I would like to ask if we will know that psychometric test result...some score we gained or simply some resolution if I am genius or idiot
btw: the last race (race 6) was terrible for me.....but I feel that I dont have enough experience in racing with a lot cars around me....every time I come to V1 practice it is empty and then I race with 11 racers and they are everywhere around me and I want to take care about everybody so it ends with my crash if I dont want to crash anybody else...
I dont know how to gain it but there should be more oportunities to race with a lot of racers....it is absolutely different from racing alone...
and another thing is that I am kinda nervous because of important event
and other thing I dont understand is why the second race was restarted? It was told there wouldnt be any lag start and my first start was great and gained one position but the second one I got between two formulas and crashed my left front wheel so I had problems with handling and wheel temperature