In this thread you will find a list with functions that are available in LFSLapper.
Also there will be examplecodes available soon.
You can request more code examples in this subforum:
If you know something about LFSLapper and you have used one of these functions before. I want to ask you to send me some examplecodes that i can add in this thread.
#List of LFSLapper functions
- textprivbutton( "ButtonID","TEXT OF BUTTON" );
- textprivbuttonall();
- openprivtextbutton();
- opentextbutton();
- openglobalbutton();
- closeglobalbutton();
- openprivbutton();
- closeprivbutton();
- openbutton();
- closebutton();
Set/Get Playervars Goto tutorial
- getplayerinfo();
- setplayervar();
- getplayervar();
- setcurrentplayervar();
- getcurrentplayervar();
Get/Set database stored values
- setuserstoredvalue();
- setuserstorednum();
- getuserstoredvalue();
- getuserstorednum();
- setstoredvalue();
- getstoredvalue();
- getstorednum();
- deletestoredvalue();
- deleteuserstoredvalue();
Sending messages
- privmsg();
- globalmsg();
- #Race messages
- privrcm();
- globalrcm();
Delayed commands
- removeprivdelayedcommand();
- privdelayedcommand();
- removehostdelayedcommand();
- hostdelayedcommand();
- removedelayedcommand();
- delayedcommand();
Set/Remove Zone/Nodes
Sub will be executed when a player drives throught the Node/Zone you have set
- registernodeaction();
- removenodeaction();
- registerzoneaction();
- removezoneaction();
Timed actions
Sub will be executed after a amount of time that you have set
- registerscheduleaction();
- removescheduleaction();
- numtomsh();
- numtoms();
- mshtonum();
- tokph();
- tomph();
- toupper();
- tolower();
- sqrt();
Remove records from Database
- deletedriftrecords();
- deletelaptimerecords();
String Functions
- Insert();
- Contains();
- Remove();
- Replace();
- substr();
- trim();
- indexof();
- splittoarray();
- inarray();
- split();
- strformat();
- strlen();
#File Functions
#Create a file
CreateFile( $FileName, $Directory, $Action);
#Read File (Creates a array)
ReadFile( $FileName, $Directory, $Extension);
$LinesofFile = ReadFile( $FileName, $Directory, $Extension);
$NrOfLines = $LinesofFile["NumberOfLines"];
FOR ( $i = 0; $i < $NrOfLines ; $i = $i + 1)
$Lin = $LinesofFile[$i,"Line"];
#Delete File
DeleteFile( $Filename, $Directory, $BackupFolder, $Extension);
#Edit File
EditFile( $FileName, $Directory, $Text, $LineToEdit, $Extension);
#File Exist
IF ( FileExist( $Directory, $FileName, $Extension) == 1) THEN
#Your code when file exist
- currentplayerlfsworldpb();
- currentplayerlfsworldpbfrom();
- #TopTables
- getlisttopdrift();
- getlisttopuser();
- GetListTop();
- cleanspb();
- showspb();
- dstatsqual();
- dstats();
- #PlayerSettings
- myconfig();
- http();
- sort();
- moveusertogroup();
- getlistofusersgroup();
- usergroupfromfile();
- usergrouptofile();
- removeuserfromgroup();
- cleargroup();
- userisadmin();
- userisserveradmin();
- useringroup();
- getusergrippb();
- getuserdriftpb();
- showhand();
- lapperversion();
- stats();
- toplayerunit();
- langtranslate();
- langengine();
- forcerotation();
- termlapper();
- groupcmdlfs();
- cmdlfs();
- setlicense();
- setracegrid();
- requestreo();
- getlistofplayers();
- getlappervar();
- getconfigvar();
- setconfigvar();
- getlongtrackname();
- getlengthtrack();
- getgrouptrack();
- getexttrack();
- reload();
- crash();
- getlistoflang();
- getlistofplayerbuttons();
- striplfscolor();
- getwr();
- startlightcontrol(); #Control light of all autoX startlights or TrackStartlights
- joinrequest(); #(re)Spawn players
- allowedplayercars();
- round(); #Round Numbers
- tostring(); #Convert Var to a string
- tonum(); #Convert Var to a number
- not();
- unset();
- return();
- write(); #write line to console
- writeline(); #write newline to console
- dumpvar();
- arraycount();
- randomnum();
- isregexmatch();
- mod();
- isnum(); #check if value is a number
- addobject();
- removeobject();
- trackuserdistance();
- RegisterStreetAction();