ive had the unleashed version, also the untamed one. i hope that this will fix some of the annoying bugs, also fix the backflipping,sounds and physics. oh and i want a manual gearbox and a proåer first person view.this game could be the greatest ever if it had mxsim physics
its alot better, but still something i would chance on quality
that blue line on the roof/hood, theres 3 lines. the fat line has groovy edges, it could be that they are ment to be like tha but i think not. also the cf texture, try this one http://www.lfs-gear.com/texturez.html
take the compensated or super size cf texture
this has been bugging me ever since ive made sarted making skins. is it actually illegal to make a skin, and add some sponsor logos on it? ive tought that that aint illegal, but what about making a teamskin with sponsor logos and saying this is our offical teamskin? im confused about this lol. also is it illegal to modify the original logos, since they usually have a copyright
no, that isnt it. you dont need layers, for some reaseon you gotta make a little part transperent with the color/colour to alfa thing. so heres what u gotta do
open the image you want some parts transperent, then you know the area selection tool, make a tiny square in to the area that is going to be transperent, then go to colour/colour to alpha and you can pick a colour but any colour does now. then click ok. now you are able to make things transperent with it. it is really easy and fast thing to do
hope this helped
the title says it all, what parts are the most important to update in pc? this pc probaply needs all new things but what are the main things that games need to so they can run? my comp is a big pile oh shite these days(it is ~7 yrs old) or should i just get a new computer instead of upgrading?
heres some you shouod try to fix. try to make all the decals and colours fit the car shape, also theres those 2 logos on the rear http://www.lfsforum.net/attach ... id=89655&d=1249251823 they have a white background, thw white background needs to be erased. then the flames kinda fail, lack of quality. on the roof you have that alienware logo, itrs got a black background. try to make the black to fit on the bodypart its on, when its like that it looks slightly stupid but when you make the whole body part black or take the black off it will look good. then the carbon fiber fails, try master skinnerz for a decal. then erase the hood thingy, then replace it with something else thank engine. also the lack of quality on almoust everything, then i also suggest putting the shadows on the skin. theres some turotials in skin help/tool/templates section
there, those are the things id fix in it
im suprised that kimi did quite well,considering to hes expierence on rally. i visited killeri SSS and he actually won hes oppent
btw anyone knows if the fiat is made to rbr?
yeh, ive had one scam about british lottery they sent me like thousands of emails pechause i never bothered aswering them. it said something that your i won ~4-5 mil and they needed my bank account details and my postal code and so on