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S3 licensed
Hello Yisc[NL] ,

Give this a try.

Attachment contains only the .exe.
Grab the LFSLapper dir from the first post if you dont have it yet.

Note: New beta version in first post.
Last edited by Bass-Driver, .
S3 licensed
New Betaversion released:

Requires LFS 0.6U21 to test it properly.
Grab the new version in the first post.


1: New PlayerVar: "Fuel" Display the fuel amount in percent "%" After player left the pit.
IF /showfuel=yes ELSE value = -1

2: New PlayerVar: "PitFuel" Display the fuel amount in percent "%" that is being add during a pitstop.
IF /showfuel=yes ELSE value = -1

Last edited by Bass-Driver, .
Beta: LFSLapper V7.0.7.3 #11
S3 licensed
Hello Lapperusers,

Here is a small Beta update for the upcoming version.

NOTE #1, The events in LFSLapper.lpr has been changed.
NOTE #2, LFS 0.6V is required

See the summary of changes below.

|Changes from to Beta #11

1: New PlayerVar: "CarConfig"
// Configuration (Config byte)
// UF1 / LX4 / LX6 : 0 = DEFAULT / 1 = OPEN ROOF
// XRR / FZR : 0 = DEFAULT / 1 = DRIFT / RX
// FXR : 0 = DEFAULT / 1 = RX

2: New PlayerVar: "FrontWheelAdj" When Alternate setup config has been chosen.
Tyre width reduction (front)

3: New PlayerVar: "RearWheelAdj" When Alternate setup config has been chosen.
Tyre width reduction (rear)

4: New event: OnBlueFlag();
$userName = Player were the blueflag is ment for
$userNameBehind = faster Player behind $userName
$Time = Time of flag

5: New event: OnYellowFlag();
$userName = Player that is causing the yellowflag
$State = Yellowflag 1 or 0 (on/off)
$Time = Time of flag

6: New PlayerVar: "Fuel" Display the fuel amount in percent "%" After player left the pit.
IF /showfuel=yes ELSE value = -1
7: New PlayerVar: "PitFuel" Display the fuel amount in percent "%" that is being add during a pitstop.
IF /showfuel=yes ELSE value = -1

1: Maxlaptime that will be stored to the database have been increased from 30 to 90 minutes, for really long layouts.

2: [TEST] Record ID of Grip/Drift Database will now be shown in DumpVar(); for certain Car/track requests.
$list = GetListTop( getConfigVar( DefaultTopCar ), 0, 0 );
IF ( getConfigVar( DefaultTopCar ) == "XFG" )
dumpVar ( $list );

3: PlayerVar: "Fuel" : remaining fuel percent "%", will set when acrossing a split or completing a lap.

4: [Discord] Set multiple channels for sending texts to LFSLapper:
-open MyInc.LPR

You are allowed to set 5 channels, seperate them with a comma ",". see example below.
-$DiscordChannelReceive = "0000000000,0000000000,0000000000";

5: [Discord] Changed $DiscordUName to $UName.

6: [Discord] Added $UNameID into OnReceiveDiscordMessage():

7: [Discord] Event OnReceiveDiscordMessage()
-Number of arguments has been changed: OnReceiveDiscordMessage($ChannelID,$ChannelName,$UNameID,$UName,$Text)


1: Wrong amount of arguments send to Event: OnPlayerSelectCar
2: Performance issues due to windows updates.
Removed some functions: Thread.Sleep(); this functions seems to malfunction on some PC's
3: Lappercrash when clicking on one of the layouts in the layoutlist.
4: Layoutlist didnt load the layout files properly into the list.
5: Lappercrash when a player using the JoinRequest function while being retired on the track.

1: Event OnPlayerFlags();

Last edited by Bass-Driver, .
S3 licensed
Ok i fixed it.

I had 'Streamlabs OBS' running. That App causes the crash.

Sorry for creating a topic.
LFS Crash when switching from 3D(VR) to 2D [SOLVED]
S3 licensed
LFS version: 0.6U (no testpatch)

Faulting application name: LFS.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x5c89394b
Faulting module name: graphics-hook32.dll, version:, time stamp: 0x5f7c21b8
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x0000502b
Faulting process id: 0x54d8
Faulting application start time: 0x01d6fcc4f4c75481
Faulting application path: C:\LFS\LFS.exe
Faulting module path: C:\ProgramData\obs-studio-hook\graphics-hook32.dll
Report Id: 649a9898-0bfb-4e3f-b6a1-5e7212c51ed1
Faulting package full name:
Faulting package-relative application ID:
S3 licensed
Hi Yisc,

It doesnt open the GUI for some reason.

Not even working on closed track configs.

I've set the number of splits with: !cfgsplits.
It does say 'Open configuation detected' with the amount of splits, but it doesnt open the GUI.

Also tried !pbstart. But that doesnt seem to work aswell except for the message.

Do i miss a step in this process?

Pitboard V2.13.

Thank you
S3 licensed
Here is a small explaination about the laptimes.

The Maximum laptime that is recorded to the database was 5 minutes, before V7.0.4.6.
I changed that to 30 minutes due to a request of Sinanju, because he made layouts that took longer than 5 minutes. I cannot find that topic anymore.

For P V L, i changed that parameter to 90 minutes, which is he testing now.

But i believe with the current database code, it cannot go higher than 60 minutes. Due to some Time format limitations.
For laptimes above 60 minutes, it requires a time format( change inside the database, as i can see at the code. I'm not gonna do that. That takes a lot of time/work. And makes all previous lappers imcompatible.

Honestly, i never drove a lap that was longer than 30 minutes. So these are rare laptimes.

Other option i told PVL is custom timing. Just set a starttime and endtime/splittime with GetlapperVar("RaceTime"), and calculate the time between them. Those times can be stored in the userstored database or inside a textfile.

EDIT: i'm talking about laptimes on layouts.
EDIT #2: 90 min laptime with the current lapper code works like a sharm.

Last edited by Bass-Driver, .
S3 licensed
Thank you,

There is a current limit of 1 receiving channel: Discordchannel > LFSLapper. Not sure why you need more.

Not the less, it requires a rewrite and will make the current Lapper event (OnReceiveDiscordMessage) and some other variables not compatible with older Lapper versions. I do not want make changes that aren't compatible that fast between Lapperversions.

I will consider this change, if there are more requests.

Don't know how many players using this Discord function right now.
I whould like to see their Lapper projects.
S3 licensed
no, its hardcoded.
but its text is grey and displays the current Lapper version, so not very noticable.
Release: LFSLapper V7.0.7.2
S3 licensed
Hello LFSLapper users,

Few days ago i've got a report about a not properly working joinrequest() function.
The direction of the car and the height wasn't the same of the current car position.

See the summary of the fixes/changes below:

|Changes from to | fixes/changes



1: PlayerVar($userName,"Z"): Z-axis has now 2 decimals xx.yy
2: PlayerVar($userName,"Heading"); Heading values changed ((0 - 180 degrees) & (0 - -179) degrees) instead of 0-359 degrees
3: Message ingame when LFSLapper has been connected after (re)loading.
Handy when your LFSlapper instance is running like a service instead of an app for hosting services.


1: JoinRequest(): Did not retreive the correct height from the player.
2: JoinRequest(): Cars heading not proper calculated.

Last edited by Bass-Driver, .
Velocity Motorsports
S3 licensed

Its time to introduce Velocity Motorsports after driving around in LFS for almost a couple of years.

Velocity Motorsports is a casual all-around simracing team founded 2/2/2019 by Dlocky (finland69) and Dutchshdw (Bass-Driver).

The Team at first was supposed to be for a few friends who wanted to drive and enjoy the game together,
but during the last year it has been growing more than any of us expected.
It have led us into starting new different servers, frequently updating our LFSLapper scripts and in general, being more active in LFS.

Instead of being the most competitive team out there, our main goal is to deliver friendly and easily accessible servers
for everyone to enjoy. We are not expecting our members to be the fastest/best drivers out there, but having friendly and mature attitude in any situations. We are active in several disciplines like Race/Drift/Cruise and you may see VM tags in any kind of Live For Speed Servers.

All our servers are powered by LFSLapper.


VM.Dlocky ( finland69 )
VM.DutchShdw ( Bass-Driver )


VM.Khaos ( Khaos453 )
VM.M7mD ( M7mD1467 )


VM.Gytis ( duokzaiba )
VM.Carlz ( [CYP]Karlikcz )
VM.Ricky ( RichRicky )
VM.K3s ( khaledalshihry )
VM.aBo_KrooM ( abo-kroom )
VM.Tzu ( notraii )
VM.Niko ( twit )
VM.swf ( driloniloni110 )
VM.Thunder ( inacio_block)
VM.DejaVu ( laurynas683 )
VM.Deaky ( Vertti7 )
VM.F16 ( batya123 )
VM.DEEMz ( deemz167 )
VM.KeepTryin ( kr4d3c7f2 )
VM.Minve ( ka darai )
VM.January ( J-- )
VM.Error ( blackmafia. )
VM.Triple ( Triple1 )
VM.Juanma ( jbntz )



Velocity Motorsports Website

Velocity Motorsports Discord

Last edited by Bass-Driver, .
Release: LFSLapper V7.0.7.1 (New Discord Feature)
S3 licensed
Hello everyone.
Here a small LFSLapper update with a new Discord feature.

|Changes from to | Discord feature Update/Fix

1: New function: SendDiscordEmbed(); #Create and send Discord Embed

#DiscordChannel to receive this embed.
$Channel = "";

#Set Title/Description and color of the discord embed
$Title = "Embed Title";
$Desc = "Embed Description";

#Prefix must contain '0x' Followed by 6 chars 0-9 and A-F
$Color = "0xFF0000"; #RED

#Field Values
## Use %nf% to create a new field. (Add %nf% to $FieldValue and $FieldInline aswell) ##
$FieldTitle = "Field_01 Title"; #Title of the Field
$FieldValue = "Field_01 Value"; #Value of the Field
$FieldInline = "True"; #Use 'True' or 'False' to set Inline Fields.

#Use %nf% to add a footer image URL !! Not an local(pc) image.
$Footer = "LFSLapper Footer: ".GetLapperVar("ShortTime");

#Small Image URL on the right side of the Embed box.
$ThumbnailUrl = "";

#The Entire EmbedBox will fit to the same size as the ImageUrl.
$ImageUrl = "";

#Function to send Discord Embed


1: Couldn't use '\n' in discord messages

Last edited by Bass-Driver, .
S3 licensed
Thanks for your request,
Its a nice addition to the current Lapper discord system.

I think it could use the same system as what Insim is using:
Ignore messages/command with a '!' prefix.
In Discord it should delete your message.

This could take a while to find out how it exacly works, and how code it properly, if possible. I might look into that in the future, but its not a must have for now.
S3 licensed
Thanks for testing.
its a mistake on my end.
I haven't explained it in the changelog.
S3 licensed
Thanks for the report, will look into it.
I'm also not a programmer. Just doing this for fun. Google is your friend Razz

Edit: Could you create a message within the sub


I think with multiple players within the field of view it should look like this

i haven't tested this in a while (since Sun 3 Mar 2019), and i didn't get any feedback from it, so before changing any code i want to know what happends.
Last edited by Bass-Driver, .
S3 licensed
New betaversion:

This contains some fixes when some variables are empty.

Download the LFSLapper directory from the first post and grab the .exe from this post.
S3 licensed
Thank you,

Please let me know if everything works, so i can build the official version of LFSLapper.
Beta: LFSLapper V7.0.7.1 (New Discord Feature)
S3 licensed
Hello Lapper users.

I've been working on a new discord feature for LFSLapper.
Feature is been called Discord Embed. You can create multiple messages within a single messagebox.

New betaversion: (Only.exe)
This contains some fixes when some variables are empty.
Download the LFSLapper directory from the first post and grab the .exe from this post.

|Changes from to Beta #1 |

- A Discordbot must be created to communicate between LFSLapper and Discord.
- In 'bin/default/includes/myInc.LPR' you can enter the 'DiscordToken' and the 'Discordchannel' to receive the messages from.
- Link to create a discordbot:
- Set DeveloperMode in your discordsettings to "ON' to copy the channel ID ( rightclick on the channel)

1: New function: SendDiscordEmbed(); #Create and send Discord Embed


1: Couldn't use '\n' in discord messages

Check for the variables and function below:

#DiscordChannel to receive this embed.
$Channel     "";
#Set Title/Description and color of the discord embed    
$Title         "Embed Title";
$Desc          "Embed Description";
#Prefix must contain '0x' Followed by 6 chars 0-9 and A-F
$Color         "0xFF0000"#RED

        #Field Values
        ## Use %nf% to create a new field. (Add %nf% to $FieldValue and $FieldInline aswell) ##
$FieldTitle "Field_01 Title";    #Title of the Field     
$FieldValue "Field_01 Value"#Value of the Field
$FieldInline "True";             #Use 'True' or 'False' to set Inline Fields. 
        #Use %nf% to add a footer image URL !! Not an local(pc) image. 
$Footer "LFSLapper Footer: ".GetLapperVar("ShortTime");
#Small Image URL on the right side of the Embed box.
$ThumbnailUrl "";
#The Entire EmbedBox will fit to the same size as the ImageUrl. 
$ImageUrl "";
#Function to send Discord Embed 

Code Example of the Attached Image.

CASE "!embed":
#DiscordChannel to receive this embed.
$Channel     "";
#Set Title/Description and color of the discord embed
$Title         "LFSLapper Embed Title";
$Desc          "Embed Description";
#Prefix must contain '0x' Followed by 6 chars 0-9 and A-F
$Color         "0xFF0000"#RED

            #Field Values
            ## Use %nf% to create a new field. (Add %nf% to $FieldValue and $FieldInline aswell) ##
"Field_01 Title"
."%nf%Field_02 Title"
."%nf%Field_03 Title"
."%nf%Field_04 Title";
"*Field_01 Value*\n*Field_01 Value*"
."%nf%Field_02 Value"
."%nf%```New BlockLine_01\nNew BlockLine_02\nNew BlockLine_03\nNew BlockLine_04\nNew BlockLine_05\nNew BlockLine_06\nNew BlockLine_07```"
."%nf%**Field_04 Value**\n**Field_04 Value**\n**Field_04 Value**\n**Field_04 Value**";
$FieldInline "True%nf%True%nf%False%nf%False"
#Use %nf% to add a footer image URL !! Not an local(pc) image. 
$Footer "LFSLapper Footer: ".GetLapperVar("ShortTime")." %nf% ";
#Small Image URL on the right side of the Embed box.
$ThumbnailUrl "";
#The Entire EmbedBox will fit to the same size as the ImageUrl. 
$ImageUrl "";
#Function to send Discord Embed 

Last edited by Bass-Driver, .
S3 licensed
Working on a new discord feature aswell.

S3 licensed
I have found a fix for this and will be available in the next "small" lapper update.
Release: LFSLapper V7.0.7.0
S3 licensed
Hello everyone,

It has been a while, but it's finally here. The official release of the new LFSLapper version.

This will be probably the last version of LFSLapper i'll release.
My apologies for the stuff that still isn't working or i didn't fix the last couple of releases.

Note: Event OnPlayerFlags has been changed. See the changelog

|Changes from to |
1: New function: PlayerDelayedcommand(); #Start delayedcommand for a specific player

$UserName = "Bass-Driver";
$NameOfDelay = "CloseButton";
$DelayInSeconds = 3;
$SubCallBack = "ThisSub";


2: New function: RemovePlayerDelayedCommand(); #Remove delayedcommand for a specific player

$UserName = "Bass-Driver";
$NameOfDelay = "CloseButton";


3: New function: RegisterPlayerDetection(); #Detect player within a fieldofview and distance.

#$userName = Set Player for the detector
$userName = "Bass-Driver"; #The Detector is now enabled for Bass-Driver

#$FieldOfView = Set range of the view to detect players. (degrees)
$FieldOfView = 30; #view will be 0 to 30 and 0 to -30

#$Distance = Max distance of detection (Meters)
$Distance = 25;

#$NameofSubDetected = Execute Subcallback when 1 or more players are detected.
$NameofSubDetected = "PlayerDetected";


#Sub callback

#If there are multiple players in the field of view, $detectedPlayer outputs Player1+Player2+......
#This means you have to split the string into seperated players.

Sub PlayerDetected($userName,$DetectedPlayer)
OpenButton( $userName, "PlayerName",170,115,30,5,2,5,96, "^3Player: ^7".GetPlayerVar($DetectedPlayer,"NickName"));
OpenButton( $userName, "Speed",170,120,30,5,2,5,96, "^3Speed: ^7".GetPlayerVar($DetectedPlayer,"InstantSpeed")." km/h");
OpenButton( $userName, "Distance",170,125,30,5,2,5,96, "^3Heading: ^7".GetPlayerVar($DetectedPlayer,"Heading"));

4: New Function: SetCarHandicap();
#This function applies handicap to all drivers using a particular car model
$Car = "XRT";
$H_Mass = 100; CarMass 0 - 200 in KG
$H_Tres = 10; Car AirIntake in %


5: New Event :

- This event will be executed when someone sends a discord message to LFSLapper.
- A Discordbot must be created to communicate between LFSLapper and Discord.
- In 'bin/default/includes/myInc.LPR' you can enter the 'DiscordToken' and the 'Discordchannel' to receive the messages from.
- Link to create a discordbot:
- Set DeveloperMode in your discordsettings to "ON' to copy the channel ID ( rightclick on the channel)

Event OnReceiveDiscordMessage($DiscordUname,$Text) # Player event
#Your code

#This function sends messages to your selected discordchannel.
#The discordbot must be connected while using this function

6: New Function: sendmessagetodiscord();
$DiscordChannel = "000000000000000000";
$Message = "Hello";

7: New setconfigvar() value: "DiscordBotStatus"
setconfigvar("DiscordBotStatus",$argv); #change the status of the discordbot

8: New Playervar: 'CurrLap' GetPlayerVar($userName,"CurrLap");
retreive players current lap.

1:Hostname now visible when lapper succesfully connected to a server.
2:New errormessages to MSS file before Lapper starting (faulty adminpass)
3:Realtime driftscore refreshrate is set to 5 times a second instead of 10.
4:NumtoMSH(); returns values in format, was before.
5:Event oncrossingchecker: returns now which insim checkpoint you crossed.
Checkpoint >>
1st checkpoint
2nd checkpoint
3rd checkpoint
Finish line

6:Event oncrossingchecker: returns time in H:mm:ss format.
7:GetWr(); allows 1 parameter "CAR". Example below
CASE "!getwr":
IF($argv != "")THEN
$GetWRInfo = GetWR($argv);
$GetWRInfo = GetWR();
privmsg("^3WR Info:");
privmsg("^7Car: ^8".$GetWRInfo["CName"]);
privmsg("^7Track: ^8".$GetWRInfo["Track"]);
privmsg("^7Racer: ^8". $GetWRInfo["racerName"]);
privmsg("^7Time: ^8".NumToMSH($GetWRInfo["WRTime"]));
privmsg("^7Sp1: ^8".NumToMSH($GetWRInfo["Split1"]));
privmsg("^7Sp2: ^8".NumToMSH($GetWRInfo["Split2"]));
privmsg("^7Sp3: ^8".NumToMSH($GetWRInfo["Split3"]));
privmsg("^7Last: ^8".NumToMSH($GetWRInfo["SectorLast"]));
8:GetWR(); Added 2 new values: Date & Time. Date/Time of WR

9: Reduced IS_BTN Packetsize with 16 Bytes
10: Reduced IS_MTC Packetsize with 8 Bytes
11: Event: OnPlayerFlags

Changed Variables: Event OnPlayerFlags($userName,$YellowFlag,$BlueFlag,$Value,$Time) # Player event
-Removed Lag Variable : it spammed the event alot in certain cases.

#Explaination of '$Value'
When $YellowFlag = 1
$Value : 1 == $userName is causing a Yellowflag
$Value : 0 == Clear

When $BlueFlag = 1
$Value : username == Faster Driver (username) is behind $userName
$Value : 0 == Faster Driver (username) overtook $userName

1: WriteLine() :Lapper crash when try to convert special LFS characters
2: Write() :Lapper crash when try to convert special LFS characters
3: LFSLapper.LPR : one of the debugoption turned on
4: LFSLapper.LPR : debugmessages
5: No returning value when accidently applying NumtoMSH(); twice
6: Changed hardcoded visible records in Toplist/UserTop/Drifttop from 24 to 10000
7: Linux/mono users couldnt start Lapper on their computer
8: GetWR(); Couldnt get RO11 WRtime
9: Lappercrash when running 2 lapper instances with the same remoteport.
10: Lappercrash on Joinrequest() when Playerheight is lower than 0.
11: Returning Webrequests didnt execute.

Last edited by Bass-Driver, . Reason : Edited the changelog: RegisterPlayerDetection()
S3 licensed
Velocity Motorsports

S3 licensed
That feature doesnt exist yet.
Currently, you be able to sent 1 line at a time.

EDIT: Test sendmessagetodiscord("1234","hello \n hello");
Last edited by Bass-Driver, .
S3 licensed
its possible, but i'm not sure if it works.

EDIT: Doesn't work, the zones/nodes will be set after setting them in the 'Set Lines' menu.

-Open Drag_Global.LPR
-Go to line: 105 - 111

-Replace the '-' into a node number
So it should look like this:$PreStageLineNode = "-"; >>> $PreStageLineNode = "5"; (number of node)
-Save the file and restart lapper.

The rest of the Drag Addon is outdated, when it becomes to timings and lines etc/
Feel free to change the drag addon.
Last edited by Bass-Driver, .