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On the right.

The guy at the left side of the pic.
Last edited by Chrisuu01, .
S3 licensed
Quote from bmwe30m3 :-NightFly- Oh thanks, but where can I find them?

Preferably at Ikea.
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Quote from speed1230 :You got ninja'd quite a bit
Ferrari F50 Drive
Lada niva Crush!
Honda S2000 Live
Nissan 350Z
Mazda RX8
Audi TT

Drive: RX8
Crush: Audi TT ughn hate the first gen!!
Live: Nissan 350Z

Jeep Wrangler
Cadillac escelade
Nissan X trail
S3 licensed
Drive: Atson martin V12 vantage
Crush: Aston martin DB9
Live: Aston martin DBS

Ferrari F50
Lada niva
Honda S2000
S3 licensed
OMG dad and I went to the car wash today and guess what happened.
The song from the GT5 carshop/car-wash played on the radio EPIC!!!
S3 licensed
Happy new year!
S3 licensed
Pikes peak coming that would be NICE!!
S3 licensed
I'm actually lapping Tsukuba quite allot for laptime comparisons.

Since its less friendly for high-speed cars the corners are what matters more.
S3 licensed
How can I upload replays?
S3 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :Is Nascar on the Ring doable with completely stock car? A friend of mine gave me a car to tackle this event.. always seem to make a huge error by the end of the first lap but i can see myself catching the first guy..

Whel if I can do it you can do it to
S3 licensed
I started with a Suzuki swift.
S3 licensed
First of all Merry Xmas.

And I actually enjoyed reading it is seems you guys had initially bitten of more then you could chew.
But it al seems to go in a good direction now, what I am very curious about is the issues you found during testing.
And how you solved them but I guess those will remain a secret .

I'm really happy if the tyre grip under tyre heat issue has being solved, because it was basically al I wanted.
That and limited setup options on road cars, thus one of my many questions are the limited road car setups still in?
As in you can adjust some values in some cars to realistic limits?
As in no unrealistic crazy camber values on cars like: XRG,XFG,XRT,FZ50,RAC.
Also the crazy stiff anti roll bars and dampers, or the crazy gear ratios which can be freely adjusted?
Which IMO isn't really road car like will it be limited to realistic proportions?
Last edited by Chrisuu01, .
S3 licensed
Family comes to our house and we have a celebration.
S3 licensed
Merry Christmas
S3 licensed
Quote from R3DMAN :will the T500 work on the PC?

It doesnt even come with a shifter.
S3 licensed
Quote from Gills4life :rusty wheel

LOL I just had to
S3 licensed
Quote from Gills4life :It's not the RGT. It's the T500 RS, don't think it's on sale yet.

Lol dam My bad i beat it wil be also priced at like 300 pounds which will make it a no buy for me.
S3 licensed
That RGT is just 104 euros? wtf when I get my Christmas money I am so buying that wheel.
S3 licensed
Quote from danowat :Seasonal events are a nice little addition, something to hold a little bit of interest.

The A spec races are a nice CR and XP bonus, shame they are a little......unbalanced, the one with the least rewards is actually the hardest out of the bunch, its the only one that took me a few tries, the rest I golded straight away.

Hopefully they will continue adding little events like this, will increase its longevity no end.

You mean the seasonal event with the Fiat 500?
I cant seem to gold it
S3 licensed
Whel I have come to a worrying conclusion after I read that the coder for the Ethusia Professional Racing physics did the GT5 ones to.
I have come across the same problem as in enthusia, which is the unrealistic grip level that racing tyres provide.

I mean the grip they make is insane this is in no way realistic.
I can can co trough turns with my tyres screaming and smoking like crazy are they serious!?
S3 licensed
Quote from Franky.S :Anyone has a pickup truck that i could borrow? Really can not find one.

Yet again I shall save you you :P.
But trust the price car you will get from it will make you go
S3 licensed
And Franky S I hope you like the beamer.

Edit: Finally!!! I found a RUFF in the used car lot and bought it immediately.
Last edited by Chrisuu01, .
S3 licensed
Quote from CoolColJ :Sounds to me like the Thermal paste is failing on the GPU.
That's what causes the YLOD on the odler PS3s, bad thermal compound, not enough space, and too much heat,
Best to open it up and apply some better thermal paste while you can now.

GT5 is 1 game in a while that relaly taxes the PS3

How? I don't even know how to open the dammed thing, and If I can still get my warranty why bother.

Strange thing is that the bug only comes on SS7 in the tunnel and at the tollbooth section of the track.
S3 licensed
  • I got to travel on a motorbike
  • I got reasonable life
  • I got to know some new nice persons
  • I got to ask out a few girls however some did not accept the offer and al the dates failed
  • I Got accepted for a college level(NVQ) 2 levels higher