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S3 licensed
Try to find and install: Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Packages x86/x64


and see what that does.

What is the version of LFSLapper you have?
S3 licensed
Look for Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Packages x86/x64
S3 licensed
Quote from Racon :It seems from the log that lapper is shutting down because the request to use version 8 is denied - if that's what it is, you'll need an older version of lapper to connect to LFS 0.6R. (0.6T is the first to use InSim v8)

aah ye good point, thanks. I always update LFSLapper along with the LFS version. I haven't tested this before.

But it requires a big sourcecode change. Totally not worth the effort.
I suggest to update your LFS version
S3 licensed
Its probably a windows issue.

Try to install Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Packages x86/x64 for your windows.

I also suggest to update your LFSLapper to the latest version, that is compatible with LFS 0.6R.
S3 licensed
Could it be some firewall settings on your pc?
Windows updates could mess stuff up.

I hate when that happened. Searching hours/days for that one single setting that is set back to default or something else.
S3 licensed
Quote from tumes925semut :I dont have any idea why. I didin't change nothing and it goes right this. I try update token without any result.

Uhm i have no clue. My connection with discord is still fine. What if you create a new Bot and see what that does.
S3 licensed
Maybe handy to add some info about registering LFSLapper for LFS API.
Otherwise people wont get the mod information.

Good job as always Thumbs up
S3 licensed
First of all: I'm deeply sorry that i totally missed this topic. Schwitz
Also haven't been on the forum for a period of time.

2nd: to set allowed mods i use the function SetListAllowedMods();
I use this in function in some code to get the list of cars from a textfile.

3rd: Does the mod (skinid) still exist. You can verify that with :<skinid>

Here's an codeexample i use in one of my scripts.

### GET LIST OF MODDED CARS ###            
FOR($CarMod 0$CarMod <= ToNum($GetNrOfVars);$CarMod=$CarMod+1)
$FileDataLine $DataOfCarModsFile[ToNum($CarMod), "Line"];
$FileDataLine != ""THEN
[$CarMod] = $FileDataLine."";
$WhiteList_CurrModCars $WhiteList_CurrModCars+1;
#CREATE STRING WITH MODS FOR SetListAllowedMods() function.
IF($WhiteList_ModdedCars[$CarMod] != ""THEN
IF($StringwithCarMods == ""THEN
$StringwithCarMods $StringwithCarMods "," $WhiteList_ModdedCars[$CarMod];

$Option == "unset")THEN
cmdLFS("/msg ^3[MODSYSTEM] ^3Warning: ^7All Mods are allowed!");
$Option == "set")THEN
cmdLFS("/msg ^7[MODSYSTEM] ^3Loading: ^7".$WhiteList_CurrModCars." Modded cars from whitelist.");


I saw a typo in the changelog on About Get/Set allowed mods. So i've changed that in the release topic.
S3 licensed
This is what my API Application looks like for the Dev LFSLapper

S3 licensed
I did some tests at my server.
It seems LFSLapper crashes if $RestAPIClientID or $RestAPIClientSecret is wrong.

Could you check those please.

bij System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ThrowIfExceptional(Boolean includeTaskCanceledExceptions)
bij System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.GetResultCore(Boolean waitCompletionNotification)
bij System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.get_Result()
bij LFSLapper.LFSClient.updatelistofmods(unionVal val, ArrayList args)
bij GLScript.GLApp.parseBackcall(SetOfVars GVAR, SetOfVars LVAR, unionVal val, ArrayList args)
bij GLScript.Parseur.getval(SetOfVars GVAR, SetOfVars LVAR, executeParsedFunction BC)
bij GLScript.GLApp.retrieveEvalVar(String funcName, TokenParse tkparse, TokenBuffer currTokenBuffer, SetOfVars GVAR, SetOfVars LVAR, Boolean breakFunc, Char& breakCar)
bij GLScript.GLApp.privExecuteTokensPart(Int32 level, String funcName, SetOfVars GCAR, SetOfVars LVAR, Boolean breakable, Boolean inSwitchCase, Int32 start, Int32 end)
bij GLScript.GLApp.privExecuteTokensPart(Int32 level, String funcName, SetOfVars GCAR, SetOfVars LVAR, Boolean breakable, Boolean inSwitchCase, Int32 start, Int32 end)
bij GLScript.GLApp.privExecuteFunction(String funcName, String[] argsVals)
bij GLScript.GLApp.parseBackcall(SetOfVars GVAR, SetOfVars LVAR, unionVal val, ArrayList args)
bij GLScript.Parseur.getval(SetOfVars GVAR, SetOfVars LVAR, executeParsedFunction BC)
bij GLScript.GLApp.retrieveEvalVar(String funcName, TokenParse tkparse, TokenBuffer currTokenBuffer, SetOfVars GVAR, SetOfVars LVAR, Boolean breakFunc, Char& breakCar)
bij GLScript.GLApp.privExecuteTokensPart(Int32 level, String funcName, SetOfVars GCAR, SetOfVars LVAR, Boolean breakable, Boolean inSwitchCase, Int32 start, Int32 end)
bij GLScript.GLApp.privExecuteFunction(String funcName, String[] argsVals)
bij GLScript.GLApp.executeFunction(String funcName, String[] argsVals)
bij Configurator.lexConfigurator.executeFunction(String funcName, infoPlayer pcurrInfoPlayer, String[] par)
bij LFSLapper.LFSClient.Loop(Connect insimConnection)
bij LFSLapper.LFSClient.doloop()
bij LapperInstances.LapperInstance.doConnection()

I only created error messages when the ClientID or ClientSecret is empty.
Going to think about proper fixing this crash.
Last edited by Bass-Driver, .
S3 licensed
Oke this is odd.

Did you register your LFSLapper? i assume you did.

-Register your LFSLapper @
-Fill in your ClientID and ClientSecret in myInc.LPR (includes/myinc.lpr)

If you didn't. I need to add more error messages to prevent crashing.

Could you tell me in which Event/Function you execute that function?

I also couldn't find that lfsrestapi_Info.lpr script, not sure why i kept it there. It has nothing todo with the crash.
S3 licensed
Thanks for the update. Good work as always.

Keep us updated about the tyre physics and graphical updates.
Think Eric is busy with Fern bay ? Did I Say That?
S3 licensed
Thank you, much appreciated Big grin
S3 licensed
Thanks for the kind words.Smile
S3 licensed
This seems like a Lappercrash than a normal error.

Could you show us the script that isn't working And describe what you are trying to do within that script.

I think the startindex is higher than the actual length of the var.

Int32 startIndex, Int32 length

If the stringlength is 4 chars and your startindex is 5, it should give you this error. but it shouldnt crash LFSLapper. If it does, its clearly a LFSLapper sourcecode bug, which need to be fixed.
S3 licensed
I've tested it and seems to be working.
Thank you.
S3 licensed
Still not working for me on our VM.TimeAttack server.
Cannot restart the server aswell.
S3 licensed
it happened with multiple mods.
Something is wrong with the servers atm.
S3 licensed
Same for our servers.
And no server activity on the panel aswell.

Mod loading doesnt work aswell.

VM.Mods Racing

Edit: from what i've heard there was a DDos last night. Could be the reason
Edit: Fixed!
Last edited by Bass-Driver, .
S3 licensed
Hello devs,

Our 2 servers do not connect:

VM.Mods Racing

S3 licensed
i've edited my post above a littlebit, to give a small explaination on what i found in the code.

it clearly need a better look at it, and probably a rewrite. But thats something for a another time.
S3 licensed
looking at the sourcecode, if you set $ShowPlayerControl to True.
it should display the playerflags of the player, everytime the player changes the settings. weird thing is, this is a globalmsg.

So it has nothing todo with leaving the pit.

Edit: in the code of joining the track, i see that Gai-luron calls this Checkflag function aswell. But it sends the wrong playerflags, Thats why it didn't display any flags when you left the pit. (V7.0.9.0) These playerflags are differend than the "settings" flags.

I've disabled that function in the Test version.
Last edited by Bass-Driver, .
S3 licensed
Could you try this. LFSLapper.exe in the attachment.

-Stops doubling the text with Flags, every time you join the track.
-Ignores checking the flags, when you join the track. No playerflags were shown.

A another insimpacket detects controller changes (<Player> updated his/her controls) or someone joins the track and verify's the player flags with the flags of the server.
S3 licensed
well after some testing, it works like intended, but its a bit confusing.

To force allow Shifter and AxisClutch, i came up with this.

$SwapSide = "Y";
$AutoGears = "*";
$Shifter = "Y";
$HelpBrake = "*";
$AxisClutch = "Y";
$AutoClutch = "*";
$Mouse = "*";
$KbNoHelp = "*";
$KbStabilised = "*";
$CustomView = "*";
S3 licensed
hmm i see there is something funky going on.

Apparently these flags never been used, or not tested properly.

Will go deeper into this.
Thanks for the report.