that might be the TDSS rootkit. it replaces the ATAPI driver with a hook that loads its malicious code. it can be removed with tools on the internet. good luck.
i think in the case where the car turns more than the wheel, they probably do some form of compensation that doesn't misalign the real/virtual driver visuals.
no, the car steers like it's supposed to... but there's no wheel turn acceleration or the like... it's always 1:1, 900 degrees (or whatever your wheel or car can support, whichever comes first.)
that's not the only one... i've seen "your" and "you're" mis-interchanged quite frequently here.
on topic: i find myself gravitating towards this category (or in the very least, the "other" category) because the other categories don't move as much as they used to. or maybe there's too much patch-bitching that i've lost sight of all the threads i used to read/contribute to.
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