me and another friend or 2 would like to participate in an endurane race (gtr class) this weekend or next week since we got some time off now. is there anything like a schedule where to find races like that??
i sent a email to the contact adress already but no reply, yet. i use 2 computers and had to reformat both more than once. anyways. my unlocks are finished. bad.
cropsy, funny because i thought your setup was very agile and unstable but you are right with corner speeds. i noticed that wr-setups have lots of forward wing and very little rear wing.
anyway, i think i´ll spend some time with your setup and just try to rearrange my driving style.
i had some enlightening moments watching crospy doing ridiculously fast laps in a fxo-gtr on aston national recently. he generously sent me his setup which didn´t really improve my laptimes. what i did of course notice was his amazingly consistent lines, brake points, etc. so, more than ever i am convinced that proper driving has a much greater effect on laptimes than a chnage in setup. but i might be wrong
attached is the setup i used on aston national. so if anyone would like to try that and post his laptimes i´d be most interested to see what fast guys can do with it. the best i managed was 1:47:7.
i just spent my first 2 days driving online (gtr on aston national) and i do enjoy it a lot. one thing i noticed is that it is very difficult to survive the first 20 seconds of the race. strangely people are banging into each other within meters of the start. after the first corner half the field is usually wiped out. my own laptimes are nothing fancy at all, still i even won sometimes because of that.
these early crashes reduce the quality of the race a lot. i wouldn´t mind being a backmarker if people could realise that it´s easier to overtake one car rather than 5 in one corner.
i read about admins penalizing bad habbits to assure quality races. how do i find such a server?
good thing it´s raining and i have an excuse to stay inside
i was only trying to find out if there was a way to have a car rendered. if you say that you would do that for me i thank you very much already and will post the skin here as soon as i am finished.
much appreciated,
i was wondering if there was any way that i could get a rendered picture of the skin i´m working on at the moment (to use as a wallpaper for example). i still look into the possibilities of sometime doing that myself but it seems that the complexity of the task will make this a rather lengthy project. i´m busy already with the basics of photoshop...
does anyone ever put dirt, grease, stains, oil, etc on their skins? i do like that worn look cars get during long races. i tried a bit with photoshop, but am not satisfied with my experiments.
thanks a lot. i thought that might be a good idea to improve my driving. currently i don't have an internet connection to race online. plus i like the idea of endurance races.
tom, i guess here is where i say good bye to the idea of rendering anytime soon. seems like this is all a bit beyond my capabilities. anyhow, i'll look into all that, just in case, to see if i can sort all that out.
in the meantime i'll be happy to take some screenshots
thanks a lot. am now trying to find some tutorials. and i just realise what you mean, ajp71. that issue already goes beyond my little understanding of computer graphix.
also, can anyone tell me how to get a screenshot in lfs?