BTW one of my most proud moments were when me and my friend were at McDonalds (drunk of course) and when I got out of the WC, I shouted "Yay I got to piss for free!" and at the same time I could hear the cashier saying to my friend that your bank account doesn't have enough money for hamburger. We felt very poor. Then we proceeded to grab a taxi.
Oh and that 2012 thingie, I dunno from where it has started, but it seems like this myth about 2012 is shouted all over the internet, there is different cosmic stories about world ending or aliens coming and etc. etc. So before actually something happens @ 2012 I wouldn't take any of that as a fact.
BTW I would say more like it's a genuine 3dr, but a only a Cosworth look-a-like. I like it too, just hopefully someday the performance figures are also at least matching to a Cossie.
From what I've seen from videos I have to agree with the thing about over exited commentary. It's pain in the ass when you want to see and hear the cars and the commentator goes nuts.
I have once been in a local drifting "show" in Ahvenisto, few years back. And I have to admit that I was pretty thrilled when the white 400-look B-Manta with N/A 3.0 straight-6 with ITB's went nuts in the corners ripping it's tires off. And yes, in Finland we don't have that much of a problem with over exited commentators.
Ok maybe it wouldn't been that much of a thrill if the cars would all been Nissans etc.
Tho a busy race weekend (especially when Historics are around) gives more to watch and hear than a drifting show.
But I should maybe go to watch some drifting show again this year, it has evolved to a lot bigger in here after that.
Thanks for the tips. We already have Gungame, but usually don't play that during LAN, but in public servers.
Delta Force: Black Hawk Down seems interesting.
I think we used to play some of the Quake games, but that 3: Arena is on the "maybe" list now.
Only two of us own steering wheel, so I don't think I'm going to bring it with me this time.
Oh and btw we also have TF 1 & 2.
I did some research and we're gonna try Flatout and Rainbow Six 3 this time. But keep them coming, your tips may get useful in future LANs.
We have a good amount of games, but usually we tend to pick 2-4 ones that feel good at the time. I bet that GTA IV + Flatout + Rainbow Six 3 and maybe something familiar like CS1.6 is our combo this time. Something new is always good to spice it up.
BTW we usually don't have that much problem with the "networking". But sometimes we have used maybe 6 hours or something to make the bloody rF work.
Usually we have nicely time for proper playing, but after all we usually end up screwing around in different FPS games, ie. fist or knife fight sometimes makes the most of the time. At least during the morning hours after no sleep it can be surprisingly entertaining to do just the stupid stuff. Games like GTA SAMP and GTA IV leave lots of space for the imagination and so usually the "who has most scores" gaming kinda leaves the room.
We're gonna have a little "lan-party" with my friends and I thought about asking this.
Can you recommend us some funny games for LAN mp use? Preferably FPS games, new or old.
We don't want anything serious or superior, just something to have a good laugh about.
Maybe you know some forgotten gems?
We already have:
CS 1.5, 1.6 and Source.
HL1 & 2
Unreal Tournament
Serious Sam 2 (don't recommend the first one)
Far Cry 1 & 2
Left 4 Dead
LFS (of course)
Contrack Jack, No One Lives Forever 1 & 2
Swat 4
All Battlefields (I think)
Almost all NFS'es.
Team Fortress 1 & 2
Red Orchestra
Please tell me if you can recommend something. And oh, no RPG/RTS (whatsoever) games.
We have a lot of games but lately we haven't discovered anything new and funny so something more could spice it up.
What other games do you play? You already mentioned Half-Life and Age Of Empires 2, but those are very old games and don't need a good computer to run.
Yes, LFS is one of the easy games to run for the PC, but it's many times more demanding than those two.
I assume you meant that your PC is Dell OPTIPLEX GX240 and what I could find with google is that it's just slow. It's CPU isn't that good, there's not much memory and the graphics card is really bad. It's not suited for gaming really. You could try to use lower resolution and turning different graphics settings to as low as possible.
I liked those "winter" wheels more. They're more "hardcore". Those summer wheels just look like their made for cruising in the city. I also want that steering wheel.
And about the shifter position, it's not like I won't like it being close to the steering wheel, that's a good thing. But I think it looks just a bit stupid when it comes from the dash instead of the floor. You can have the shifter close to the steering wheel even when it comes from the floor. I used to have a long shifter with shortened ratio (or how I should call it) it felt really awesome and was close to the wheel. But I had to replace it with stock shifter because it weirdly made an annoying rattling sound while giving the right foot.
Well that's very good looking for a Civic of that generation. I love those wheels and mudflaps and that steeringwheel. It looks like it's supposed to get driven on some gravel road nice and hard. THO I still hate those Civics, that basic shape is just stupid.
Well I dunno about you but I wouldn't be that much amused in behind the wheel of that car. That was just simple boring handbrake maneuver in slow speed in wet asphalt. Doesn't require a proper driver or anything.
Of course you can toy around in every car, but some cars are fun to toy around and some aren't.