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S3 licensed

After looking into the sourcecode, i saw a few faulty default parameters.
'./PBgrip' instead of './Databases/PBgrip'.

I changed those parameters.

My question to you guys, is to test this with the attached LFSLapper.exe

Make sure you create a backup first before deleting the existing databases and LFSLapper.exe

Version or is needed to use this LFSLapper.exe

Thank you
S3 licensed
Thanks for testing.
Will check the sourcecode this evening.
S3 licensed
Found the orginal script in my mail that i've sent to Sinanju in march 2017.
S3 licensed
Thanks for still using the script i made.
i'll check my backups, if i can find the original script.
S3 licensed
Thank you for finding this weird database behaviour.

The database files in the '/default/databases' directory should be the most accurates ones. You could try this by deleting(backup) the databases files in de '/default' directory.

I dont think there is a reason, its probably just a typo in the sourcecode or lfslapper.LPR that creates 'new' databases in the wrong directory.
S3 licensed
Quote from Yisc[NL :;1967450"]Wow, this is a very nice system with a great GUI.
I am sure people will start using this, so thanks for sharing and making this.

Thank you Smile
LFSLapper:Cruise TrafficLightSystem
S3 licensed

I had this script laying around, which was used for a cruiseserver. The cruiseserver shut down for a while now, and i dont think it will be restarted anytime soon.
So i thought to edit the system for public use. Because it had some functions and variables from the main cruiseinsim.

Some features may not work properly, althought i tested some stuff and it seems to work fine. Please let me know if something isnt working, so i can look into it and fix it (if possible).
Describe the bug so detailed as possible.

Download cruise_trafficlight.txt and change the extention from .txt to .lpr.
Add the file into you 'includes' folder and add the script into addonsused.lpr

  • Create/Load/Save/Edit intersections
  • Enable/Disable intersections: light will blink yellow.
  • Add Startlights + Edit their ID's
  • Camerasystem for speeding and running red light
  • Automatic/Manual system for light sequence.
Todo list:
  • Speedlimit for each light
It is possible to save the intersections you created.
You can do that by remove the # infront of:
#GlobalVar $TrafficLightFolder; $TrafficLightFolder = "C:\Users\Danny\Desktop\SavedTrafficLights";

and set your own folder to save/load your intersections.

How to setup a intersection:
  • Add with the LayoutEditor some Startlights and give the lights a ID number
  • Add insimcircles so system sets the approaching Light to the player.
  • Add Insim finishlines for the redlight/speedcam system.
  • Type !trafficlight and create an intersection
  • Add the lights and set the lightID's (same ID's you used in the layoutbuilder)
  • To enable camerasystem. Set the camera to "1" and change the incimcircle ID's (same ID's you used in the layoutbuilder)
  • Enable the intersection by set the control to "AUTO" and Set the Intersection to "ON"

Last edited by Bass-Driver, .
S3 licensed
Thanks Thumbs up
S3 licensed
Nice find. Thumbs up
This is never been documented as far as i know. Maybe you could make a nice topic about special button features. Like you did with your previous 'button' topics.

I have been using 3 of those colors in my scripts.

and blinking is 8 indeed.
So Blue text + blinking = 6 + 8 = 14
And with lightbutton color = 16 + 6 + 8 = 30
S3 licensed
The name of the function is just confusing. I should have named it better. This was/is a brainfart deluxe moment.
my apologies.

Maybe a seperate script whould be better, instead of digging into the CIF modules and get confused by the code around it.
S3 licensed
Found this in info.tops.lpr, one of the CIF modules. So instead of creating a new script for the toplist i added the code in the Tops CIF module. Couldnt find this change in the changelog. So mistake on my end , again Frown .

GetListTop$TopCarList$flagQual$flagNear );

# GetListTop is hard coded for 24 results, so we go through the first 18 , because we have no more space
FOR( $i 0$i 18$i $i 1)
# Only show the line if it has a valid username
IF ( $list[$i,"UserName"] != ""THEN
IF( ToLower$currUName ) == ToLower$list[$i,"UserName"] ) ) THEN
$bStyle ISB_DARK;
$topOrigT $topOrigT $topRowHeight;    # Go down to the next printable row

openPrivButton ($DialogPrefix "toppos_" $i,$topOrigL,$topOrigT,10,$topRowHeight,1,-1,$bStyle"^7" $list[$i,"Pos"]);
openPrivButton ($DialogPrefix "topcar_" $i,$topOrigL+10,$topOrigT,10,$topRowHeight,1,-1,$bStyle"^7" $list[$i,"CName"]);
openPrivButton ($DialogPrefix "topnick_" $i,$topOrigL+20,$topOrigT,35,$topRowHeight,1,-1,ISB_LEFT $bStyle"^7" $list[$i,"NickName"]);
            IF (
$list[$i,"PbLapTime"] > 3599000THEN
= ((3600000 $list[$i,"PbLapTime"]) / 10) . "/" .  GetConfigVar"LapTimeUsedForPb" ) + langEngine"%{built_lapsdone}%" );
$colpos "-";
$colpb NumToMSH$list[$i,"PbLapTime"] );
openPrivButton ($DialogPrefix "toppb_" $i,$topOrigL+55,$topOrigT,15,$topRowHeight,1,-1,$bStyle"^7" $colpb);
$colsplit "";
$k 0$k 3$k $k +)
$SplitTime $list[$i,"SplitTime".$k];
                IF (
$SplitTime != 0THEN
IF ( $colsplit != "" THEN
$colsplit "/" NumToMSH($SplitTime);
$colsplit NumToMSH($SplitTime);
openPrivButton ($DialogPrefix "topsplits_" $i,$topOrigL+70,$topOrigT,28,$topRowHeight,1,-1,$bStyle"^7" $colsplit);



$list = getlisttop( "UF1", FALSE,FALSE ); #TopList of racetimes
$list = getlisttopuser("StoredValue",DESC,FALSE,"1" ); #TopList for stored values.
$list = getlisttopdrift("XRT",FALSE,FALSE ); #TopList of Driftscores.

Last edited by Bass-Driver, .
S3 licensed
Never used or heard of CatchSub.
But i'll test the TopTable myself when i have time.
It's weird, you do not get any results in the toptable. And you are the first one when reported this issue. Since we released the new TopTable methode in version
S3 licensed
Could you try to use the quotes ( "" ) for the car argument?
Same for the Sort ( DESC or ASC ) argument

It is possible that it doesnt detect a string for one of those two, so it sees 3 of the 4 arguments in the DoMyUserTop() function.

DoMyUserTop( "UF1",DESC,FALSE,"" );

DoMyUserTop( "UF1","DESC",FALSE,"" );

If thats true, than its odd that it works for the DoMyDriftTop() function, maybe there is some difference in the sourcecode.
Last edited by Bass-Driver, .
S3 licensed

I created usertop.lpr and drifttop.lpr, instead of
drf() / drfnear() / top()/ topnear()


The code you see in those scripts is basically 90% of the code that was in the sourcecode before. But now you have much more freedom to edit the buttons etc.

And yes it is more difficult to work with.

Here are some examples, how it was before and how it is now. Correct me if i'm wrong, i haven't use these functions for a very long time. Smile

top(UF1) = DoMyUserTop( UF1,DESC,FALSE,1);
top(19_36) = DoMyUserTop( "",DESC,FALSE,19);

()    = DoMyUserTopUF1,DESC,TRUE,1);
drf(XRT)     = DoMyDriftTopXRT,FALSE,FALSE);
drf(19_36)   = DoMyDriftTop19,FALSE,FALSE);
drfnear(XRT) = DoMyDriftTop(XRT,FALSE,TRUE);

Last edited by Bass-Driver, . Reason : brainfart deluxe
Release: LFSLapper V7.0.8.1
S3 licensed
Hello Lapperusers,

Here is a small bugfix release.

Thanks to tumes925semut for finding the bug.

|Changes from to

1: frontwheelsadj playervar value was empty
2: rearwheelsadj playervar value was empty

Thanks to Racon for the list of tyresize types:
Last edited by Bass-Driver, .
S3 licensed
I have made a typo in the sourcecode, means the playervar was empty all times when the player is requesting for it.

This bug is fixed, ill release a new LFSLapper version asap.

RearWheelsAdj and FrontWheelsAdj will output the tyresize between 0 - 8

Thx Racon for making the list.
S3 licensed
Quote from Gunn :Congratulations on your visitor milestone.

Thank you Smile
S3 licensed
We are pleased to inform you, that we reached the 1000 unique visitors milestone on our server.

Thanks to all who joined and drove on our server.

S3 licensed
Few minor insim & website updates:

Server: lfs://join=VM.Timeattack

V2.5.1 (26-07-2021)

New : [TimeTable] ToggleButton to Memorize Car/Username filter.
Update: [Commands] !showstats display your stats to everyone in the server
!stats<user> display stats of a player in the server

V2.5.2 (27-07-2021)

Update: [HelpMenu] Added list of Ranks
Update: [Commands] !stats or !stats <user> can be used now.
!stats = Globalmessage of your stats
!stats <user in server> = private message of userstats

Fix: Button overlap in !times when clicking on clicking between the stages
Removed: [Commands] !showstats

S3 licensed
New TimeAttack Insim Update + new Layout:

New TimeAttack insim update:

V2.5 (25-07-2021)
**New: New Layout **
-Powered by the new LFSLapper Insim Teleport System
-Build by Bass-Driver(Dan190NL) and Dlocky
-6 stages
-Easy/Medium Difficulty
-Short or Medium TimeLength

**New: Teleport System V1.**
-It teleports you to the correct stage or back to the Central Area.
-Timer set to 3 seconds before it teleports you.
-Warning message to leave the spawn location ASAP
-AutoX Light to indicate the status of the spawn location.

**New: Message what todo when you join the track**

S3 licensed
Oh a another damn good looking layout. I'm sure it drives well.
Might need to hire you to do our Timeattack layouts Big grin.
S3 licensed
New TA insim update:


-Add: [TimeTable]: WR list button. Displays list with the current WR times
-Add: [HUD] : Report button.
-Update: [Live Timing] Updated buttons with sector/total timedifference
-Update: [HUD] : StageProgress percentage next to the sector counter
-Fix: [Sectors] :Prevent skipping sectors, will now count as a invalid run.
-Fix: [HUD]: Cursor shows when splitspeed is being displayed to the player.
-Delete: Some startsequence code.

Server: lfs://join=VM.Timeattack

Insim Progress:
Release: LFSLapper V7.0.8.0
S3 licensed
Hello LFSLapper users,

After a long time not being motivated to work on LFSLapper or playing LFS. I thought it was time to make a official version, since LFSLapper was in Beta for quite some time.
All the changes in this version includes everything from Beta #11 and the fix for the high CPU usage problem.

Whould like to see what kind of projects are made with LFSLapper.
Have fun and see you somewhere in LFS.

Summary of changes below.

|Changes from to

1: New PlayerVar: "CarConfig"
// Configuration (Config byte)
// UF1 / LX4 / LX6 : 0 = DEFAULT / 1 = OPEN ROOF
// XRR / FZR : 0 = DEFAULT / 1 = DRIFT / RX
// FXR : 0 = DEFAULT / 1 = RX

2: New PlayerVar: "FrontWheelAdj" When Alternate setup config has been chosen.
Tyre width reduction (front)

3: New PlayerVar: "RearWheelAdj" When Alternate setup config has been chosen.
Tyre width reduction (rear)

4: New event: OnBlueFlag();
$userName = Player were the blueflag is ment for
$userNameBehind = faster Player behind $userName
$Time = Time of flag

5: New event: OnYellowFlag();
$userName = Player that is causing the yellowflag
$State = Yellowflag 1 or 0 (on/off)
$Time = Time of flag

6: New PlayerVar: "Fuel" Display the fuel amount in percent "%" After player left the pit.
IF /showfuel=yes ELSE value = -1
7: New PlayerVar: "PitFuel" Display the fuel amount in percent "%" that is being add during a pitstop.
IF /showfuel=yes ELSE value = -1

1: Maxlaptime that will be stored to the database have been increased from 30 to 90 minutes, for really long layouts.

2: [TEST] Record ID of Grip/Drift Database will now be shown in DumpVar(); for certain Car/track requests.
$list = GetListTop( getConfigVar( DefaultTopCar ), 0, 0 );
IF ( getConfigVar( DefaultTopCar ) == "XFG" )
dumpVar ( $list );

3: PlayerVar: "Fuel" : remaining fuel percent "%", will set when acrossing a split or completing a lap.

4: [Discord] Set multiple channels for sending texts to LFSLapper:
-open MyInc.LPR

You are allowed to set 5 channels, seperate them with a comma ",". see example below.
-$DiscordChannelReceive = "0000000000,0000000000,0000000000";

5: [Discord] Changed $DiscordUName to $UName.

6: [Discord] Added $UNameID into OnReceiveDiscordMessage():

7: [Discord] Event OnReceiveDiscordMessage()
-Number of arguments has been changed: OnReceiveDiscordMessage($ChannelID,$ChannelName,$UNameID,$UName,$Text)


1: Wrong amount of arguments send to Event: OnPlayerSelectCar
2: Performance issues due to windows updates.
Removed some functions: Thread.Sleep(); this functions seems to malfunction on some PC's
3: Lappercrash when clicking on one of the layouts in the layoutlist.
4: Layoutlist didnt load the layout files properly into the list.
5: Lappercrash when a player using the JoinRequest function while being retired on the track.

1: Event OnPlayerFlags();

Last edited by Bass-Driver, .
S3 licensed
My first run.

Your layouts are so smooth, and well designed.
Kudo's for that.
S3 licensed
Beta #11 is working on a high CPU usage.
Tested Beta #9 and this seems to be fine.

i will investigate whats causing the high CPU usage.

Will release a new version ASAP.

EDIT #1: Webcommands sourcecode is causing the high cpu usage.
Thx Visual Studio Diagnostic tools.

I've disabled it for test and it seems to be fine now.
So bit more investigating todo.

EDIT #2:
Problem found and fixed.
Since Beta#9 i disabled a timer for closing button because this timer was causing problems. I Also disabled a another timer. This timer is placed in a loop to slow the loop down.
Since than is the loop looping alot faster than it suppose to be. Which cause the high CPU usage.

The timer has been enabled again and CPU usage seems to be fine.
I will release a new version tomorrow.
Last edited by Bass-Driver, .