$ListOfPlayersDiscordEmbed = "";
$LoP = GetListOfPlayers("U");
FOREACH ($Player IN $LoP)
$UserName = $Player["value"];
$NickName = GetPlayerVar($UserName,"NickName");
$NickUserNameString = "".StripLFSColor($NickName)."(".$UserName.")";
###Create a new line after each $NickUserNameString has been added to $ListOfPlayersDiscordEmbed
$ListOfPlayersDiscordEmbed = $ListOfPlayersDiscordEmbed."".$NickUserNameString." \n";
$DiscordChannel = "";
$Title = "";
$Desc = "";
$Color = "0xFFFFFF";
$FieldTitle = "List Of Players:";
$FieldValue = "".$ListOfPlayersDiscordEmbed."";
$FieldInline = "True";
$Footer = "";
$ThumbnailUrl = "";
$ImageUrl = "";
$GetDistanceInMeters = trackuserdistance($userNameOne, $userNameTwo);
$GetAngleInDegrees = GetAngle($userNameOne,$userNameTwo);
Add: System find the Best Sectortimes of each Car/Stage combo instead of the 1st place sectortimes.
Changed: Support all mods, instead of 120 mods. (Be Aware: Layout may not be suitable for all mods)
Changed: Folder/file structure changed. This reduce the time saving the stagetimes.
-Instead of have 6 stagetime files. each car/stage combo has its own file.
Changed: [HUD] Added Name of loaded TimeTable
Changed: [HUD] Added Name of current track configuration
Changed: [HUD] Added current stagenumner you are currently driving on
Changed: [HUD] Loadingbar percentage when loading the timetable. (Only by admins)
Changed: [HUD] Final Stagetime with penalty now shown when finishing the stage.
Changed: Alot of code cleanup.
Changed: Minor text changes.
Fixed: [HUD] Random sector colors
Fixed: [HUD] Minor character/color errors.
Fixed: Few admincommands could be executed by non-admins.
Removed: [HUD] Vehicle Damage system.
Removed: [Admin] ModList menu.
Add: Sector times columns with the fastest times.
Add: TimeGap Column
Add: Best Sectortimes will be visible in purple color.
Add: Sutton with amount of records per stage and total.
Add: Name of TimeTable and track configuration.
Add: Click on the name of the player for the Gap between the Player and the other players in the list. Click again to disable it.
Disabled: More Information button (Splitspeeds, Date etc)
Disabled: List of cars
Changed: Removed a few adminscommands
Changed: Removed !reqmod command
Changed: Removed !fix command to reset vehicle damage (not actual damage)
Changed: Number of stages and name now shown in 'ServerInfo' Tab
CASE "!hh":
$modinformation = getmodinfo("arda556");
privmsg("Name of mod:".$modinformation["name"]."");
4: [LapperFunction] getmodinfo(""); Get modinfo
-2 differend ways to request modinfo , by username( player must be on track!!!) or by SkinID (getcurrentplayervar("Car"))
$modinfo = getmodinfo("Bass-Driver");
$modinfo = getmodinfo("E25059");
#example: privmsg("Name of mod:".$modinfo["name"]."");
list of variables:
CASE "!drag":
$userName = GetCurrentPlayerVar( "UserName" );
IF(GetPlayervar($userName,"OnTrack") == 1) THEN #Check is the player is on track.
$X_Axis = "120.65"; #X axis SpawnPoint
$Y_Axis = "479.31"; #Y axis SpawnPoint
$Z_Axis = "31"; #Z axis SpawnPoint
$Flags = 128; #Move/Reset car (128) else (0)
$Heading = 0; #Heading of the players car at Spawnpoint
$UCID = GetCurrentPlayerVar("UCID"); #Connection unique id
$PLID = GetCurrentPlayerVar("PLID"); #Player's unique id
$JRRAction = 4;
joinrequest($X_Axis , $Y_Axis , $Z_Axis , $Flags ,$Heading , $UCID , $PLID ,$JRRAction);
$Message = " ```fix\n (". GetCurrentPlayerVar("UserName").") drag bölgesine ışınlandı. >> (". GetLapperVar ( "LongTime" ) .") ``` "; $DiscordChannel = "1174408635892387952"; sendmessagetodiscord($DiscordChannel,$Message);
globalMsg( GetCurrentPlayerVar("NickName") . " ^6Drag başlangıcı yerine ışınlandı, ^6!drag yazarak sende ışınlan.");
privmsg($userName,"You cannot use this command!");
IF(GetPlayervar($userName,"OnTrack") == 1) THEN
#code when a player is on Track.
#code when a player is spectating or in pit.