when I had time I raced on practice servers and finished 2nd almost every race (vincper was first ) so why did I get into Q2 if couldnt qualify into race? what´s the point of this all? I would like SamH to tell something to it...explain me what was wrong with my time? I m a bit angry now because I was content with my time and finally I could say that this was good qualification for me but as I see it wasnt good at all for admins
I have always thought that every Q is just about the best time but I see you have very strange rules...and I dont think I broke rules in some way...I let pass racers on blue flag if they were faster and I tried not to endanger others...what else should I do to qualify...I was very happy with that time I made and then you tell me that it isnt about time...
do you know how much laps I screwed up because slower racer didnt wanna pass me even if they were in first (not qualifing) lap?
wtf???? i had time 1-12-91 and I was on server with mazdarati and benjiMC who both raced 1-13-04 and they are invited to race and I m not??? where is the point of this decision?
I m quite sure that if Trismo (lfsw nick schabram) would race then vincper wont get victory for sure....
and also vincper can make fatal mistake on the track...there isnt racer all over the world who would be able to win every race
when will the race start? after F1 race? what exactly time is it?
what are characteristics of the race? I mean laps, wind, weather, pitstops
I dont understand one thing...today (Friday) there will be some free qualification...where can I race my qualification time (hotlap)? when will be the free Q? I still havent received any invitation email about the championship and I dont have enough information about it (Qualifying and racing)(I´m a bit disapointed about organizing and informing racers)...
of course wheel is better but it would take some time to get used to it and I have hardly any time but I plan to buy wheel because it must be much more fun and then it seems more realistic ...
I have a question...I dont have steering wheel so I have to race with mouse....is there some disadvantage for me? I mean something that racers who play with wheel will be chosen in preference
and another question...what should I do on V1 servers if there is nobody there? should I also race and my times (replays) will be saved?
I dont really understand what is the main aim in racing on V1 servers...what is the target i should hit on this servers to qualify on main race in time when real F1 race starts?
and will I receive some e-mail with informations before the qualification and race which will start in 5 days I think. I mean specification of the race (laps, wind, password to server...) because I feel quite uninformed about the race and it starts in few days
If i understand well, every weekend when F1 race is also V1 championship is on schedule...what will happen if I miss some of the races? or do I understand it wrongly?
i tried to upload hot lap on lfsworld for FXR at Westhill from version Y and i received message: "You can only upload an spr of version 0.5Y and above!"
I think there should be "0.5Z and above"
just a little mistake