Event OnCrossingChecker($userName,$Flags,$Time,$Object,$UserSpeed,$CircleIndex)
IF ($CountPlayers == 1) THEN
V1.07 (17-06-2017)
Add: Splittimes (only in timetable)
Add: RaceTimer
Update: SetStartMenu >> Save / load saved startpositions. (usefull for admins)
Update: TimeTable >> Minor design changes
Update: TimeTable >> Splittimes
Update: TimeTable >> Faster Timelist loading
Fix: TimeTable >> Was possible to choose page 0
Fix: Cleartimetable didnt work properly
Fix: Adminpanel >> Typo's
Fix: Multilap background didnt disappear when turning off Multilap in Adminmenu
Removed: TimeTable >> MaxSpeed
Sub loop()
openButton( $Var["value"], "button",175,124,25,5,5,2,96,"^7",Clickbutton);
Sub Clickbutton($KeyFlags,$id)
$Loop_On = 0;
$Players = GetListOfPlayers("U");
FOREACH( $Var IN $Players ) #For each player in the server
IF ( UserIsAdmin( $Var["value"] ) == 1 ) THEN
openButton( $Var["value"], "button",175,124,25,5,5,2,96,"");
#Event triggered when lapper start#
Event OnLapperStart()
Globalvar $Loop_On;
$Loop_On = 0;
#Command actions#
Event OnMSO( $userName, $text ) # Player event
$idxOfFirtsSpace = indexOf( $text, " ");
IF( $idxOfFirtsSpace == -1 ) THEN
$command = $text;
$argv = "";
$command = subStr( $text,0,$idxOfFirtsSpace );
$argv = trim( subStr( $text,$idxOfFirtsSpace ) );
SWITCH( $command )
CASE "!loopoff":
$Loop_On = 0;
$Racers = GetListOfPlayers("U");
FOREACH( $Var IN $Racers )
closeButton( $Var["value"], "speed");
CASE "!loopon":
$Loop_On = 1;
globalmsg("execute sub Set_Loop()");
Sub Set_Loop()
IF ($Loop_On == 1) THEN
$Racers = GetListOfPlayers("U");
FOREACH( $Var IN $Racers ) #For each player in the server
openButton( $Var["value"], "speed",175,124,25,5,5,2,96,"^7" . GetPlayerVar( $Var["value"], "InstantSpeed") . " " . GetPlayerVar( $Var["value"], "UnitSpeed")."^8 (".GetPlayerVar( $Var["value"], "Car").")");
DelayedCommand( 1, Set_Loop); #1 second delay
V1.06 (08-06-2017)
(Requests from Psoetaert):
Add: CarInspection: Lightcontrol for carbridge (ONLY for the inspector)(LightIndentifier = 10)
Add: Speedlimit zone detection (Circleindex 11 = SpeedZone IN) (Circleindex 12 = SpeedZone OUT)
Update: TimeTable: MaxSpeed Colomn
Update: Test clickbutton on name for future features.
Fix: Fixed Numbering TimeTable
Fix: TimeTable (Max Page limit) No more black pages
V1.05 (31-05-2017)
Add: Speedlimit zone detection ( requested for rallyevent)
Update: Penaltybar slightly bigger
Update: TimeTable >> Filter list by Car(s) Car01+Car02
Update: TimeTable >> Filter List by Username(s) UserName01+Username02
Fix: Several small fixes
V1.04 (30-05-2017)
Add: Change NickName in TimeTable
Update: Enable/Disable saving DNF/DNS to timetable
Update: TimeTable sorted in Ascending way
Update: TimeTable Player can select with page he want to be displayed (Click on pagenumber)
Fix: Penalty-reset doesnt work after start (Hitting objects after finishing)
Fix: Startlights hang when someone made a falsestart with penaltysystem enabled.
Main Features:
+Simple Helpmenu (Commands/Instructions to new players/Rules)
+Real Startposition/StartLights
+Color sectorbars to indicate if you are faster slower than your PM or BestTime
+YellowFlag system.
+Car Inspection (Incl Inspector(player), Player has to be set by admin)
+Advanced Adminmenu
+Penaltysystem ((ADMIN): set time for each object you have hit)
+MultiStage start system (Set Up to 6 stages on 1 circuit)
+MultiUser start (multiple drivers on 1 stage) (only for stage 1)
+List with stagewaiters
+MultiLap option
+Scheduled Messages (every 15 minutes)
+Team/EventLogo (Text) During event
+Custom Timings
+Virtual Co Driver
TODO List:
-Classfilter in TimeTable
-List with the fastest times for each stage/car combo.
-List with your PB of each stage/car combo.
-Info About run player in timetable by clicking on it.
-Switch between LFS Checkpoints/Custom Checkpoints (Adminpanel)
-Ignore StageTimes < time
-Theoratical Best time ( Combine all splits together)
-Driven Runs per stage/Layout
-Current Position in CarList.
-Control Startlights manually
-Simulating gate for closing/opening stages
-Deleting single time from Timetable
Event OnNewPlayerJoin( $userName ) # Player event
IF (GetPlayerVar($userName,"IPAdress") == "") THEN
cmdLFS("/kick ".$userName);