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S2 licensed
One of my teammates gave me this. Give it a try.
S2 licensed
I just started playing around with this SDK. I noticed that when I get my PBs all the lapcounts are wrong. I looked at the data recieved back from world and it is correct, but when reading the results return by the function they are wrong. For example 43 becomes 4, 167 becomes 1. Has anyone else noticed this?

I should note that I changed the pubstats version to 1.3 from 1.2 and added my ident key. I got the same results both when using compressed and uncompress LFSWorld queries.
S2 licensed
Has anyone else noticed that the ALT F1-F5 keys don't change the view any longer. Did I miss that change somewhere along the line?
S2 licensed
I had a LFS crash tonight. I was admin'ing a league race and had just ended a race to setup for the feature race, and lfs crashed. The offset was a bunch of zeros and the last number was a 4.

Sorry I don't have more information than that, but thats all I remember.
S2 licensed

The stats don't match the results image. The image shows Ben coming in 14th, but the stats have him as DNF. Which is it? I know this was a fun race, but I we can't have any controversy with race results and scoring.
S2 licensed
Quote from Krane :use the short path/file names c:\PROGRA~1\LIVEFO~1\LFSMOM~1.EXE

That worked thanks!
S2 licensed
I can't seem to get /exec to work correctly in U28. I didn't have a chance to try it in U27.

I put exec C:\Program Files\LiveForSpeed\LFSmomoLeds.exe, with and without quotes into my autoexec.lfs file. Now when I open LFS I get "Line 3 invalid parameter". This tells me that the exec command is not recognized. Has anyone else encountered this problem? What am I doing wrong.
S2 licensed

So the Afternoon, Sunset, Dusk, Morning have nothing to do with it.

0 - Clear
1 - Overcast
2 - Cloudy
S2 licensed
I can't find any documentation that specifies what the enumerations are for the weather setting? It seems, at least according to the start menu, that each track has certain weather settings that can be applied.

The only references I can find are from the commands.txt file: /weather=1 :weather : 1,2,3 in Blackwood

The distinct text values from the start menu are:

Clear Day
Cloudy Afternoon
Cloudy Sunset
Clear Afternoon
Overcast Day
Cloudy Sunset
Overcast Dusk
Cloudy Morning

What would be the corresponding numeric values?
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Land Of The Free - founded Jan. 2006, active and growing.
S2 licensed
Quote from nmanley :Today, we at the "Land Of The Free" welcome a new provisional member.

from Indiana hpisloud :heyjoe67_

Welcome to the team. Hope to see you soon on the track.
InSim Pit Stop Information
S2 licensed
Sorry if this has been asked and answered already, but I have not seen this information in this topic before.

Can an insim program get information on the things that are done to a car during a pit stop. Major, minor, front end, rear damage, tire change, fuel amount, and pit stop duration?

S2 licensed
Sim-Dad here. My 7 year old is a wrecker so he has been banned from going online. He mainly does Drag, but he has started spending more time on the oval lately.
S2 licensed
Thanks for joining our server lastnight gents. Good racing all around. I never would have thought that a LX6 could run a 1:55 on KY Nat, but Forbin really showed us how to do it.

Lastnight was our first public "Team Night" event. We are going to have these events twice a month on Saturday nights. They are intended to give us a chance to meet and greet new team prospects, as well as, have some old fashion competition with our friends.

We are going to try to choose car/track combinations that we think are not as popular. The thought process is that since everyone is learning something new that it will promote sharing techniques, setups, and present an opportunity to share experiences that could benefit others. Lastly, we hope that is will create closer racing throughout the evening. Visit our forum to see what we have planned next.
S2 licensed
Quote from MARSH2a :We'll have two Team Nights every month and the dates and car/track combo's are posted here. ... am/index.php?showtopic=85

Of course these are public events and you're all welcome.

"you're all" means guests, the server will be public.
S2 licensed
Quote from mrodgers :If you are reading this from me, chances are I probably should be working rather than forum posting!!

Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black.
S2 licensed
Have toy will play.
S2 licensed
Quote from Leadtail :Welcome NetDemon01!

Ditto here.

S2 licensed
That shouldn't stop you from running with us on our server. We are always glad to have guests race with us.
S2 licensed
Your more than welcome to apply at
S2 licensed
You can . But you will need to move to the United States and get a full S2 license :checkered first.

:bump: :bump: :bump: :bump:
S2 licensed
Welcome S ki p p y!
Stats for ASP
S2 licensed
Quote from abz1 :Alot of people here using PHP for those of you who are using ASP I created this ASP file and you are more then welcome to use it on your own site.

Brillant just what I have been looking for, thanks.
Join Link
S2 licensed
I am having trouble getting a join link to work where thehost has a double quote in the name. I am using ASP, can anyone help giude me to a solution?

<a href="lfs://|<%=replace(ol_srvr_nc, " ", "%20", 1, -1, 1)%>|0|s2|/">Join</a>