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S2 licensed
So if your a clean team... why have a wrecker in it then?
S2 licensed
Oh my god marcel That just costs to many time and he will lose places because of that.
S2 licensed
I can help you out with becoming faster with the BF on Aston National. Only done 63 laps but my pb is a 1.23.41, just pm and we can might meet up at a server and i'll give you some tips.
S2 licensed
Hehe of course JTbo but i was referring to harjuns post. He was driving the same cars for 3 years now and was getting bored.
S2 licensed
I couldn't agree more with Rooble. We can all see your actions there. So how do you feel now? Angry? Disappointed in yourself? Or just pissed of because people know the truth and that's maybe the reason for getting these replies if you post a topic. I've seen more of your 'post' on the forum. They usually start a discussion and you just stick to your point. You are definitely going on my bannlist.

If you want any driving lessons at all. I'm willing to give them for only 25 dollars per hour!
S2 licensed
Quote from Bawbag :What, you told me that 99% of the crap you say is a lie, then you come out and tell the truth!!!!

Ps. Sorry for spam, had to.

Sssssssssttt, that's something private between us, and it was 50% bull***** not 99%.. Well to you it's 99% because having a meaning full conversation isn't something we have had
S2 licensed
Quote from harjun :welll i fyou think about it....the ratio of chavs, to racers is about 100000-1....meaning, rFactor it likely to be 100000 better than LFS, considering LFS is the real simulator game, and rFactor is for those chavs who put big gay wings on their car, even thought there is no need. I think lfs Should re do the car shells a bit though, im bit tired of having the same cars for over 3 years now, i like the car handling, but not the body.

How could you have driven the same cars for 3 years now? you bought LFS S2 in september 2005, that's not even 2 years ago... You might have driven the demo but after you bought S2 a whole new selection of cars came available.

ps: LFS rules, you don't agree? How would like to suck my *****? ( It should say Balls but i'm not gonna type it in 1 sentence for certain reasons. sorry if this is in any way offending and if so i will remove it:shrug
Last edited by battle, .
S2 licensed
I think this is one of the fastest there's around, Biernot's set. He did a 1.40.95 with it, i think i did a 1.41.50 with and i aint the best driver in a FZR.
S2 licensed
Upload a replay and i'll take a look at it, It can't be all because of the chicane. The chicane will give you about 0.4 extra if you cut it. Since your 3seconds off pace that can't be it.

Upload a replay and i'll take a look.
S2 licensed
I don't think Shit happends isn't that offending... Everyone has said it and it's not like your being a racist or anything with it. If you never have said SHIT then uhmmm well... your a saint.
S2 licensed
MRT, Just a lovely car to drive and other people aren't really good at it
LX6, It aint the easiest car to drive but it is the most fun car to drive.
UFR, I'm a mini freak....
To bad those cars don't get driven allot.
S2 licensed
Haha u gotta love the netherlands.
S2 licensed
I see 2 non-german people say, speak english and 2 german people say let him speak it.

You germans are just backing him up because you can read it, and isn't there a German LFS forum?
S2 licensed
This has nothing to do with Patch X because i had it as well in previous patches.
S2 licensed
I think you in the minority. Trackrotation means more drivers who are new to the track. If this is the case there will probably be loads of accidents because people don't know the track. Not so experienced ( aka noobs ) will be able to drive a 53.00 with a reasonable set and 50 to 100 laps practice but then they know the track and will be able to control it better. If the track then changes that individuel has to drive another track without having any experience on it. I think about 70% of the racers on Conedodgers4 would 'screw up' when the track gets changed due to lack of experience.

In my opinion it would be better to just leave 1 track on. Maybe a different track then AS1 due to it being so extremly short and not allot of room. A track as AS3 with the mini GTR's can be really fun as well and also attracts allot of players and will reduce crashes because of the room the track has. It will be more boring and CD is already running 2 servers with AS3 on. It's just a idea nothing more.

My regards,
S2 licensed
Quote from birder :I have been reading all that is said and made a few changes.

5) We run the program the opposite way at busy times so Licensed drivers will not be able to join on CD1 and CD3

I actually think that is a really good idea, i was about to suggest that myself. Another reason why i think CD4 is always empty is because it's hard to find.... If you select FWD you won't find it because of the MRT and if the MRT is in there... well that will just make the mayhem more because about 80% of all drivers can't control that car. Why is it even there? Well Lotesdelere loves it.

Forcing Licensed drivers and removing the MRT would solve the problems of no drivers on CD2 and CD4 in my opinion because on CD3 more then half of the people can do 53.00 so it would be 10 racers on both servers... i think that can resolve in much better racing.

Birder, don't try to get people to listen MAKE them listen

My regards,

S2 licensed
Mmm i gotta be honest, I'm a full licensed driver on CD servers but i usually join CD3 as well. It's not just because there racers there but i find it rather enjoying to race as well. This afternoon we had such good races with a couple of people there. Now i would like to join CD4 as well but that MRT in that server is kinda disturbing because if i search for FWD cars it does NOT show CD4 server because of the MRT. If i see anyone racing there i'll surely join.

Keep up the good work CD and don't let some 'retarded comments' discourage you
S2 licensed
Count me in as well( last minut call )
S2 licensed
Allot of people 'flame' at the Conedodgers server but for what reason? They provide 4, usually pretty full, servers with sometimes some good racing. It's not all about the 'newbs' that crash. Allot of fast drivers there i see pushing way to much wenn approaching another driver. They don't adjust there driving style to the person infront of them, they just try to overtake the first corner they approach. If you adjust YOUR driving style to the person infront of you and just wait for the oppurtunity to pass him allot less accidents would happen as well. Of course there are some things you can't avoid and yes it's still annoying if you behind a 3sec slower per lap guy and he aint letting you pass but try to be the bigger person and don't just put your car beside him. On Conedodgers 2 i usually race. I have good fights with people who are 2 second slower per lap, not because it's so intense but just trying to find the perfect place to overtake him and do it CLEAN is a fight on it's own sometimes. Some people might think, Battle you just wasted your time because we still think it's all the 'newbs' fault. It has been said before but it all starts with yourself.
S2 licensed
This is a set i got from a chap named Loorey, he did a 1.42.19 with it, probably faster.
S2 licensed
i gotta agree with blacksheep on something.

theirishnoob started playing LFS DEMO in april... that's last month and now he is wanted to teach people how to drift. Maybe your a natural talent but i highly doubt it somehow. Second thing how on earths name can u charge a small fee? come on dude... nobody is gonna pay u for lessons and i'm sure nobody will pay for lessons from someone who has only got LFS max 1 month ago.

S2 licensed
don't you guys look at the age of the post? it's already decomposing
S2 licensed
make love, not war.
S2 licensed
I'll explain it to him in dutch because his knowledge of the english language isn't good enough to understand some terms you guys are using. So don't flame me for not talking english on this forum.

Je hebt waarschijnlijk niet de volledige versie. Als je de volledige versie hebt dan geeft dit forum dat aan. Er staat bij jouw gewoon nog DEMO racer. Als je LFS S2 ( volledige versie, dat betekent BETAALD ervoor en in het spel zelf ook moeten inloggen ) hebt dan raad ik je aan om even op dit forum in te loggen met de username en password wat je verkregen hebt doormiddel van LFS S2 te kopen. De 'layouts' die jij bedoeld dat zijn gewoon bepaalde objecten geplaatst op een bepaalde baan. Dit zijn al bestaande banen die in het spel zitten. Het enigste wat er aangepast kan worden is dat er objecten op de baan geplaatst worden. Je kan dit ook zelf doen doormiddel van ctrl+u volgens my. Dan krijg je een menu waar je zelf vanalles kan neer zetten. Als je opzoek bent naar een layout voor een baan ( deze zijn hier te vinden ) moet je gewoon even rechts boven op Search klikken en het woord 'layout' in toetsen. Als het verder niet lukt dan post je hier maar een berichtje. Liefst in engels omdat het een engelstalig forum is. Ik zal reageren in het nederlands aangezien je engels niet zo best is.

Groetjes ( my regards )

S2 licensed
5 days isn't actually allot in LFS. Some people are driving for over 1 year and still aren't 'pro racers'. It just takes allot of time to get used to the game but your young and probably allot of free time. Just practice and practice and practice. If your own driving abilitiy is higher people will be more likely to join. And this is not a attack towards your age but since your 11 years old i doubt 18+ people will be happy to join your team. There are enough young drivers out here (example: RACERHERO). He currently also has a team with some new drivers. Maybe you can check them out. ( post in Team Section: Prawler Motorsports ).

My regards,
