We offer 24/7 support as you can sumbit a support ticket whenever you want.
In the website appears 24/7 Support, not refered to the live support. As you can see the live support window has 2 modes. Online or offline, if the livesupport was 24/7 that wouldnt be needed.
Yes , Everything is still accesible for us , just the primary ip isn't working yet as we got attacked 4hours ago.
In a few hours (when the IP comes active again) , the cpanel and everything will be back.
Even so, if you need a Backup server , just tell me and i'll set you one , nobody is gonna stay without server just because they want to ruin other's fun.
Thanks for your interest, many apologies.
Live - Chat Support is not 24/7
We offer 24/7 Support as we have support ticket system. In case you want to have a direct support or a direct talk with us , you can reach our support staff when they are online.