I wonder if the LFS licensing system should really change since in this way the devs aren't really getting any money from it.
If its the lack of money that bring forward this slow progress.
Why don't we just pay for the base contend of like say s3 and then pay for any additional cars and tracks that would come out? seems fair to me TBH.
I think the devs would actually benefit from this in this wis the very finest of community members will stay while the winers move away?
For all of you lfsers who do not own a car or a Toyota car and always wondered how it handles, a new Toyota driving simulator lets you experience how it feels to drive a road car made by the world’s biggest car company.
While the simulation’s graphics can’t compete with titles like Gran Turismo 5, the physics have been carefully modeled to give players the unique and realistic feeling of driving a current Toyota model. The simulator is available for all types of operating systems, click the link below to give it a try.
Enjoy the ride http://www.toyotasimulator.com/
I cant see the religious parts in those songs.
I mean Riot song 7 is Miracle i mean where is any reference to anything religion in that song?(sure if u find souls and miracles are part of religion...)