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Quote from DeadWolfBones :Tell that to someone who had a condom break or was raped, you misogynistic mongoloid (troll).

You misunderstood my post. I guess I worded it wrong for you.
I didn't say rape victims don't matter. And I go both ways on abortion, but we have a population problem everywhere that is hurting the economy and these people that have multiple unplanned pregnancies usually don't think long enough before doing anything.
And birth control pills don't break.
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Quote from JackDaMaster :Condoms are only 98% effective and can break you know. Also I guess you believe that getting pregnant from being raped if a 'gift from god' or that the body has ways of preventing 'rape babies'

Condoms breaking and rape do not happen enough to matter. I personally feel surrounded by women that have had unintentional pregnancies and none of them have been rape. It is an ever growing trend to be a lazy whore.
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Quote from E.Reiljans :Since his childhood, he is very jealous of Eric Schmidt, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, because he'll never reach their levels of success, so he hates Google and anything related to it.

You make it sound like I'm the only one against Google.
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Blah Blah Blah, Yada Yada
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Sorry for my outburst.
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Quote from Mustangman759 :BF1942 is now free on origin, ea's store

Why should we care?
Is this full of CS ****s?
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**** the **** with the bat and **** his vicious dog.
A new generation, a new role model.
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Maybe if we had a bigger choice of manuals, there would be more people using them. If we pick a performance luxury (which there are too many touting that) or SUV we usually have no choice. We usually see the manuals as standard with optional automatic in the base vehicles. We don't always buy the base because the options are limited. Have to buy a new car because of no power steering? Have to get a new door because of no power windows? If the lot of it comes with the "Limited" trim level then we would be willing to sacrifice real gear selection. I drove a manual for two years for a business, I don't see how an automatic could have made the job any worse. This is a Sim Racing forum so of course you people want to shit on automatics. Widespread usage will always mean widespread selection for your next car.

Tell me a car that is $25,000 available in the US that would be an ideal four door manual? And I don't mean BMW or VW. We have enough of that on this thread.
Last edited by CheerioDM, .
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Quote from Xaid0n :But don't the majority of people who buy them have flappy paddles instead? The majority of Americans have no clue how to use a proper gearbox, except truck drivers and the intelligent few

You would be wrong to call me intelligent.
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I thought only Americans used power steering.
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Quote from Omar1 :what are you?

I'm Batman.
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I bet you can't eat just one.
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Quote from DANIEL-CRO :Some stuff they did is so wrong, I mean which desktop user will actually find helpfull Metro Maybe it will be good for tablets, but most of tablets nowadays use Android, Microsoft lost battle in that feild as far as I can see. There should be option to select will you use Metro or not while installing OS.
Generaly in some common tasks it feels faster. Also planing to get 128 GB SATA3 SSD before fully upgrade to Win 8, this will be sweet

Tablets are the reason it came out so soon and has that UI. They wanted to make sure they got it right this time before putting any out. But the tablets will be competing with Apple too, so the price will probably stay high.
Last edited by CheerioDM, .
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You can stop now and just play the game.
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Quote from töki (hun) :so, no more jersey shore, right?

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Quote from scrabby :marathon of new york soon, i guess michael phelps will win it.

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This thread has just gone straight to hell.
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Quote from e2mustang :E28*include obama meme here*

Please explain. I have no idea what you mean.
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Quote from BlakjeKaas :except, of course, the auto-aim on consoles.

Spray and pray.
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I have learned that no matter where you live in the world, life will always be shit. If people think they have it good and never want things to change, then just thinking about the less fortunate should ruin their outlook. I will be installing security cameras on my home within the next couple weeks because there are bad people in the US that make things difficult for everyone. I have had to call the police twice in five months. Fortunately the cops arrived just in time to catch someone. And now the camera in my car is on 24 hours a day. We can all be victims. Every time they release a new GTA, it gets closer to mirroring real life.
Last edited by CheerioDM, .
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If everyone was like you there would be more suicides.
Especially with that horrible meme filling their head.
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Quote from jibber :I can't. I'm simply too fascinated by this super interesting discussion about consoles vs. pc's and all that auto aim jazz...

Me too!
On San Andreas I only used auto aim when I was toting around my SFF to friends HDTVs with the Wireless Rumblepad 2. Those were the days. San Andreas PC looked great on the big screen with all maxed out.