I've bought recently an LCD LE37B551 Samsung, 35ms of input lag. You can feel it, but it is hard to notice. It doesn't bother in most games, but in CoD online it was annoying. LFS is fine with it ^^.
I think it's chopped, i hope it's not . We don't have 3d model of VWS in LFS, so i don't believe they would simply be able to join any Z28 server . And it would be physics wise incompatible.
I've reread everything Scawen posted about physics and VWS... it will be sooo beautiful when he will release it... i'm just curious how's the progress.
Scawen, Sir! I beg You for a little progress update! Sir!
just a very small one.... pretty pretty please... it's just... yy... reading your posts is better than the best book
Yes he is a fool, yet it is very annoying because devs will have to find some way to protect lfs again... and that's time T_T. Morons(those hackers)....
Hmm... prefer MK2 after facelifting. The interior on the other hand is quiet nice . I hope it will drive as good or even better than the previous model.
If You are using HDMI connection(dedicated HDMI slot for PC? [i've got LE37B551 and it's HDMI 3]), try changing it's name to PC(or DVI/PC), then this TV should disable all kinds of enchantments.