I have started making a video and come across a problem...I use fraps to record scenes from lfs and I adjust settings to "medium" details and 960*600 resolution it can record video at 50 fps...but it has to be 16-bit ...if I want to record at 32bit, FPS during recording falls at 8-9 fps and it is useless...can anyone give me an advice what to do? 16bit really looks remarkably worse than 32bit
thx for ideas
hope anyone wont kill me for asking about something which is mentioned in first post...because I havent found a solution to this exact problem...and I would like to avoid recording at 0,25x of speed and then speeding it up...
sorry for OT but I cant understand how come that you have your video done and have no song in it? When I make a video the first thing I think about is song(s) which I will use and then I try to fit the video into the song rythm
quite sad that majority of moments you had experienced in lfs and remebered this year was crashing (I doubt I wrote this correctly but I hope it is understandable )
and I dont blame you ... I am just saying it is a sad fact of these days in lfs....but still sometimes I close lfs with a really good feeling (like yesterday) I wish this happened more often
I havent enjoyed it very much...the beginning (safety rating) made me laugh...but then...it was more about crashing and flying and going off the road than nice race moments...sorry but I´ve expected more
hard to say...there were about 700 drivers online that time so it could be anyone from them and how would you say who drove that specific kilometer when there could be about 500 cars moving on the track?
I watched first few seconds of it and when the first great ubercool unrealistic crash came I turned it off because I was sure that wont be worth of watching to the end.
but I made the efford to read the whole squidhead´s post and he is absolutely right in all of the things he pointed out... yes 10 seconds of watching is enough for me to agree with squid...
certainly nice feeling to have 100 WRs (congratz) but anyway I think it doesnt mean arrowkart is the best in lfs...for me arrechee, Bawbag, Rocabiliz or RamboJorGen etc are THE RACERS
they just dont have that much time to spend on hotlapping or they just dont see the point of it...
however I dont think arrowkart is not hell of a good driver...no doubt about it
very good syncronization of music and video...it really fits but:
those shots werent very interesting to me...nothing special happened in them
and racing line in some of them really shouldnt be on
I would never think about mixing NFS and LFS but this was pretty cool...
and the other videos...nice work too...they would be good as advertisement or sth like that
exactly what I was about to say...it is a big shame you cant find this much LX6s or LX4s racing on public server..
I dont know why but race full of "caterham" always looks absolutely great to me... I liked the video...no soundtrack just pure sound of engine nice work
exactly my thoughts...it has nice colours...nice shots...music is good for lfs video but it doesnt fit together...and you use toooooo loooong shots...faster changes of views would make it more dynamic and would suit the music much better
kinda crazy drifting in F08 but it also requires a certain amount of skill so I admire you for keeping the beast in drift for 20 metres...
the video was better than I expected (I didnt expected anything good )
however IMO the music was terrible but everyone has his/her favourite kind of music...
I liked it quite much...color balance you used was great I think and it was full of action and quick sequences of shots which is just good...
sometimes I had a feeling that fps during recording was under optimal level but it wasnt such a big problem because it was seeable only in slow shots and most of all were really quick...
and I also like the idea of such races...quite interesting