Victor said that he wouldnt give us a subforum because it was a mess an no body seemed to want to join.
@ Victor, Not meaning to start an argument here with a dev but no body wants to join because when they see the thread, its just a whole bunch of info and people fighting. If we had a subforum, then everything would have its own thread and it would be nice and clean. I hope that you see it from my point of view
wow...I have been gone just two day and it looks to me like the event isnt going down. Because everyone spammed and got into arguments, Victor has denied us a subforum. Thanks a lot guys. Now, whoever looks at this thread will probobly this its just a joke and won't sign up. I was actually looking forward to this league and had planned out mostly everything. I have put this together for YOU GUYS because Im not even going to race. And in return, you guys spam up the freakin thread and get into fights. Again, thanks a lot guys.
If you are serious about joining the league, you can visit
Its still a WIP but you can still sign up using the information thats provided in the first thread of this forum
and Victor, if you look back at this, I hope you see it in a different way and not just another noob starting a nooby league. I, with the help of LazLow have been working on this for a couple of weeks, hours of planning, testing tracks and trying to servers for the league.
LFS Touring Cup
Founded by Br0nd on June 17th, 2007
------------------------------------------------- General Information -
The LFS Touring Cup will consist of TBO cars (RB4, FXO, and XRT) and will include many different tracks to challenge the racers. The races will be held on Saturdays but we may add a division for either Tuesday or Wednesday. The time is still undecided but it will be between 12:00 Noon to 5:00 PM Eastern time (+5 GMT). Each race will apx. last 30 minutes.
Each season will consist of 4 races, three regular races and 1 championship race. A new season will start every month. Also, since there is five Saturdays on in some months (March, June, September, and December), there will be a mini event after the championship round during that month.
Season 1 is scheduled to start, July 7th, 2007. This will help people prepare for the race. After each championship event, there will be a new schedule and signup sheet avaliable.
Season 1 Schedule -
July 7th, 2007 - LFS Touring Cup Begins! - AS Club - 30 Laps July 14th, 2007 - Round 2 - FE Gold Rev - 22 Laps July 21st, 2007 - Round 3 - SO Sprint 1 Rev - 30 Laps July 28th, 2007 - Championships - AS Grand Touring - 5 Laps
Q. - Is this event S2 only or is it a demo league as well?
A. - This is a S2 licenced league. If you are a demo user, get S2 !
Q. - Will this be in a private server? If so, how do I get the pass?
A. - Yes, if you will register to the league, you will be sent a e-mail with the server name and password.
Q. - When will the league website be up?
A. - When we are done editing it and adding all the info
The points system will work like this. If someone comes in 1st place, they get 1 point. If someone comes in 2nd, they get 2 points. If someone comes in 3rd place they get 3 points and so on. The main idea is to get the least ammount of points at the end of the season.
The layout should be in the layout folder I believe.
LFS Folder > Data > Layouts
Then when you are connected to the server, exit the pits and press SHIFT-U. Then there should be a "Load" option on the side. Click it and then select the layout you want to load. Once its loaded, press ESC and if you need to restart
I have read the angry angel's tutorial on how to set up a server and I have followed all the steps. I forwarded my port as well and still no one can join the server. They dont see it on the list.
I have also tryed to host it through the client but still no luck. I have all my FW's off for right now.
We decided to move on to Racing because with much more tracks and cars in S2, racing seemed more fun. This doesnt mean that we dont drift but our focus right now is racing.