Also, most of the problems with the Troubles stems from a religious divides between protestants in Northern Ireland and the Catholic in NI. The idea that the Irish in the south "sold out" their Catholic brethren at first was a problem. Soon the IRA moved towards a tactic of "united Ireland at all costs". But with the IRA going for an aggresive tactic, we saw quite a few under covers as well. How donyou think Michael Collins got all of his information from the Castle and even managed to get into the library to get all their files on the IRA at one point. I believe it was a G-man named Eamon Broy, but could be wrong. I'm sure there are other examples and doesn't surprise me that their members go up as far as Special Forces. Remember the Irish were subjects of Britain, but also were Irish. Best way to server your real country was to "serve" your other country?