I think BMW M3 (dont know which generation but definitely older than E46) has this kind of transmission...it is made this way because in BMW they reckoned that if you are driving on the edge on a road full of corners you will probably use 2nd and 3rd gear the most and therefore it is easier to move shifter just up and down
picture: http://www.strathspey.co.uk/unixnerd/dogleg.jpg
nice movie...a little bit too much "empty road" at the beginning but then got much better... nice work for the first movie
btw: was that requiem for a dream in background? or some kind of remix of the song? it was quite interesting...better than the original version
lfs is too cheap so every moron can have it and I experience it very often on servers... i cant understand what leads people to be stupid, rude and intolerant ... maybe the stupidity itself
this is sooooo true happens to me all the time when I play lfs and between races I switch to qip
btw: I dont know what FFB is but I dont expect the whole words would be allowed on the forum
I have bought a wheel and was improving all the year...
I mastered 3h of AS4 XRR all alone...never more
and I had a few good races and few good hotlaps
so all in all it was a good year with lfs for me...I still cant have 3 days in a row without it and I enjoy every minute of driving
and I hope I will compete in more organized races this year and there is still much to improve
I have just had to watch it again and it is really well made but i realized when there are real cars in lfs it has a bit of nfs atmosphere... so I like the lfs as it is...with "not real" cars
try to get better setup for the track...I havent seen the replay but over 6 seconds after some practicing is quite a lot... or watch wr...that sometimes helps me quite much
and use mouse instead of joystick (if not wheel)...you wont feel like driving a spaceship
nice idea...the result wasnt the best i think....the part when there is no sound except of raining is just empty... engine sound would make it...and the rain seems to have two layers in front of camera and then nothing...and it falls too slowly...
there are hardly any people from slovakia/czech rep. who would pronounce it properly... but for example if you have LIVE in a meaning of LIVE TV broadcasting it is pronounced [laiv] - that is a bit closer
funny to look at your avatar while reading your post...it seems to be so serious when "jeremy is saying that"
I like the name - "Life for speed" - it nicely defines the game and my feeling while playing it but it is really confusing for people who hear the name for the first time and I also hate the whole explaining that no, I am not a 10-year old child playing nfs... this is something far different...
I remember only one time that a friend of mine asked me what I was playing on the wheel and I said Live for speed and I automatically started explaining and he stopped me that he knew the game
and the other problem is...when I explain it is a great simulator and they want to try it, majority of them cant make one corner properly which seems like it is very far from reality but I think the problem is they dont feel the speed because going 80kph in lfs is like going 30kph in a real car...if you dont feel the forces it really degrades feeling of speed
quite hard to give only one vote...if there are 5 movies to get to the next round there could be about 3 votes...but I am not sure if this forum allows more votes from the same user in one voting
I am also not from the best drivers and if I win some race on full server it is really celebration day for me but I am not slow at all and I think that I can drive most of the cars in lfs quite well and responsibly...
for one race i can get about 5-10 pts average if I improve my pb on the track and if I finish on good position...but not every race is ideal and to unlock better car I need hundreds of points which I dont want to collect by racing some xfg which is imho absolutely boring...
I want to have fun by racing instead of checking ranking board after each race and counting how many more pts I need to actually be allowed to drive car I want to race with and which is fun to drive for me
brandons: I totally agree with you....I am also sick of collecting point nfslike to "unlock" new cars...
there must be some other interesting way of server rules...or no rules just servers like redline where I raced few times and there were quite decent people racing there and I had fun and was turning lfs off with smile on my face but I am not sure if these servers are still at least half full
those are quite useful ideas...
When I was racing on Ironhorse I realized that it would be quite useful if there were a possibility of reducing messages like "new player connecting"
"player left pits" "player left server" "player is in pits" and all this (for me) useless messages that lfs generates because when the server is full and a friend of mine writes me some longer message I cant read it whole because it is soon ouf of chat history because 5 racers connected and 10 racers jumped into pits and then left it which I really dont need to know
(if there is something like this...say me because I havent found it anywhere)