No one should be kicked out of the community. I just lost 2 mins of my life that I'll never get back just by reading that. Don't be so selfish please.
Keith is a very good colleague, and friend of mine. And the reason I departed, was because of the news he gave me about ITEKs departure due to the inactivity. I was dissapointed to hear, but netherless, I'm still in contact with him.
Keith had personal problems, and was getting really stressed out of it all doing so many things at ones, both LFS and personal matters. And after what happened a few evenings ago, it was clearly understandable why ITEK has come to an end.
Even though ITEKs gone, the history of ITEK on the tracks hasn't .
Erm... no, sorry about the previous organising from last weeks event, and the disconnection, I'm taking my business to another team/server for that particular day.
Tyres are the key to winning this race. Tyres will overheat, once they do you'll need to set yourself to a pace, until they cool off. When that happens, its full throttle for the rest of the race until you need to either cahnge tyres of put fuel in.
That is shocking! Faster, a majority of drivers are much much faster that you predict, its going to take a lot of practice for you, just to be at the same times as they are.