text # Player event
$idxOfFirtsSpace indexOf$text" ");

$idxOfFirtsSpace == -THEN
$argv "";
$command subStr$text,0,$idxOfFirtsSpace );
$argv trimsubStr$text,$idxOfFirtsSpace ) );
$command )

#Create a file somewhere on your pc.

CASE "!createfile":
                IF (
UserIsAdmin($userName) == 1THEN
#Action if file already exist
                    #0 = no action
                    #1 = overwrite file
                    #2 = overwrite file + create backup file.
$Filename "TestFile";
$Folder "C:\Users\User\Desktop";
$Action 2;


#Read File

CASE "!readfile":
                IF (
UserIsAdmin($userName) == 1THEN
$Folder "C:\Users\User\Desktop";
$Extension ".txt";

$LinesofFile ReadFile($Filename,$Folder,$Extension);
#Get Information from the file.
$NrOfLines $LinesofFile["NumberOfLines"];
$FileCreationDate $LinesofFile["TimeOfCreation"];
$FileModificationDate $LinesofFile["TimeOfModification"];
$FileSize $LinesofFile["FileSize"];
#Display info in the chat about the file 
privmsg("Reading file: " $Filename ".txt");
privmsg("NumberOfLines: " $NrOfLines "");
privmsg("Size of file: " $FileSize " Bytes");
privmsg("Creation time: " $FileCreationDate "");
privmsg("Modify time: " $FileModificationDate "");
#Create a FOR loop to display each line from the file in the chat.

FOR ( $i 0$i <= $NrOfLines-$i $i 1)
$linenr $LinesofFile[$i,"LineNumber"];    #LineNr
$line $LinesofFile[$i,"Line"];             #Text
privmsg("[".$linenr."]: ".$line);            #Display LineNr and Text
#Edit File
            #You can edit a line or you can create a new one.
            #IF $LineToEdit = -1, a new line will be added in your created file. 
CASE "!editfile":
                IF (
UserIsAdmin($userName) == 1THEN
$Folder "C:\Users\User\Desktop";
$NewText "NewText ";
$LineToEdit 5;  # -1 to create a extra line
$Extension ".txt";
#Delete File
            #By deleting a file, you can choose if you want to make a backup before deleting.
            #Keep value of '$CopyFolder' empty if you dont want to copy the file before deleting.
            #Otherwise enter the foldername where the backup need to be placed.

CASE "!deletefile":
                IF (
UserIsAdmin($userName) == 1THEN
$Folder "C:\Users\User\Desktop";
$CopyFolder "";                    #$CopyFolder is empty , no backup will be created.
$Extension ".txt";
#Delete a single line , based on a LineNr

CASE "!deleteline":
                IF (
UserIsAdmin($userName) == 1THEN
#Enter -1 to $NewText to enable the "deleteline" function
                    #set the line @ $LineToEdit, which line that need to be deleted.
$Filename "TestFile";
$Folder "C:\Users\User\Desktop";
$NewText = -1;    # -1 = deleteline function.
$LineToDelete 5;  
$Extension ".txt";

Last edited by Bass-Driver, .
S3 licensed
Merry Christmas to the devs and the community
S3 licensed
Dont have any idea why it shouldnt work.
only thing i can advise is to verify the files listed below.

-Verify LFSServers.cfg with your LFSLapper V7.0.4.4.
-Verify Default.ini with your LFSLapper V7.0.4.4.

One question, did you have copied some scripts from V7.0.4.4 to the newer releases of Lapper??

And indeed a errorlog whould become handy.