1: New PlayerVar: "Fuel" Display the fuel amount in percent "%" After player left the pit.
IF /showfuel=yes ELSE value = -1
2: New PlayerVar: "PitFuel" Display the fuel amount in percent "%" that is being add during a pitstop.
IF /showfuel=yes ELSE value = -1
|Changes from to Beta #11
1: New PlayerVar: "CarConfig"
// Configuration (Config byte)
// UF1 / LX4 / LX6 : 0 = DEFAULT / 1 = OPEN ROOF
// XRR / FZR : 0 = DEFAULT / 1 = DRIFT / RX
// FXR : 0 = DEFAULT / 1 = RX
2: New PlayerVar: "FrontWheelAdj" When Alternate setup config has been chosen.
Tyre width reduction (front)
3: New PlayerVar: "RearWheelAdj" When Alternate setup config has been chosen.
Tyre width reduction (rear)
4: New event: OnBlueFlag();
$userName = Player were the blueflag is ment for
$userNameBehind = faster Player behind $userName
$Time = Time of flag
5: New event: OnYellowFlag();
$userName = Player that is causing the yellowflag
$State = Yellowflag 1 or 0 (on/off)
$Time = Time of flag
6: New PlayerVar: "Fuel" Display the fuel amount in percent "%" After player left the pit.
IF /showfuel=yes ELSE value = -1
7: New PlayerVar: "PitFuel" Display the fuel amount in percent "%" that is being add during a pitstop.
IF /showfuel=yes ELSE value = -1
1: Maxlaptime that will be stored to the database have been increased from 30 to 90 minutes, for really long layouts.
2: [TEST] Record ID of Grip/Drift Database will now be shown in DumpVar(); for certain Car/track requests.
$list = GetListTop( getConfigVar( DefaultTopCar ), 0, 0 );
IF ( getConfigVar( DefaultTopCar ) == "XFG" )
dumpVar ( $list );
3: PlayerVar: "Fuel" : remaining fuel percent "%", will set when acrossing a split or completing a lap.
4: [Discord] Set multiple channels for sending texts to LFSLapper:
-open MyInc.LPR
You are allowed to set 5 channels, seperate them with a comma ",". see example below.
-$DiscordChannelReceive = "0000000000,0000000000,0000000000";
5: [Discord] Changed $DiscordUName to $UName.
6: [Discord] Added $UNameID into OnReceiveDiscordMessage():
7: [Discord] Event OnReceiveDiscordMessage()
-Number of arguments has been changed: OnReceiveDiscordMessage($ChannelID,$ChannelName,$UNameID,$UName,$Text)
1: Wrong amount of arguments send to Event: OnPlayerSelectCar
2: Performance issues due to windows updates.
Removed some functions: Thread.Sleep(); this functions seems to malfunction on some PC's
3: Lappercrash when clicking on one of the layouts in the layoutlist.
4: Layoutlist didnt load the layout files properly into the list.
5: Lappercrash when a player using the JoinRequest function while being retired on the track.
1: Event OnPlayerFlags();
|Changes from to | fixes/changes
1: PlayerVar($userName,"Z"): Z-axis has now 2 decimals xx.yy
2: PlayerVar($userName,"Heading"); Heading values changed ((0 - 180 degrees) & (0 - -179) degrees) instead of 0-359 degrees
3: Message ingame when LFSLapper has been connected after (re)loading.
Handy when your LFSlapper instance is running like a service instead of an app for hosting services.
1: JoinRequest(): Did not retreive the correct height from the player.
2: JoinRequest(): Cars heading not proper calculated.
|Changes from to | Discord feature Update/Fix
1: New function: SendDiscordEmbed(); #Create and send Discord Embed
#DiscordChannel to receive this embed.
$Channel = "";
#Set Title/Description and color of the discord embed
$Title = "Embed Title";
$Desc = "Embed Description";
#Prefix must contain '0x' Followed by 6 chars 0-9 and A-F
$Color = "0xFF0000"; #RED
#Field Values
## Use %nf% to create a new field. (Add %nf% to $FieldValue and $FieldInline aswell) ##
$FieldTitle = "Field_01 Title"; #Title of the Field
$FieldValue = "Field_01 Value"; #Value of the Field
$FieldInline = "True"; #Use 'True' or 'False' to set Inline Fields.
#Use %nf% to add a footer image URL !! Not an local(pc) image.
$Footer = "LFSLapper Footer: ".GetLapperVar("ShortTime");
#Small Image URL on the right side of the Embed box.
$ThumbnailUrl = "";
#The Entire EmbedBox will fit to the same size as the ImageUrl.
$ImageUrl = "";
#Function to send Discord Embed
1: Couldn't use '\n' in discord messages
|Changes from to Beta #1 |
- A Discordbot must be created to communicate between LFSLapper and Discord.
- In 'bin/default/includes/myInc.LPR' you can enter the 'DiscordToken' and the 'Discordchannel' to receive the messages from.
- Link to create a discordbot: https://github.com/reactiflux/discord-irc/wiki/Creating-a-discord-bot-&-getting-a-token
- Set DeveloperMode in your discordsettings to "ON' to copy the channel ID ( rightclick on the channel)
1: New function: SendDiscordEmbed(); #Create and send Discord Embed
1: Couldn't use '\n' in discord messages
#DiscordChannel to receive this embed.
$Channel = "";
#Set Title/Description and color of the discord embed
$Title = "Embed Title";
$Desc = "Embed Description";
#Prefix must contain '0x' Followed by 6 chars 0-9 and A-F
$Color = "0xFF0000"; #RED
#Field Values
## Use %nf% to create a new field. (Add %nf% to $FieldValue and $FieldInline aswell) ##
$FieldTitle = "Field_01 Title"; #Title of the Field
$FieldValue = "Field_01 Value"; #Value of the Field
$FieldInline = "True"; #Use 'True' or 'False' to set Inline Fields.
#Use %nf% to add a footer image URL !! Not an local(pc) image.
$Footer = "LFSLapper Footer: ".GetLapperVar("ShortTime");
#Small Image URL on the right side of the Embed box.
$ThumbnailUrl = "";
#The Entire EmbedBox will fit to the same size as the ImageUrl.
$ImageUrl = "";
#Function to send Discord Embed
CASE "!embed":
#DiscordChannel to receive this embed.
$Channel = "";
#Set Title/Description and color of the discord embed
$Title = "LFSLapper Embed Title";
$Desc = "Embed Description";
#Prefix must contain '0x' Followed by 6 chars 0-9 and A-F
$Color = "0xFF0000"; #RED
#Field Values
## Use %nf% to create a new field. (Add %nf% to $FieldValue and $FieldInline aswell) ##
$FieldTitle =
"Field_01 Title"
."%nf%Field_02 Title"
."%nf%Field_03 Title"
."%nf%Field_04 Title";
$FieldValue =
"*Field_01 Value*\n*Field_01 Value*"
."%nf%Field_02 Value"
."%nf%```New BlockLine_01\nNew BlockLine_02\nNew BlockLine_03\nNew BlockLine_04\nNew BlockLine_05\nNew BlockLine_06\nNew BlockLine_07```"
."%nf%**Field_04 Value**\n**Field_04 Value**\n**Field_04 Value**\n**Field_04 Value**";
$FieldInline = "True%nf%True%nf%False%nf%False";
#Use %nf% to add a footer image URL !! Not an local(pc) image.
$Footer = "LFSLapper Footer: ".GetLapperVar("ShortTime")." %nf% https://velocitymsports.com/home/vmlogo.png ";
#Small Image URL on the right side of the Embed box.
$ThumbnailUrl = "https://velocitymsports.com/home/vmlogo.png";
#The Entire EmbedBox will fit to the same size as the ImageUrl.
$ImageUrl = "";
#Function to send Discord Embed
|Changes from to |
1: New function: PlayerDelayedcommand(); #Start delayedcommand for a specific player
$UserName = "Bass-Driver";
$NameOfDelay = "CloseButton";
$DelayInSeconds = 3;
$SubCallBack = "ThisSub";
2: New function: RemovePlayerDelayedCommand(); #Remove delayedcommand for a specific player
$UserName = "Bass-Driver";
$NameOfDelay = "CloseButton";
3: New function: RegisterPlayerDetection(); #Detect player within a fieldofview and distance.
#$userName = Set Player for the detector
$userName = "Bass-Driver"; #The Detector is now enabled for Bass-Driver
#$FieldOfView = Set range of the view to detect players. (degrees)
$FieldOfView = 30; #view will be 0 to 30 and 0 to -30
#$Distance = Max distance of detection (Meters)
$Distance = 25;
#$NameofSubDetected = Execute Subcallback when 1 or more players are detected.
$NameofSubDetected = "PlayerDetected";
#Sub callback
#If there are multiple players in the field of view, $detectedPlayer outputs Player1+Player2+......
#This means you have to split the string into seperated players.
Sub PlayerDetected($userName,$DetectedPlayer)
OpenButton( $userName, "PlayerName",170,115,30,5,2,5,96, "^3Player: ^7".GetPlayerVar($DetectedPlayer,"NickName"));
OpenButton( $userName, "Speed",170,120,30,5,2,5,96, "^3Speed: ^7".GetPlayerVar($DetectedPlayer,"InstantSpeed")." km/h");
OpenButton( $userName, "Distance",170,125,30,5,2,5,96, "^3Heading: ^7".GetPlayerVar($DetectedPlayer,"Heading"));
4: New Function: SetCarHandicap();
#This function applies handicap to all drivers using a particular car model
$Car = "XRT";
$H_Mass = 100; CarMass 0 - 200 in KG
$H_Tres = 10; Car AirIntake in %
5: New Event :
- This event will be executed when someone sends a discord message to LFSLapper.
- A Discordbot must be created to communicate between LFSLapper and Discord.
- In 'bin/default/includes/myInc.LPR' you can enter the 'DiscordToken' and the 'Discordchannel' to receive the messages from.
- Link to create a discordbot: https://github.com/reactiflux/discord-irc/wiki/Creating-a-discord-bot-&-getting-a-token
- Set DeveloperMode in your discordsettings to "ON' to copy the channel ID ( rightclick on the channel)
Event OnReceiveDiscordMessage($DiscordUname,$Text) # Player event
#Your code
#This function sends messages to your selected discordchannel.
#The discordbot must be connected while using this function
6: New Function: sendmessagetodiscord();
$DiscordChannel = "000000000000000000";
$Message = "Hello";
7: New setconfigvar() value: "DiscordBotStatus"
setconfigvar("DiscordBotStatus",$argv); #change the status of the discordbot
8: New Playervar: 'CurrLap' GetPlayerVar($userName,"CurrLap");
retreive players current lap.
1:Hostname now visible when lapper succesfully connected to a server.
2:New errormessages to MSS file before Lapper starting (faulty adminpass)
3:Realtime driftscore refreshrate is set to 5 times a second instead of 10.
4:NumtoMSH(); returns values in HH:mm.ss format, was HH.mm.ss before.
5:Event oncrossingchecker: returns now which insim checkpoint you crossed.
Checkpoint >>
1st checkpoint
2nd checkpoint
3rd checkpoint
Finish line
6:Event oncrossingchecker: returns time in H:mm:ss format.
7:GetWr(); allows 1 parameter "CAR". Example below
CASE "!getwr":
IF($argv != "")THEN
$GetWRInfo = GetWR($argv);
$GetWRInfo = GetWR();
privmsg("^3WR Info:");
privmsg("^7Car: ^8".$GetWRInfo["CName"]);
privmsg("^7Track: ^8".$GetWRInfo["Track"]);
privmsg("^7Racer: ^8". $GetWRInfo["racerName"]);
privmsg("^7Time: ^8".NumToMSH($GetWRInfo["WRTime"]));
privmsg("^7Sp1: ^8".NumToMSH($GetWRInfo["Split1"]));
privmsg("^7Sp2: ^8".NumToMSH($GetWRInfo["Split2"]));
privmsg("^7Sp3: ^8".NumToMSH($GetWRInfo["Split3"]));
privmsg("^7Last: ^8".NumToMSH($GetWRInfo["SectorLast"]));
8:GetWR(); Added 2 new values: Date & Time. Date/Time of WR
9: Reduced IS_BTN Packetsize with 16 Bytes
10: Reduced IS_MTC Packetsize with 8 Bytes
11: Event: OnPlayerFlags
Changed Variables: Event OnPlayerFlags($userName,$YellowFlag,$BlueFlag,$Value,$Time) # Player event
-Removed Lag Variable : it spammed the event alot in certain cases.
#Explaination of '$Value'
When $YellowFlag = 1
$Value : 1 == $userName is causing a Yellowflag
$Value : 0 == Clear
When $BlueFlag = 1
$Value : username == Faster Driver (username) is behind $userName
$Value : 0 == Faster Driver (username) overtook $userName
1: WriteLine() :Lapper crash when try to convert special LFS characters
2: Write() :Lapper crash when try to convert special LFS characters
3: LFSLapper.LPR : one of the debugoption turned on
4: LFSLapper.LPR : debugmessages
5: No returning value when accidently applying NumtoMSH(); twice
6: Changed hardcoded visible records in Toplist/UserTop/Drifttop from 24 to 10000
7: Linux/mono users couldnt start Lapper on their computer
8: GetWR(); Couldnt get RO11 WRtime
9: Lappercrash when running 2 lapper instances with the same remoteport.
10: Lappercrash on Joinrequest() when Playerheight is lower than 0.
11: Returning Webrequests didnt execute.