And I have other question....if I join the race in its middle the first lap time is for example 5 minutes and then you see in your stats that I had bad lap...or dont you?
This message is especially for SamH ... I m just racing on your v1 server 1 and there was a "racer" who crashed very often then trying to restart during the race which was impossible so he stopped his FBM right in the first chickane and I crashed him from my first place (I didnt wanna but had no other possibility)...everything is in the replay below...his name was I think wasteman but I m not sure about the end of the replay you will see all the situation clearly if you spectate me (bavorak) or wasteman...
I dont wanna say you what to do but imho he should be disqualified from all the V1 championship
unfortunately I just dont have journey to UK planned on Sept 16th
but other racers are quite in disadvantaged if they are not from UK ... hope that FBM real testing will be for all the world
really great idea...for example...before the race I was racing offline because I wanned to test my race setup in 20 or more lap race and it wasnt possible on your I m racing FBM BLGP but again you dont see how
SamH ...if I remember well you said you will be sending some e-mails about real testing of some track somewhere in England...I think you said you would post it today (Monday) so I wonder what it will be
hope you will send it to all V1 competitors not just to "impressive"
I have driving licence just half a year but I have driven quite a lot and many cars so I have some real driving skill too...but lfs is for me the game which is very realistic and where I can race on limit of physical possibilities and then I dont need to race on street so much :mrgreen:
so if i understand well if I m practicing on your servers a lot and not even get into the race, I still have chance? strange but you are telling rules here and we must do what you want and as you want it and do our best if we wanna succeed
no I dont have other nick...bavorak is my only one
okey but now I missed other race...will it be enough for me if I race only 5 races (also if I will be good enough for you) and if i will race blgp fbm on your server all the day from morning to evening?
I raced just one race till now because i didnt have time for more...has it sense to try something more or should I give ti up? I wanna know i have just a bit theoretical chance to get to the real fbm....i dont really know because if you make an agreement with admins that you will take people who are racing times 1-14 then you take just them to real world and mine 1-12-80 is nothing against them as I can see from your words
Edit : so you basicly want people who can sit at home all day cos they DONT work for a LIVING ( slobs or kids ) ... need i say more
I agree at all....nobody has time to sit on lfs all the days and make 100 laps a day ....we also have to learn, work and go out but we still race good times...sometimes less is more....I think that it is skill if you come to track with car you have never driven and make a good time...of course if he raced 2200 laps he has 1-13-50 time...I had too...and also better....ň
btw:jwardy ..what was your Q time?
edit// if someone sits all the day playing lfs he has no but really no physical condition...he wont manage to drive a single lap in must be quite hard to push the pedals and spin the steering wheel 40 laps in real...just think about it...
okey but I dont have so much time to race so much laps and I m trying to get better and I have nothing against zsmy but I m driving all 30 lap such times as he has pb so I think I would be better in race....
In F1 or other races it is just about time...that is quite clear criteria but you admins like zsmy so he will race but it is hardly impossible that he will do a good race ...he will end maybe 1 lap after the best racers...
I wont probably race next week race because I m leaving to University and again dont have so I wanned to race today but as I see your rules are a bit can be impressed by anyone but times are times and it is the most valuable factor...much more than you like someone...then it seems like you are corrupted and you can take there any of your friends if you have free hands to take there almost everyone...let racers race their best and take 12 best racers
It was the first race when you also didnt take me into the race and I finished 4th ... hope you dont wanna screw me all the day up...
edit//you said zsmy made over 2000 laps and has big progress...I raced 1300 and has bigger progress...the difference is that it wasnt on your server because I was racing earlier than your servers were
i had qualification time 1-12-97 and in list there is for example zsmy who has the best online time 1-13-46 and he is in...I dont understand it at all...if it is about qualification times then I should be there I think...I doubt that 12 people has time under 1-13...
THX for answer and I hope you will get me into race list...
yeah I will have to count a lot but hope that I will come on time
if I see that your message was sent according to lfs at 00-12 and you say it is 1-12 and now at 10-15 my time it shows me 8-15 I think Q will start 11-45 my time hope so
I always wanna ensure when the qualification starts in my time...if it is 10-45 AM (GMT+1) that means 11-45 in Slovakia? I have never known these timezones
it was a great race and I wanna say one big THANKS to Sam who checked qualification times once again and allow me to race I hope I wasnt so bad not to race
it´s a shame that I wont participate next race coz I will be on holiday
when I had time I raced on practice servers and finished 2nd almost every race (vincper was first ) so why did I get into Q2 if couldnt qualify into race? what´s the point of this all? I would like SamH to tell something to it...explain me what was wrong with my time? I m a bit angry now because I was content with my time and finally I could say that this was good qualification for me but as I see it wasnt good at all for admins
I have always thought that every Q is just about the best time but I see you have very strange rules...and I dont think I broke rules in some way...I let pass racers on blue flag if they were faster and I tried not to endanger others...what else should I do to qualify...I was very happy with that time I made and then you tell me that it isnt about time...
do you know how much laps I screwed up because slower racer didnt wanna pass me even if they were in first (not qualifing) lap?
wtf???? i had time 1-12-91 and I was on server with mazdarati and benjiMC who both raced 1-13-04 and they are invited to race and I m not??? where is the point of this decision?