All CRT's that can run at 100Hz or more are capable of running stereo 3D. Also I only needed my CRT to turn it on, then I just used my 60Hz 22" LCD, worked fine (minus the fps hit).
I was going to say something about fixing that, since in that episode the door is open and reads penis... I remember jeremy mumbling something about arse biscuits on one side and penis on the other lol
That's the same for me, I couldn't get over the menu system and it was too confusing with all the controls, but most of all my g25's ffb didn't work, it was stuck at 100%, even after i turned everything ffb related off, it was still 100%. Added an rfactor config to profiler, same problem...and then there was wheel rotation on top of that, profiler did nothing to help any of that.
But race 07 and LFS do work
edit: post below, I think they removed damage because the car companies didn't want people smashing their virtual cars up, it was something along those lines in my gt4 making of dvd.
would you also mean the little thing at the top left where it shows your score after each successful drift? with defaut colours its green and/or yellow (just to stop confusion)
if that's what your after, i wouldn't mind knowing as well how to get that running