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S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Haha, that is great.

We need to see that done in a league race!
S2 licensed
Patch V + Tweak =
S2 licensed
Victor, if you would please I need a small modification done to the League of the America's sub-forum located here:

Under StormCup is says, "league website :" Could I please have you edit that URL too , thank you.
Last edited by BigTime, .
S2 licensed
Quote from evilgenius :Tbh, i dont really get the rick roll joke.. whats supposed to be funny ? its just a music vid ffs ;D whats so funny about it ?

I never found it to be that funny ether. However, the music video itself is rather strange and does put a smile on my face. The main reason for that is the lead singers effeminate body gestures.
S2 licensed
The simpleness of those images are really nice.
S2 licensed
Quote from slider308 :forget about it no one helps around here any more thanks for not helping and just putting us down

Quote from slider308 :
im a dedecated gamer
pc specs
Windows Xp Sp2
running Intel dual core cpu 3gHz
2 gig of Ram
2x geforce 8800 gts

plus play seat, g25 24 inch lcd (soon 40 inch)

Just out of curiosity, why did you post this here?
S2 licensed
Quote from Start Wars :The next filming session starts tomorrow at 4pm GMT +1, and then again on Sunday at a similar time. If anyone who has not joined before would like the opportunity, then please pm me as we need a fair amount of drivers

Convert that to UTC for the sake of constancy please...
S2 licensed
Quote from kaynd :Restricting the clutch button rate to autoclutch standards is enough.

That would do the trick...
S2 licensed
Quote from kaynd :The problem is not the existence of the button... it's just have to be slower so it doesn't give an unrealistic advantage that also overcomes gearbox restrictions.

But that was the reason I brought it up... The fact is LFS allows auto clutch, and unless you use an axis for the clutch, you should leave it on auto... That is, if it gives you an unfair advantage to use a button clutch.

Sorry, I understand the first post was a little unclear on the point I was trying to get too...
S2 licensed
I like where you going with the whole street car to race car transition but it was simply way to drawn out. I would have also liked to seen a little more zoom on a few scenes. Still it wasn't a bad movie and considering this is your first (I think) video, it was fairly good.
S2 licensed
That's not my kind of movie but man, those special effects are jaw dropping.
S2 licensed
Quote from pearcy_2k7 :Mah, am i missing something here, looked at xenoa's stats and i don't see anything special, they were talking about him like he was a rudy (sorry rudy:razz

We handle all driver applications in the most professional way possible. Without investigating each and every application to the fullest, it is unfair to any and all the drivers that apply.
S2 licensed
Quote from Cawwa :Let's move on RACING.

That's what I like to hear, best of luck to you guys!
S2 licensed
Quote from PwrSlave :So it is a bit harsh to say that youwe lost all the respect for us? It is your choice i dont have a problem with it. It is something he did on himself, it was not a team decission. If it would be disscussed we would suggest him to not do it. But what's dont is done. Im not apologizing for anything, its just that we consider ourselves a fair and friendly team and it pissed me off to read here about we be spammin the sh1t, bcz we dont. And the disscrediting of our team.

Well, I will say that from the past, I've never had any issues with you guys and I consider the team, on a whole, to be well mannered and well organized. For this I'll change my comment too, "If I had posted this I would have released the driver's name, since I lost about 95% of the respect I once had for him."

As for, "it pissed me off to read here about we be spammin the sh1t, bcz we dont." This may be true, but why else would your driver be testing the integrity of others? To keep it private? That seems like a big waste of time ether way.

Quote from PwrSlave :And you certenly do not see us moaning and spamming the forum all the time. If anything we only wish the very best of luck with the guys new team, and thats all.

And I'd like to wish the very best of luck to you as well. After hearing your response I want you to know that I didn't mean to offend you or the team by my comments. I just want you to know that I'm very offended by xenoa comments and I hope your guys (as a team) have a serious talk with him about his respect for others.

Now I'm going to have to go along with Ben on this one. We can all put it behind us and forget about this. I just wanted to make sure you understand that I'm not upset with your team, just this one driver. Good luck with your future ventures.
S2 licensed
Quote from migf1 :How about keep using the existant, legitimate system without using any cheats/exploits?


Hugo and me where having a conversation earlier and I was wondering... How many times have you seen a button clutch in real life? :cry:

If all your going to say is that this is a game then please understand that this is a simulator, not NFS.
S2 licensed
Quote from orange_boy_uk :What a stupid website

What a stupid avatar...

Site is kinda stupid though.
S2 licensed
Quote from Victor :sorry that banner is a tad too big. Too high mostly.

Could you please give me the dimensions in which you need it?

As for now could we please continue using the current StormCup Banner, linked to: ... ;sa=series;sr=about;id=35

Thank you!
S2 licensed
Quote from Mc21 :sorry, i closed it as soon as i heard tokyo drift music.

I basically did the same thing.
S2 licensed
Quote from SpikeyMarcoD :If i have to wait for everybody to do that, it will be the next century.

I think its way better quality then other sites and its bundeled. And i credit the authors, never claimed them. Vids are just sitting on my HDD for my pleasure. I just thought it would be nice to have a lot of them in one place

And i dont count LFS video as most is crap, sorry but it is. Ofcourse people are welcome to upload theirs themselves and link them to the group.

I like your idea...

You just need more of my videos.
S2 licensed
Hey, can I join your team? :dunce:

Quote from xenoa :All i have to say at this point is....some ppl should understand what they read...

Understand what, that someone did something very impolite, immature, and low down? If so I'm understanding it perfectly...
S2 licensed
If I had posted this I would have released the driver name and team, since I lost about 95% of the respect I once had for them.

Quote from Kaw :One thing I really do not understand about this accusasion. Is that we havent stolen any drivers from anywhere at anytime. So why test this?

Well the part that really upsets me is the fact that he came to us asking to join the team. Even if we would have allowed him to join, that's not stealing, it's simply accepting... If we would have accepted they would have probably started spamming the forum with a bunch of BS, that in all actuality, they are responsible for.
Last edited by BigTime, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Riders Motion :Two Girls One Cup ffs! How comes anyone here could find that name...

I'm pretty sure that was ice cream and Reese though.

Lord I would hope so... :yikes:
S2 licensed
Quote from Dennis93 :Good bump, and make a new thread about it, i hardly think you can set yourselve up to Saiko^D nomatter how good you make the vid

I hate it when people bump threads this old.

I'm just going to post :inq: in all my old movie threads...
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :If I was Scawen (and had time to read this thread) i wouldn't reply at all - i'd make my decision and act upon it, and then maybe make a quick "well I feel that it's [whatever]" post using my second account...

Anything would be sufficient. Who knows though, they may be working on a solution to the problem as we speak...