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S2 licensed
Quote from dadge :lens flare is letting it down bud. good first vid though.

Yeah, the lens flare was the most incorrectly used effect in the movie. I'd say tone it down just a hair it might work.
S2 licensed
Quote from evilpimp :The round 4 one heh almost getting taken out on the pole lap :P

I enjoyed that scare.
IGTC 2008 Pole Laps - Rounds 1 - 4
S2 licensed

BigTime Productions is proud to present...

IGTC 2008 Pole Laps - Round 1 - 4

Produced by: Nolan "CoRe.BigTime" Scott

Round 1

Hi-Res D/L version (requires DivX/Xvid plugins): IGTC_ROUND_1.avi (69 MB)

YouTube Streaming: IGTC_ROUND_1
YouTube Streaming (Hi-Res): IGTC_ROUND_1

Round 2

Hi-Res D/L version (requires DivX/Xvid plugins): IGTC_ROUND_2.avi (92 MB)

YouTube Streaming: IGTC_ROUND_2
YouTube Streaming (Hi-Res): IGTC_ROUND_2

Round 3

Hi-Res D/L version (requires DivX/Xvid plugins): IGTC_ROUND_3.avi (74 MB)

YouTube Streaming: IGTC_ROUND_3
YouTube Streaming (Hi-Res): IGTC_ROUND_3

Round 4

Hi-Res D/L version (requires DivX/Xvid plugins): IGTC_ROUND_4.avi (98 MB)

YouTube Streaming: IGTC_ROUND_4
YouTube Streaming (Hi-Res): IGTC_ROUND_4

For this and other related videos online, please visit the IGTCLFS YouTube site!

Also, check out our new Mogulus page!

Last edited by BigTime, .
S2 licensed
Quote from tonyonparas :Michael, make a blame game episode of the Kaw´s and Niko´s crash

I wouldn't mind seeing zeugnimod and Niko's crash either. A double blame game!
S2 licensed
Quote from maxiim :Guys? can u just comment edit and twin? Its my first vid ..

The effects look good but you need to work on camera views. Other than the views I thought it was good, editing wise.

Quote from e2mustang :can you guys drift on anything else than fe gold rev?

FE Black Rev FTW!
S2 licensed
Quote from blackbird04217 :I want to be 100% certain about something instead of guessing, especially since the admin team all had different opinions on the matter...

I agree that you have to be 100% but all I was trying to say was that this might be something to consider for your in-sim for when you are 100% sure about something. I've made my point so that's all you'll hear from me about that, I just want you to know that I'm not disagreeing with any rulings you have made...
S2 licensed
Quote from Drift King CZ :KxR paid him and the result was this. Same song. :doh:

Not bad for a first time. I think the overlays and the footage needs some work but that lap was hawt!
S2 licensed
Quote from blackbird04217 :Ok, let me make this clear to everyone who has had, and will ever have a question about a race being reset. The only way in which results can be changed during the event is if there is contact and spinning during a Pass To Win move. That is it. It is too much pressure for the admins to dictate whether someone made a bad move or such. Take event 3 for example. Kasper vs Niko during the blocking incident. Had that review happened during the real event I would have called Kasper out and Niko would have continued, only to have later found out the truth. But since we do these penalties after the event I was able to look into it for an hour and a half and find the truth, which resulted in no penalties.

This has also been mentioned before here: [url="http://%5BB"]http://www.lfsforum.netshowthread.php?p=877697#post877697[/b]]here[/url].

This was in response to zeugnimod's incident... Secondly, that is not to much pressure because you are not obligated to change a race. It's simply something that should be a part of your in-sim when those really obvious incidents accord, such as with the incident involving zeugnimod.*

*I have not reviewed this incident, I'm simply going off what I saw during the race and read in the forum.

Quote from blackbird04217 :Then why did we get a report, and why are we wasting adminning time on a racing incident / non-deliberate manuover? ... I am hoping Kasper feels this was deliberate, especially with his behavior after the event...

Just because he didn't purposely push him into the tires, doesn't make it right for him to do so on accident...

Quote from blackbird04217 :I would like an honest opinion of when myself or the other admins have not been taking action? We have reviewed all incidents between Niko and Kasper as well as the one between Niko and yourself and agreed some were aggressive, others were followed up with aggressive maneuvers on Kasper's side as well, but I am confident in our abilities to make the right decisions about handing out penalties as we have done so as fairly as I can tell.

I'm sorry if you took this the wrong way but the statement, "I think its time you start playing like everyone else or the admins need to start taking action" was directed to the future tense. I do not think the admins need to do anything different with this and/or any other subsequent events because those protest, incidents, and results where handled properly. I'm basically stating that super aggressive moves, that make the non-aggressors loose speed, may want to be looked at more strictly in the future, especially in reference to Niko.

Quote from blackbird04217 :This little dispute between Niko and Kasper needs to end as it has been going back and forth since the second event. The racing incidents we as admins have looked into have been aggressively on the borders of line breaking, but some of the attitudes coming at us from both sides of this equation are really making me think whether it's worth it to run... I've seen very good battles and amazing moves, H2H is about having the skills and the guts to make a move. We have seen very generous drivers slow down and wait for the other to catch up, but this dispute or whatever is plain non-sense and needs to stop at the track. I don't mind the aggressive racing, to the limits within the specified rules, but this bickering back and forth about "I think that should have been a penalty", "I demand a penalty", "this is unfair" needs to end. Bring up a simple report as Kasper did, then wait for the results... That all that needs to happen, no more ranting, no more bragging or crying that the penalty you wanted applied didn't get applied...

This is not pointed at anyone! But some people have made comments so this needs to be noted.. About the points you may/may not have lost because of anothers unfairness (when they actually get the penalties applied because of being unfair) can not be dealt with as we can't give you points for something you didn't do. Sure you may have made it to the finals if you hadn't been take out, but you might have crashed yourself. In real life racing, someone takes you out you do not get any points. I can not fairly do this, definitely not this series with 1 event remaining, probably not in future series. If you have an idea to change that there is always the improvent thread...

I agree with this. I still feel the addition to the in-sim might be something to think about for next season for when blatant incidents do happen.
S2 licensed
Quote from Mp3 Astra :That was different, if there is a pass to win due to a bad move we do tend to cancel the pass to win. But since no pass to win took place, you can't do anything.

And you don't just get given points, that's not how the world works. The guilty are punished and the innocent are happy that the guilty people have been punished. Anyway, this incident will be under review.

Well this is something that needs to be added to the system... That race should have ether been reset or the time gained from it, removed from the scoring sheet. I think other than that, Tim has the in-sim dialed in, but this is an important subject that really should be changeable during the event.

Quote from LFSn00b :I drove on the chicane (Kasper Jhosnen vs. Me) and on that chicane i started to press too much gas hoping for a faster exit. I started to understeer and obviously hit Kasper. Like i said i am sorry for what happened, it was not deliberate like you think, Kasper.

I don't think Kaw feels that what you did was deliberate, but you pushed wide in order to keep speed and then apologize by saying my car understeered due to wheel spin... That would be like saying, "oh, your on my outside but I would have to slow in order not to hit you, so I stayed full throttle and pushed you out of my way." The simple fact is that throughout the season, you have been pointed out for aggressive driving multiple times. We had this same debate after round 2 and I think its time you start playing like everyone else or the admins need to start taking action. Thought it seems it is to little late to change what happened in this and subsiquent rounds, it's something I want you to be aware of going into the final round.

Just remember that you don't have to purposely crash someone to ruin their race.
S2 licensed
I'm finding it hard to make all the race times so if you have to, you can pull me off the sign up list. Though I would like to run a race if I had a free day, I don't know how often that will happen. Sorry guys!
S2 licensed
I'll probably be getting one.
S2 licensed
"That was a brilliant line by Nolan, and it was really slow." :ernaehrun

Great work, can't wait for the broadcast.
S2 licensed
Last edited by BigTime, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Storm_Cloud :Oh okay, 458hp

450 is closer than 800.
S2 licensed
Any time estimates on any other rounds?

/me dieing for round 5 and season 2.
S2 licensed
Wow, where are all these good videos come from? Nice again, but the quality of racing picked for some of the scenes probably isn't the best for a recruitment video.
S2 licensed
Oh, now that was hot! Very nice.
S2 licensed
Well that was a breathe of fresh air. Very good race from both drivers.
S2 licensed
Quote from R.Kolz :See what I found in a replay.

I was taking the podium picture... Tell whoever that was in the car to, "LEARN TO PARK!" LoL
S2 licensed
Welcome aboard Arni!
S2 licensed
Thank the lord for steering accelerators!
S2 licensed
Quote from MrPDR :am i the only one who doesnt see textures?

I would hope not.
S2 licensed
I wouldn't really call this a tool but I use a modified reflections configuration. Hi-res tracks are nice as well.
S2 licensed
We are supplying the server for the remainder of the season.
S2 licensed
Nolan Scott is ready.