Try and see if you can reproduce the same problem in windowed mode.
(SHIFT + F4) When the game is open to switch to windowed mode.
Play arround and lets see if it still crashes. If you get the " Is not responding " check if you can get the error log by clicking in "View more details" , then paste it here and wait for the answer of a Dev.
Want to ask us a question and dont want to mail us? You can talk to us directly at . On the right side of your screen , you can open a Live Chat with us, in case that we are not avaliable at the moment of your request, please leave a message with your question about prices , or a service. / request, and we'll handle it as fast as possible.
Im not a PHP coder , but, if you want to learn fast, check examples in the internet, understand what they done, and try to make the same thing yourself without looking into the original code.
You should be happy that they upgraded the max objects to 900.
With a bit of imagination you will make very good layouts without the need of much objects (i.e use the external walls from the track as an additional barrier ) may help you to save some objects which may be needed later :-)
Indeed, trying to make me believe that he paid again servers in a company which he or his team mate owns. Trying to help giving all back ; and you see.
Offered you everything; told you how things went and the only thing you ve done is blame.
Make 10 posts like this one, more than what i tried..
As I clearly say, check who you paid, and make a refund request or whatever you want. Not going to be the stupid who gives or trys to give you all back and you come with conditions
I've told that in case of purchase you can directly contact us at [email protected] , as those mails are directly forwarded to my phone i can directly reply within a few minutes.
The website is under development that's why the orders have to be done in a second option which doesnt mean that our services are down.
Our website is hosted in a company , so you cant set the quality of our services depending on the quality of your network in our website.
Even so, If you have still questions regarding a service in our company, feel free to ask us, also , I can set up a "Test Server " for you 5 days so that you can try our services, and our control panels.
Feel free to contact me in this thread, in Lfsforum PM or in our mail which i've mentioned ( [email protected] ) .