Oh hell yeah!!! old school is the way to go for me at the moment doesnt mean i don't like modern styling, but a 50CC that looks like a MotoGP machine is just silly IMO.
If it looks like MotoGp machine or a Super-sports clas bike it should go like one to Like say +160 MPH .
My old 50 cc got trashed by some arsehole at a parking lot the entire frame was bended and engine caved in it was a total write of.
The guy responsible with his utter parking failure even tried to drive away.
I saw a f430 in black a orange murcielago a silver Aston marting DBS.
A and a SLS AMG in red these cars are daily stuff for me since I live right next to one of the richest regions of the country.
I feel sorry your small brains
@ Invouva just let them be just think that you know better than them and move on, because they are not smart enough to do that.
And by not giving a dam you will show superior intellect because now it just looks like a attention whoring war.
So you should think of it this way that you know better than them and therefore not react to what they say i mean common this is just internet. But somehow I have this feeling that my advice will be ignored just like most cases since the intellect of people is so mindbogglingly low.
It began so nice but when that sucky drum and base music came in i almost became deaf.
I just don't like this sort of music it ruins the entire video for me after some seconds the music got better(by a really smal amount).
The beginning of the drum and base is just horrible i just don't understand how people like this.
Other then that that the movie was very well made.