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ooh sh*t, i forgot to delete some code. About Insim_version 7: this is not the
insimversion that lapper is using. its just a var that i can request from the LFSversion packet.
Last edited by Bass-Driver, .
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I added 2 emtpy files: LapperVars and Lapper Functions. Here are a few examples.


Event OnObjectHit:

$DetectHitObject = ""; #To get objectstrings for detection look at docs/ObjectHit.txt

Event OnMaxCarResets

$MaxCarResets = 0;

Static vars that cannot be changed while lapper is running.

Lapper Functions :

privmsg("Your Text here"); # Send text to player
globalMsg("Text Here");#Send text to all players

Not sure if i'm taking over lapper, because sometimes its very hard to understand the lapper sourcecode. And as a non-programmer, it was/is a struggling to get the code working.

But it was/is very learnable and fun todo. I know a littlebit more about C#.

For example: To request InsimVersion 7.
To get data from the newest packets, lapper must request the latest insim version, version 7 in this case. I have changed the code many times. Also i have checked other library's how they request the insimversion. But lapper is completely differend.

i have sent Gai-Luron a PM, to take a look. but no response yet.
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Thx, have changed it.

Maybe a good idea, to make a doc with all the lapper vars and functions.
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Those Turn markers are already grouped: 'All_Markers'. Maybe i should rename it to 'All_TurnMarkers'


After some testing with the "Scenery objects" ( $DetectHitObject = "All_Objects").I have noticed that some objects are defined as Scenery Objects or as a normal AutoX objects, like cones for example.

You should get a message from all "AutoX objects" on the track.
Last edited by Bass-Driver, .
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Well,what i think, is that LFSLapper cannot find a Username from one of the AI's it crashed. I have add this issue in my Bugfix/Test/ToDo list.

Edit: New testversion ver 7002B:

Add: TrackSide_Objects to objectlist.txt
Change: All_Markers is now renamed to All_TurnMarkers
Fix: LFSLapper crash when hitting a AI car.
Last edited by Bass-Driver, .
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'scenery object' can be added.

I will test if LFSLapper gets data when hitting a Non-moving object on the track.
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Hi ,
This tool is very helpfull.

Whould you update this tool with the latest InsimPackets and version?
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Adding the packet is going very well.Thanks to Yisc[NL] for helping me.

This is the event for now that i created in LFSLapper.LPR.

Event OnCarContact($PlayerA,$PlayerB,$PlayerA_Speed,$PlayerB_Speed,$PlayerA_X,$PlayerB_X,$PlayerA_Y,$PlayerB_Y) # Player event

LFSLapper adding ISP_CON (Car Contact) packet
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Hi everyone,

I'm currently trying to add the 'CarContact' packet in LFSLapper.
This packet should work in Lapper because the packet is added in InsimVersion 5.

For testing i need someone who i can hit. So that i can check, if i get any data from the packet.

To be sure that i get the right data during tests. I run the app InsimSniffer. Thank you DarkTimes for the helpfull app. I hope he update it to the new InsimVersion.
Last edited by Bass-Driver, .
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its possible. ill add all specific concrete objects to the list

Edit: New version
[Add] 8 new objectstrings(concrete) for '$DetectHitObject'. See doc/ObjectHit.txt for info

Note: previous versions are deleted
Last edited by Bass-Driver, .
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Fixed: Values of $Object_X and $Object_Y
Update: $TypeOfObject changed to $ObjectType

@ sinanju:
That is how $ObjectFlag works.
Last edited by Bass-Driver, .
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$objectflag // Flag of object

OBH_LAYOUT, //1 // an added object
OBH_CAN_MOVE, //2 // a movable object
OBH_WAS_MOVING, //4 // was moving before this hit
OBH_ON_SPOT //8 // object in original position

Is it nessesary to have that Var? otherwise i delete it.

Edit: I have fixed the value of the $Object_X and $Object_Y.
It displays now a correct value, instead of a high unknown value.
Last edited by Bass-Driver, .
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Here's a new TestServer of LFSLapper.


ObjectHit Event:

-Added ObjectGroups for OBject Hit detection.

-Added Header Before Event in LFSLapper.LPR
-Added Z Coordinate
-Removed: 2 Player Vars:
GetCurrentPlayerVar("ObjectContactX") //X position of player
GetCurrentPlayerVar("ObjectContactY") //Y position of player

- Add: Textfile in "Doc" Folder with objectstrings for OnObjectCollision event
- Removed: DefaultFiles Directory
- Change: LFSLapper version
Last edited by Bass-Driver, .
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There are about 192 places for objects ( not all of them are used,because they are spare for objects Swawen will add in the future) but its still a big list.

All_Distmarkers does not incl the Turn Markers.
Turn Markers are All_Markers

Hit a another car is a another Insim Packet , which is not implemented in LFSLapper. I might do this after i finished the Object Hit.

I add those 2 groups you descriped.

Edit: Version Numbers

Good thought about the version numbering of LFSLapper

Dont know if the First number stand for the Insim Version.
Lets say it is.

I change the lapper version to 7.01.

My thoughts about changing LapperVersion number.

-For every codechange they should change the number with +1.
-For each testversion they should add a letter 7.01a
Last edited by Bass-Driver, .
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Thank you for testing.

-About the unitspeed: i havent add the code for displaying MPH. Will do in the next testversion:

-Good one about the Header

-I have download the latest version of LFSlapper, that folder is incl the Defaultfiles directory. Will get rid of it.

-I'm still running on 0.6K , but good to know that it is working.
I have also noticed that the OBH packet is changed ( Z coordinate is added).I gonna add that one aswell.

That means the Event vars will change,
Event will be something like this:
Event OnObjectCollision($userName,$ObjectFlag,$ObjectHitTime,$Object_X,$Object_Y,$Object_Z,$TypeObject) # Player event

I also will make a file inside the Docs folder with the strings for:
$DetectHitObject = "";

I shall also get rid of the next 2 PlayerVars(Because they are the same as X and Y)

#GetCurrentPlayerVar("ObjectContactX") //X position of player
#GetCurrentPlayerVar("ObjectContactY") //Y position of player

What about the list with the detecting object. Is it ok or do i have to add more?
Last edited by Bass-Driver, .
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Here's a LFSLapper Testversion:


-New InsimPacket:OBH ObjectHit (Collision detection between car and object)
[b]-New Events :[/b]

OnObjectCollision (Object hit detection)
OnAcceleration2( Second Acceleration progress)

[b]-New PlayerVars :[/b]

ObjectContactX, //X position of player (dont know if this is usefull X does the same
ObjectContactY, //Y position of player (dont know if this is usefull Y does the same)
ObjectContactSpeed, //Speed of player when hitting a object
ObjectContactHead, //Heading of player when hitting a object
ObjectContactDir, //Direction of player when hitting a object

AccelerationStartSpeed2, // Min value for the acceleration feature relative to user unit km or mph
AccelerationEndSpeed2, // Max value for the acceleration feature relative to user unit km or mph
AccelerationTime2, // Acceleration time achieved from start to end speed

How to enable Object Hit detection:

Between the "" you can add one of the object from the list.
Also you can combine several objects: "All_Tires+White_Post"

$DetectHitObject = "All_Objects";
"" = No Object detection
All_Objects //All Objects
All_Tires //Small+Big Tires
All_Cones //All Type of Cones incl Pointers
All_Markers //All Types of Markers
All_DistMarkers //Distance Markers
All_Post//All Posts (Green/Orange/Red/White)
All_Barriers // All Types of Barriers

Last edited by Bass-Driver, .
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What about enable objects instead of ignoring them. So it ignores all the objects by default.

$HitObjects="cones+green_pole"; #Event executes when hitting all cones and the green pole.
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I have a whole list with objects. Which i have added now.

i'm also trying to implement a Ignoreobject Variable. So if you do $IgnoreObjects = "Cones"; It will ignore all the cones your hit.

You may test all the objects in my test server.

Edit: Add Ignorelist

This is the IgnoreList so far: ( Event will not be executed)
Its also possible to add several values: seperated by &

$IgnoreObjects = Small_Tires&Big_Tires

All // All objects will be ignored
Small_Tires // All small tires will be ignored
Big_Tires //All big tires will be ignored
Cones//All Cones(normal+pointers) will be ignored

Idea's for the ignorelist? let me know.
Last edited by Bass-Driver, .
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Update: This evening i go add a objectlist.
So when you hit a object you will see which object you hit.

Example Sourcecode below:

objectHit = Objects(obh.Index);

private string Objects(int ObjectIndex)
string[] Object = new string[192];
Object[0] = "Scenery object";
Object[1] = "";
Object[2] = "";
Object[3] = "";
Object[4] = "Long Chalk Line"; Object[5] = "Short Chalk Line";
Object[6] = "Short Ahead Arrow";Object[7] = "Long Ahead Arrow";
Object[20] = "Red+White Cone";
Object[21] = "Red Cone";
Object[22] = "Striped Code";

return Object[ObjectIndex];

Event OnObjectCollision($userName,$ObjectFlag,$ObjectHitTime,$Object_X,$Object_Y,$TypeObject) # Player event
Globalmsg("".getplayervar($userName,"NickName")."^8 hit a ^3".$TypeObject." ^8at ".GetCurrentPlayerVar("ObjectContactSpeed")." km/h");

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Well, about "$objectflag,$Time,$XPos,$YPos" .
is explained in the doc i,ve attached.

$userName // $Username
$objectflag // Flag of object
OBH_LAYOUT, //1 // an added object
OBH_CAN_MOVE, //2 // a movable object
OBH_WAS_MOVING, //4 // was moving before this hit
OBH_ON_SPOT //8 // object in original position
$Time //Time you hit the object (Race timer) in milliseconds
$XPos // Object X Coordinate
$YPos // Object Y Coordinate

If you want to know the coordinates of the object you hit.

The difference between ObjectContactSpeed and InstantSpeed:
The Speed should be the same, but i think there is a delay between the packets

Heading and Direction

Direction = Is in which way you face your car.
For example:
North = 0 degrees
West = 90 degrees
South = 180 degrees
East = 270 degrees

When you go north and your car is going sideways.

There is a insim packet that isnt implemented in Lapper. That gives a 2 second penalty when hitting a object.

// If an autocross object is hit (2 second time penalty) this packet is sent :

struct IS_AXO // AutoX Object
byte Size; // 4
byte Type; // ISP_AXO
byte ReqI; // 0
byte PLID; // player's unique id

There is plenty of stuff todo. I hope i can release the OBject Hit for lapper next week or so.
Last edited by Bass-Driver, .
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Small update:

Added a event in LFSLapper.LPR named:

Event OnObjectCollision($userName,$objectflag,$Time,$XPos,$YPos)


Last edited by Bass-Driver, .
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thank you,

Sure will do that.

I have managed to get data from all values inside the OBH packet.
But i'm not sure, if the data is correct.

Could someone take a look??
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Sry about that typo LOL. Was a littlebit late yesterday XD

Lapper is running on Version 4.
After i finish the "opject hit" packet. i go try to change the Insimversion in lapper.
LFSLapper ISP_OBH (OBject Hit) packet
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After LFSLapper developers Krayy and Gai-Luron left LFS. I'm trying to add some LFS insim packets to LFSLapper.

Atm i'm busy with adding a packet that reports the collision between Car and (AutoX)opjects.
After some strugling with finding out what everything means. I have finally received some data from lapper when hitting an opject.

Be aware: i'm not a programmer, and i have 0% knowledge of C# programming.
So thank you google for helping me out LOL
Last edited by Bass-Driver, . Reason : typo
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@ mikail346

Here is something we have told you before.

Quote from Bass-Driver :There are enough scripts/examples on this forum to work with.

Quote from sinanju :Next to making up your own buttons/labels, CASE commands are almost next easiest thing to do in lapper - there are already lots of examples in the main lfslapper.lpr file, along with almost every other lapper add-on on this forum.

Surely you can work out the obvious?

@ Yisc[NL]: sry to spam your thread with nonsense. apparently some people cannot read/understand what we are saying.