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S2 licensed
I ve just received an email that our team HAS to attend the test race...
Do I understand it right that not all of the members have to compete in the test race? because I would love to come but now I am two days after surgery not able to race for about another week or so...

and can a team have individual drivers or do they have to make an exchange during the race (one team = one car)?
S2 licensed
Quote from Seb66 :Did you not read anything above?!

I must have missed that one...I thought noone even tried when I saw someone was still argueing
S2 licensed
could someone from "aliens" take FX9 and drive few laps on KY3B, set 2:22:XX time to prove it is possible to do it just to end this possibly eternal discussion?

and if someone thinks that FXR is slower than XRR why choosing FXR then? why havent you taken one of the faster ones...noone would have blamed you
S2 licensed
Quote from dekojester :The forced SC is for the test race, so we can test how people will respond and behave under SC. It serves to acclimatize newcomers to the series' procedures.

oh okey...I have understood it as a rule in every race during GTAL season
S2 licensed
Quote from dekojester : If no natural cause for a Safety Car occurs before the one hour mark, a Safety Car will be called at a random time during the last hour.

is there any racional reason for that or are you just planning to piss off those people who build up a decent lead? I hate SCs and forced SC is just the most stupid idea... in real races everyone is happy when there is no need to have SC...not considering cases when racers want it because they screw up sooner in the race and it is the best way to catch up with the rest
btw: I am a member of new team but unfortunatelly I ll be in hospital in that time...I can bring you letter of apology
S2 licensed
unfortunately...I am writing here before the end of the race
Q: surprisingly for me 5th place and I could do better
Race: in first lap I lost a lot of usual...I have never had a good start...then I started to gain some and after few laps I had unpleasant accident with some FXR (I dont know who it was and I think it was fault of both of us) on the finish straight and fell on 20th position...I was overtaking and overtaking...did some good laps...even improved my pb...then went to pit...gained two positions in pits and starting to close up on 7th place...I could be 3-4 seconds behind when after going under the bridge I steered to early, hit the kerb and ended up on the roof...

I am quite dissapointed...I wanted to have a good race before my longer break from lfs and I also wanted to make at least a small impression with my driving skills to show organizators that our team should be in GTAL this year...unfortunately...everything went wrong
S2 licensed
about the boothy there some penalty for collecting the orange post which is in apex of the chicane?
S2 licensed
mpwr will come...hopefully there will be enough space for two racers from our team
S2 licensed
just send an aplication, hope we will fit on least for some races
S2 licensed
I like the video very much...E36 looks very nice in lfs and the whole movie is well done...
I couldnt care less about mod car...imho it is quite reasonless not to allow using mods
S2 licensed
damn, I wanted to use this song in video I am planning to make for like 1,5 year but I will never make it so never mind but yours was nice...3,9* from me
S2 licensed
everything works now so I guess this topic is sentenced to be recycled
S2 licensed
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] : ... rt-in-car-crash-near-home ... ther-crashes-Porsche.html

first meters are crucial...also in lfs when you dont have your tires warmed up and I believe TVR spins like hell
lfs maintenance?
S2 licensed
I was just racing online and found out that lfs doesnt count new online pbs.
I went on lfsw to check if it knew I was online and it didnt. "host and racers online" list is also dead empty... is it on purpose or just unexpected lfsw failure?

edit//damn I meant to call this thread "lfsw maintenance"
S2 licensed
Quote from AMB :Because they want to be just like Alonso.

or maybe alonso is also a cheater... I would make some background check if he hasnt used any tweaks
and as I ve just find out he has won the second training on doubt about him using a tweak
S2 licensed
Quote from AMB :Sorry then, just your name seemed familiar

year we are from the same country and our nicks are also quite similar starting with "ba.." ...but no naming and shaming
S2 licensed
Quote from AMB :Wasn't you the guy who uploaded a hotlap with FBM @ BL1 and went through the pitlane to get a 1:11? or am I mistaken?

that wasnt me... it was my former teammate but I didnt approve it at all...
I have never used a cheat in lfs... and in fact neither did he...
cheating in lfs just wouldnt make me feel better or is just act of weakness (imho)
S2 licensed
Quote from mk1golf :Another one , spotted yesterday.

I dont know if there is some new cheat released or what but it is alarming how many noobs are uploading "WRs" on lfsworld... I dont understand why hotlap mode cant recognize the cheat and it must be lfsworld which does the job but after everyone is bothered by those nonsense laptimes
S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :We are different then.

I value a fair and friendly racer more than someone who I can get sets of and who otherwise might be an **** (not naming any names :razz.

well i like fair drivers too and hate those who care only about themselves and not about cars around but setups and watching perfect laps help me get better which is what I want...
but I parcially agree with you...sometimes it is a better feeling to have a nice clean fight on a track than doing some good hotlap alone
S2 licensed
damn that was a masterpiece... in some moments it felt like reality...
S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :But those "good drivers" have started as "newbies" as well, didn't they?

I couldn't care less if one so called alien leaves. The other 3 F's mean much more to me than just the one F(ast).

And how does LFS "lose much more when one alien leaves than when 20 average drivers leave"?

Can't really follow that train of thought.

for me a good (alien as you call them) driver means an opportunity to learn more from his replays and also they are the ones who make the best setups so I think when such person leaves lfs it is a loss
S2 licensed
Quote from JPeace :I agree partially with Scipy here - Which is a first I must say.

But Scipy, you are saying that a new lease of life of GTR's would be much more benefiticial. Well im sorry but I dissagree. You are coming from a very small part of the sim community that race and enjoy high level enduranc leagues, and you are one of the very few on the sim that get to race at the top of LFS. The Scirocco will bring more attention to the sim, more players will come to the game because of the attraction of having a real life car in the game - plus that with the fact that a new, real life track is coming. It's about the business at the end of the day, and if LFS loses a few members because of the lack good GTR cars to drive in leagues then whats the harm in that if in return the Scirocco boosts LFS's popularity and more players end up buying S2 and make LFS more money? I think that the developers may or may not listen to you, but I am sure that you definatly are not talking to deaf ears.

I would appreciate few very good drivers in lfs more than a lot of newbies...I think lfs loses much more when one driver like e.g. scipy leaves than 20 average or underaverage drivers (I dont want to say that average drivers are less important to lfs (I also consider to be one of them) but there has to be high quality maintained - real championships like F1 would also be less interesting if there werent those top can see it on the example of Raikonnen - I quite miss him there)
and yes as the matter of business more licenced drivers means more money which is always good but I still think the needs of minority should be also satisfied... however I might be saying this just because I like GTRs as well : )
S2 licensed
I avoid posting to this topic as much as I can because imho it is endless useless discussion...instead, from time to time I check how much posts Scawen has posted and if the number increases I check the new ones but the mystery for me is that sometimes the number increases but there are no new posts from him... is there some supersecret section of the forum where no one is allowed?
S2 licensed
very nice actionful video...and great choice of music...Imperitum
I was planning to make some video based on music from this band or orchestra or how to call it but I am so ducking lazy
S2 licensed
Quote from Luttsy :could the exit be extended past the chicane? check image (sorry for the bad drawing, used paint to do it.)

I realise that it goes onto the racing line but the racing line goes slightly to the right along the straight

I think it is a bit odd that going to pitlane forces you to avoid half of the turns on the track... I have always thought that the shorter the pitlane is, the better