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Advice for starting teams!
S2 licensed
I'm gonna open this thread because i'm getting so sick of reading all those posts about JOIN MY TEAM!!!WJROE@#U@O#@!@$#@!!! NOW. WE ARE SKILLET END OWR INGLISH IS NUT RILLY GUT!!

So that was maybe a bit aggressive but still i had to get it off my chest

Now some things i would recommend for people who are thinking about starting a team:

1) Make sure you have decide on a name for the team. ( Don't go openly discussing it on the forum. This looks rather unproffesional. )

2) Make sure you have some members. I would recommend about 4 to 5 members at least. ( Starting a team with 1 or 2 people would only make you to do hasty descissions about letting other racers join your team )

3) Make sure you have a website. A good one not a freewebs. ( This looks more proffesional and more appealing to racers who are thinking about applying. )

4) Have certain standard of accepting other racers into your team. But don't make them to high. ( To high is wenn racers in your team at the moment or yourself can't match up to them. )

5) Think about the goals you wanna reach with your team. Do you wanna be one of the best? Do you just want to have some fun? I personally think these things do matter. If your goal is to be one of the best you will have to show much more dedication to the game and team then if you just looking for some old fashion fun.

6) Make sure you have skins for your cars ready. And not just Black with a the teamname in white on the side. Make it look more proffesional. Like i explained before this makes the team much more appealing to the other racers.

7) Don't go discussing things on this forum. ( practice sessions, team member issues. ) What ever is going on in your team should stay in your team. If everyone can see the dirty laundry then the integrity of the teamname will drop.

8) Start driving in league's so people will get to know you and can see how much you are improving and show off that dedication. ( if you have it of course )

If people who just started a team and have any questions just feel free to ask it right here. I would be happy to answer it(if possible). Like what kind of league would be best to join first. What kind of standards should every person match before joining the team. Where can you get free websites. Etc. Etc.

This is just a short list of a few things i would recommend. If anyone have any suggestions or wanna discuss it here feel free to.

My regards,

Last edited by battle, .
S2 licensed
rayman tha bomb!!!

good luck with the team guys.
S2 licensed
don't you guys have a personal forum?
S2 licensed
I'm from europe, netherlands. I watch NASCAR, i watch WRC, i watch F1 and i watch A1GP. All of them i find very exciting forms of motorsports. Every branch of motorsports has there own excitiment.

The close racing and constantly fighting and struggling to hang on. ( what i find very awesome )

Excitiment from going so fast through such small areas. ( i would kill myself there for sureRazz )

It's the best enginering and driver skill what makes it happen there. You can guess who is gonna win the race usually before it even starts. But this shows who is faster and more stable on the track. Less fighting but once a 1on1 battle starts it's really exciting to look at. These cars blow through corners.

All cars have the same enginering so all that it comes down to is driver skill. ( they can use there own setups and stuff but still ) It's always a suprise who is gonna win this just like NASCAR. Well currently germany is winning allot but that just proves germany is the best out there due to the same kinda enginering.

I think LFS should appeal to ALL people. If you like road courses fine. Just don't touch oval then. If you like oval courses and oval cars fine. Just don't touch road courses then. I don't think it will hurt road course racers to have a extra track+car. It only improves the game and attracts more racers. Soon they will also wanna try the rest of the game. Why shouldn't it be possible to combine both those things in LFS? I think it would be great to get such a addition to this game. I would definitly drive NASCAR in this game also. At least better then driving around a 'not so very good' good oval track with a F1 car... it isn't made for it.

My regards,

S2 licensed
don't think that will be a very populair combo
S2 licensed
just ask for a setup in the game and keep driving with it. Don't change setup to often. Stick by a certain setup. If you feel the limit has been reached of that setup with your capabilties try to get ur hands on another set.

Search this forum for a SETUP GUIDE. You will find allot of usefull things to adjust your setup the way you want.

EDIT: Just keep practicing, you won't be amazingly fast over 1 night.
S2 licensed
yeah thanks allot that was a really quick fix great work guys
S2 licensed
I don't think that is what he ment. I think what he ment is like a program where people can meet and Server admin's can post schedule's on wenn there will be a public race. So if i post this evening Tomorrow 20.00 UTC cP Clownpaint #1 BL1 GTR 25 lap race ! that people will see that on like a message board and can join the server like 15minuts before and all have a fun race together
S2 licensed
where can i get 0.7d then? on the website it's still 0.7c.

Ahh well i'll just keep checking this post

great job with this program
S2 licensed
yeah that's what i ment my bad. but 10 laps is indeed much better. But since it's only 2 races.. u already need to know the track before u can have a good race there. If you don't know the track u will spinning some those 2 races and then move on to another track where ur gonna spin some again. At least thats how i see it maybe some people don't just keep it up
S2 licensed
I really like this program and i used it allot but suddenly i kept getting this error this happend wenn i pressed refresh.
S2 licensed
Yes you are right by that, but the track rotation on your server goes really fast. Only 2 races of 2 laps. Think that's a bit to fast for my kind of taste.
S2 licensed
track rotation isn't really populair only in the STCC servers. I think that 6trax league doesn't have the populairity like STCC and isn't filled as much as STCC i think you should make them more prestent to the current public racers to get them full. Most public racers enjoy is they know the track and stuff and i think due to the track rotation ( that is imo way to often ) it doesn't really appeal to them. They don't have the time to known the track etc etc.
S2 licensed
What do you exacly mean?
You wanna start a league with same track but different cars or you just wanna run a server with that combination?
S2 licensed
i was actually thinking about that one myself due to the request about as north and the voting for AS1 with TBO. But don't you think the track is to big for that combo to become populair? if you look at populair public servers there are usually medium tracks.
S2 licensed
SO4 with FO8 not a really good idea since the track is not exacly wide and it's hard to overtake. Allot of public racers aren't really good at the track they are driving. Mostly just 3 to 6 people if the server is pretty crowded. That's why i think allot of people are also voting for AS1 TBO. Close, exciting and not really difficult.
S2 licensed
Quote from XenoWolf :Are you kidding me? Ford wouldn't be able to afford an S2 licence!

ford above all!!!!
S2 licensed
spotted him on our server on monday. I was about to bann him but suddenly he was gone so he got off with nothing there.
S2 licensed
as you can see almost everyone has different idea's about which combo should be on. Hard to make a decission if you wanna please as many people as possible.
S2 licensed
I think it is possible to compete with those servers. Well i don't want to compete with them. Those servers are often that full that normal driving is not possible. In clownPaint server will be a sort of strict rules that have to be followed. Maybe that makes it more appealing to race there.

The idea is for rules: Some rules will have other concequences then others. Like if you crash someone due to your fault but not really on purpose there will be made a notice about that incident. If you keep on getting notices you will be removed for a certain amount of time from the server. If you crash someone on purpose well you can figure that one out. I will be making a 'rules' page soon and will post it here.

Feel free to make any suggestions about how you would improve public racing!
Last edited by battle, .
S2 licensed
Some servers run a program that is called LFSLapper. This is what shows you the 0-100 sprint in seconds. Some servers don't have that program but that's not a problem because everyone can still join the server. And you don't need to install the game again. You can use it or you can turn it off if you run your own server.

If LFSLapper is on a public server you have no control over it. Some servers us LFSLapper ( like the redline servers ) and some (like clownPaint servers ) don't use it and you won't be able to see your 0-100 sprint and there is nothing you can do about it. I hope this explain your question.

Your replies are really weird and i doubt it if anyone can still understand what you are exacly talking about.

Good luck with your sprint from 0 to 100.!!!

my regards,
S2 licensed
Hello fellow addict, I have been a hardcore addict for a while now. It just keeps sucking me in. Stopped for 1 year but i couldn't refuse to buy myself a brand new wheel and head for some racing. Currently i'm doing about 4 to 5 hours a day LFS and i call that addicted. If i have more time i will race more. It's not just LFS racing i'm busy with also everything around the team i'm trying to be the best as i can be.

Now this is my story and if i don't play lfs for 2 days i'm started to grow foam out of my mouth.

my regards,


clownpaint FTW!
S2 licensed
yeah can't really figure that one out myself, maybe they want those cars? ahhh keep on wishing and u might buy a scale model of it

just kidding of course,

good luck with the team.
S2 licensed
mm allot of people do want the FO8 or BF1 but as you can see almost every person wants another combo and i think it's a bit difficult to put in every possible combo in the Poll.

Therefor i choose for some that are a bit obvious. Tracks that are already running and not to big. I don't think big tracks are populair among the 'public' racer. I selected these tracks also looking at popularity on LFS World. The UF1000 seems also pretty populair but i think that's mainly because STCC is running it 24/7. MRT... well you don't see allot of MRT combo's actually not even a single one.
Last edited by battle, .
S2 licensed
haha i doubt it as north is gonna be really populair and what cars would have you had in mind?