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S3 licensed
Check if the sub callback is right

Sub DisplaySpeed_1($userName,$NodeID)

The ID can be used to use multiple Zone/Node Actions within the same subcallback
RegisterNodeAction ("NodeID_01","AS1", 123, RadarTrap1, "" );
RegisterZoneAction ("ZoneID_01", "BL1", -40,123, 5 , RadarTrap1, "" );

Sub RadarTrap1($userName,$ID)
IF($ID == "NodeID_01") THEN

IF($ID == "ZoneID_01") THEN


Last edited by Bass-Driver, .
S3 licensed
Made a whoopsie
Fix in the thread below:
S3 licensed
for continuing the 'languages' goto

i moved some posts to that topic.
S3 licensed
Try this one.

Atm i use a dark theme, so i dont have the old one anymore.
so i quick made a language file.

i might share the dark theme aswell. But i have to figure out how i got it LOL.
Last edited by Bass-Driver, .
S3 licensed
Hi Andy,

The Tab is named: 'Language'
Then goto 'Define your Language'

'Syntaxis' is how it is named in the dutch version. Not sure how it is named in other languages.

I have edited my and the first post in the Lapper Syntax Highlighting topic.
Last edited by Bass-Driver, .
S3 licensed
Write an email to the devs, for asking more unlocks.
S3 licensed
New update has been loaded on the server.

Velocity TimeAttack

Add: Blueflag system (Early stage)
Update: False start / Jumpstart detection improvements
Fix: Faulty Nicknames with '|' could cause invalid parameters errors in the timetable.
Fix: Other small code fixes/optimizations.
Fix: Live Timing: Error cause the window not work properly.
Fix: Live Timing: Wrong times when driver is driving the stage for the first time.
Fix: Guests could vote to restart the race
Fix: Guests could vote to end the race
Fix: Could set empty stagenames.

Known Issues.
-Timelist in timetable loads slow when many records in file has been saved.
-Weird sectortimes could not load into the timetable.

Have fun

See you there.
S3 licensed
Poor Scawen :S

Did he survive??
S3 licensed
Well that means, that you have to build your own cruise insim with InSimDotNet.
And its more fun to have a cruiseinsim on a S2 server than on a demo server.
S3 licensed
Uhhhhhhhm , i feel so dumb right now. Face -> palm

Thanks for the fast response
S3 licensed
Patch works ok so far,

A AI related question:

Note: This is in multiplayer mode

Should be possible to set an setup to each AI driver?
I have set 'AI uses player setup' to: [no]
And yes, i can set a differend setup than myself. But i cannot set it for each AI driver individually. But it sets the setup for all the AI's i load

Or i must do something really stupid. Tongue

Is it possible to display the setup name in F12 menu for the AI's aswell?

Thanks for your hard work.
Last edited by Bass-Driver, .
PublicTest_14: Lapper V7.0.6.4
S3 licensed

This testversion contains some new functions and some important fixes.
See the summary of changes below.

This does contain fixes for Linux

Could you test, if the build-in track rotation works. Because somehow i cant get it working.

|Changes from to Public Test_10 |
1: New function: PlayerDelayedcommand(); #Start delayedcommand for a specific player

$UserName = "Bass-Driver";
$NameOfDelay = "CloseButton";
$DelayInSeconds = 3;
$SubCallBack = "ThisSub";


2: New function: RemovePlayerDelayedCommand(); #Remove delayedcommand for a specific player

$UserName = "Bass-Driver";
$NameOfDelay = "CloseButton";


3: New function: RegisterPlayerDetection(); #Detect player within a fieldofview and distance.

#$userName = Set Player for the detector
$userName = "Bass-Driver"; #The Detector is now enabled for Bass-Driver

#$FieldOfView = Set range of the view to detect players. (degrees)
$FieldOfView = 30; #view will be 0 to 30 and 0 to -30

#$Distance = Max distance of detection (Meters)
$Distance = 25;

#$NameofSubDetected = Execute Subcallback when 1 or more players are detected.
$NameofSubDetected = "PlayerDetected";


#Sub callback
Sub PlayerDetected($userName,$DetectedPlayer)
OpenButton( $userName, "PlayerName",170,115,30,5,2,5,96, "^3Player: ^7".GetPlayerVar($DetectedPlayer,"NickName"));
OpenButton( $userName, "Speed",170,120,30,5,2,5,96, "^3Speed: ^7".GetPlayerVar($DetectedPlayer,"InstantSpeed")." km/h");
OpenButton( $userName, "Distance",170,125,30,5,2,5,96, "^3Heading: ^7".GetPlayerVar($DetectedPlayer,"Heading"));

4: New Event :

- This event will be executed when someone sends a discord message to LFSLapper.
- A Discordbot must be created to communicate between LFSLapper and Discord.
- In 'bin/default/includes/myInc.LPR' you can enter the 'DiscordToken' and the 'Discordchannel' to receive the messages from.
- Link to create a discordbot:
- Set DeveloperMode in your discordsettings to "ON' to copy the channel ID ( rightclick on the channel)

Event OnReceiveDiscordMessage($DiscordUname,$Text) # Player event
#Your code

#This function sends messages to your selected discordchannel.
#The discordbot must be connected while using this function

5: New Function: sendmessagetodiscord();
$DiscordChannel = "000000000000000000";
$Message = "Hello";

6: New setconfigvar() value: "DiscordBotStatus"
setconfigvar("DiscordBotStatus",$argv); #change the status of the discordbot
1:Hostname now visible when lapper succesfully connected to a server.
2:New errormessages to MSS file before Lapper starting (faulty adminpass)
3:Increased the frequence of retreiving info from LFS to every (50 ms) was 100ms (Proper testing needed)
-The MCI (Carinfo) packet will still execute every 100ms
4:Realtime driftscore refreshrate is set to 5 times a second instead of 10.
5:NumtoMSH(); returns values in format, was before.
6:Event oncrossingchecker: returns now which insim checkpoint you crossed.
7:Event oncrossingchecker: returns time in H:mm:ss format.
8:GetWr(); allows 1 parameter "CAR". Example below
CASE "!getwr":
IF($argv != "")THEN
$GetWRInfo = GetWR($argv);
$GetWRInfo = GetWR();
privmsg("^3WR Info:");
privmsg("^7Car: ^8".$GetWRInfo["CName"]);
privmsg("^7Track: ^8".$GetWRInfo["Track"]);
privmsg("^7Racer: ^8". $GetWRInfo["racerName"]);
privmsg("^7Time: ^8".NumToMSH($GetWRInfo["WRTime"]));
privmsg("^7Sp1: ^8".NumToMSH($GetWRInfo["Split1"]));
privmsg("^7Sp2: ^8".NumToMSH($GetWRInfo["Split2"]));
privmsg("^7Sp3: ^8".NumToMSH($GetWRInfo["Split3"]));
privmsg("^7Last: ^8".NumToMSH($GetWRInfo["SectorLast"]));
9:GetWR(); Added 2 new values: Date & Time. Date/Time of WR
10:Store data for offline players
-New variable: $StoreOfflineData = false; #storedvalue.dbs Store Offline data , even when the player doesnt exist in the database.
-IF $StoreOfflineData = true, a warning message will be displayed on your lapperconsole and in your MSS logfile, after reloading lapper

1: WriteLine() :Lapper crash when try to convert special LFS characters
2: Write() :Lapper crash when try to convert special LFS characters
3: LFSLapper.LPR : one of the debugoption turned on
4: LFSLapper.LPR : debugmessages
5: No returning value when accidently applying NumtoMSH(); twice
6: Changed hardcoded visible records in Toplist/UserTop/Drifttop from 24 to 10000
7: Linux/mono users couldnt start Lapper on theire computer (Testfase)
8: GetWR(); Couldnt get RO11 WRtime

Last edited by Bass-Driver, .
S3 licensed
Quote :Not yet but that is another project on my list.

Lighting, tyre physics and the master server protocol are my priorities.

Maybe a "simple" solution:
-Guest must create a account to download LFS content.

- Demo licensed player is only allowed to download the "demo" version of the game ( Stripped version of LFS without S1/S2/S3 content. Only the nessesary cars/track for demo.

- And when the demo player payed for a license they will have access to the full game. Ofcourse with the limitations of S1/S2/S3 content.

Just my thoughts
S3 licensed
@5tag +1

Did you do something to make it harder to crack this game?
especially after this big update.
Rejoin Filter
S3 licensed
Rejoin filter is a script that controls the amount of rejoinings or spectatings during a race in progress.
Which can be set by various options.
You are be able to set the max amount of laps which allows rejoins.
And when the filter need to be active with a certain amount of players.

Commands: (these are admincommands)

!rejoinfilter : Access the rejoinfilter settings
!debuglfspara : Get data from LFS, if needed

# -Initial release

Change the extension of the files to .lpr and add them to addonsused.lpr to be able to use them.
S3 licensed
You can only play on demoservers.
My lapperscripts runs on S2/S3 servers aswell.
S3 licensed
I will try to be nice to you but,
You wont get any help, if you keep creating topics about Lapper related stuff.

Here are a couple of questions for you.

-Have have you done with LFSLapper recently?
-You said in your previous topic that you have created 2 codes/scripts, can i see them?
-Did you used the searchfunction on this forum?

And last question:
Could you please stop asking about Lapper stuff without doing anything.
Or show us what you have done already.
S3 licensed
There's an event named 'OnPlayerFlags'.
See the code below. You can find it in LFSLapper.LPR

#Action on Event when player receives a Flag (Yellow/Blue flags and Lag/Missing packets).
# The Flags below returns 1 or 0 depends on which flag is received by the user
#$YellowFlag: Player receives a YellowFlag
#$BlueFlag : Player recieves a BlueFlag
#$LagFlag : Player is lagging or is missing carpackets
#$Time : ShortTimeFormat,same as GetLapperVar("ShortTime");


$PlayerFlagEvent = -1; #Enable Event 1 = ON / -1 = OFF
Event OnPlayerFlags($userName,$YellowFlag,$BlueFlag,$LagFlag,$Time) # Player event
#your code here

S3 licensed
Thats a good idea, why didnt i thought of that. Going to add it to our insim right now.
S3 licensed
A another guy advertising crack.

username: willianarmax

Please take that website down.
S3 licensed
Here's a small Test Progress.

WriteLine() and Write() functions are indeed bugged when it tries to detect ^s or or other special characters. So i have replaced that code with the code from version to continue testing.

I have created a small testcode to see it detects a '^s'(/) or a '/'

CASE "!d":
#Test Texts
$Test_Text "[Text_01] This char: ^s , is a forward slash";
$Test_Text_Two "[Text_02] This char: / , is a forward slash";
$Original_Player GetPlayerVar($userName,"NickName");
$StrippedPlayer StripLFSColor($Original_Player);
#Chars to detect
$TestChar_One "^s";
$TestChar_Two "/";
            #STRING TESTING
privmsg("^3TEST STRINGS: Text_01 >> " .$Test_Text);
Contains($Test_Text,$TestChar_One) == 1THEN
("TEXT_One '^s' ^2detected");
privmsg("TEXT_One '^s' ^1Not detected");
Contains($Test_Text,$TestChar_Two) == 1THEN
("TEXT_Two '/' ^2detected");
privmsg("TEXT_Two '/' ^1Not detected");
privmsg("^3TEST STRINGS: Text_02 >> ".$Test_Text_Two);
Contains($Test_Text_Two,$TestChar_One) == 1THEN
("TEXT_One '^s' ^2detected");
privmsg("TEXT_One '^s' ^1Not detected");
Contains($Test_Text_Two,$TestChar_Two) == 1THEN
("TEXT_Two '/' ^2detected");
privmsg("TEXT_Two '/' ^1Not detected");
privmsg("^3TEST PLAYERNAME: ORIGNAL >> ".$Original_Player);
Contains($Original_Player,$TestChar_One) == 1THEN
("Original PlayerName: '^s' ^2detected");
privmsg("Original PlayerName: '^s' ^1Not detected");
Contains($Original_Player,$TestChar_Two) == 1THEN
("Original PlayerName: '/' ^2detected");
privmsg("Orignal PlayerName: '/' ^1Not detected");
privmsg("^3TEST PLAYERNAME: STRIPPED >> ".$StrippedPlayer);
Contains($StrippedPlayer,$TestChar_One) == 1THEN
("Stripped PlayerName: '^s' ^2detected");
privmsg("Stripped PlayerName: '^s' ^1Not detected");
Contains($StrippedPlayer,$TestChar_Two) == 1THEN
("Stripped PlayerName: '/' ^2detected");
privmsg("Stripped PlayerName: '/' ^1Not detected");

In some cases it detects a / and not a ^s.

@ Yisc[NL]
Maybe worth a shot to change the $class_indicator from "^s" to "/";

In the attachments you see a screenshot of your hcs.lpr debugmessages. I think one of the last 2 debugmessages seems to be wrong.

You also find a new LFSLapper.exe
WARNING: This is version but with the old WriteLine() and Write() function from version
S3 licensed
i might ask some stupid questions, but i try to gather much info as possible. To get a proper testresult

-How should the nicknames look like?

-Is it possible to post the failing strings. And give some examples how they should be displayed?

S3 licensed
It seems that only the console is having this bug.

I might think where this is coming from.

in version V7.0.5.0 i have edited/updated the Write/WriteLine functions.

Since then, its possible to add colortags into your textstring. But now it seems that the other special characters doesnt work anymore.

I gonna look into this, but i can't tell when.

S3 licensed
ye sure, maybe its something simple to solve. Or its something deeper.
S3 licensed
uhm weird indeed.
You could give some examplecodes you tried set/get values to/from the database?

The testcode i'm generating works fine. Or i test it in a wrong way.

CASE "!tt":
IF ( 
UserIsAdmin$userName ) == )

("Priv: This is a forward slash ^s");
GlobalMsg("Global: This is a forward slash ^s");
SetStoredValue("TestVarString","This is a forward slash ^s");
privmsg("GetstoredValue: ".GetStoredValue("TestVarString"));
SetUserStoredValue($userName,"UserTestVarString","This is a forward slash ^s");
privmsg("GetUserStoredValue: ".GetUserStoredValue($userName,"UserTestVarString"));
