Remember... if developing LFS for Scavier team will be pleasure, we will get S3 someday. They are their bosses, they can quit anytime they want so... don't annoy them(much ), and cheer them up(sometimes), so they will be happy developing LFS and so they will likely make S3. It doesn't matter when... it matters if! And "if" is dependent on Scavier's attitude towards development of LFS. And Scavier's attitude is dependent on the behaviour of the people here on the forum . Sure we can point flaws, but please don't moan every 5 seconds ^^.
Btw. We've already paid, we will not lose anything if they quit, but we might gain a lot if they will develope LFS further. The question is... are You really so dissatisfied to make the development of LFS a nightmare for our developers and so simply make them quit it? If yes... then for those who would like to see S3... quit LFS and NEVER come back.
(yeah... Scawen said that it is only a minor irritation... but someday one the moaners might cross a line... and them s*** will happen... :P)
Edit. This is not pointed towards anyone :P... i just wrote it... for the sake of writting it :P.
I've also seen that moving, AWESOME. Great story, great ending and v.good special effects. What i liked also about it, that it wasn't so... censored, they've showed a penis in HOLYWOOD! OMG... (i'm no gay :razz... it was so bloody also.
Sry, have to agree with Velociround . Some people simply complain everytime, and they are never satisfied. I don't say that You(Speed Soro) are... entirly like that... but You seem close . I bought LFS over 1 year ago, and i'm totally satisfied. Why? Beacause no matter what, i will get free updates. In a year? two? Doesn't matter for me beacuse they are totally free. Yeah... i agree that Devs should be more careful, but I bet when they will notice that LFS needs more players(=more money for their living) they are going to rock. Btw. I believe that Scawen, Eric, Victor are hard-working guys... BUT... they've started this project to work trully less, to have free time when they need. It is their income, and they would be... hmm... irracional to simply do nothing when LFS will start to die(if it will of course). I don't know what they are doing or how hard it is, but they seem to be calm so that means their income(LFS) is fine, i'm also sure that IF LFS will start to collapse, they will do their best to get new customers and they will succeed(i bet that they are hiding their trump cards for S3) and it's all for free for us clients who have already bought LFS!
Btw. Speed Soro, You are playing LFS for over 4 years I suppose? (reg. date 2004) 4 years for just 24 pounds, free updates included! What a bargain!
Edit.: The cars will be updated :P... again for free :P.
Edit2.: Yeah.. sometimes i want also to scream "YES! I WANT MORE"... but seriously... why I should get more for something i don't pay? BUT... i get... yeah... it takes some time... but still i get, and i'm happy about it. Btw. I also want VWS... REALLY MUCH so don't think that i don't care or something (i'm checking forums everyday with hope of another test patch with VWS :P), and even I want to moan sometimes but i'm able to control that .
Edit3.: I'm going to get FREE(again) updates(physics) this year propably(as Scawen mentioned )!
I clicked "don't know" all the time and the result is... "The one nothing is known about", he guessed :P... and he also guessed Keanu Reeves and Arnol Shwarzenegger.
I've seen all those motivatonal pictures... well... some of them are good... but some are really offending :reallyespecially i don't get that Fritz "joke").
There were less cars so people were more squeezed amongs them. Now there more cars, so less people on each of them(of course drift and cruise servers also appeared).
We can simply post threads like: "Who would like to race LX6 today in the evening?", people will go racing together. Like Noobs servers TVE , we/You were proposing a race, and people were joining in.
Well... here it is . It was laying on my hd for quite some time. It is mine... propably . I know that I have modificated it, but don't know if the "core" of the layout was mine. If it seems familiar to someone here or it is Yours... then sorry , i simply don't remember if I did it or someone else.
Yeap... that's the question. I was... counting players online now in LFS and i've counted around 700(demo and S2/S1), but on LFS main site it says there are over 1000 players online... is it counting also people online on the forum?
I suppose that it is... but still to clarify i would like to know . In "races and hosts online" at "Online racers" tab i can see who is currently on a server... but it doesn't write how many people there are and counting them would be rather tiresome :P(Vic... a small upgrade in LFS World would be nice :shy.
Edit.: Managed to count it... 849 (counting thx to using MS Word :P).