Well I have driven 600Cc bikes illegally:shhh: of course when I did that I had full biker gear on.
Trusty Suomi helmet some alpine star gloves SIDi suit(jacket and leg wear).
And my trusty SIDI boots and I guess you have never being hit head on.
The helmet is by far the most important part just for the possibility of hitting a car or other bike from side or head on.
To be honest most expensive is not always the best allot of biking clothing is very overpriced IMO.
I have a helmet jacket and gloves and al that for 200 euros although the jacket used to be my dads.
The main thing to pay special attention to IMO are the gloves and the helmet because those are the two most likely spots
to hit the ground first , when you bin it.
When it comes to bikes maybe wait 2 years so you can drive without restriction.
I currently drive a 70CC old Honda bike its nice and I'm still using it since the day I turned 17 and i plan on keeping it for fun rides and wait until I'm 21 to get an actually full on bike.
Because I don't want restrictions when I buy a bike I would want to buy the bike to my liking.
Financial went superb have a old-timer moped now.
I have a job again so I'm safe for now and I am under way to get full bike licence on my 21st.
Personal is the epic fail still post to often and stil no GF .
But I graduated and I am quite proud of it and I'm more talkative now so getting a girl cant be that hard and its summer vacation so0 i have plenty of free time to ask girls on dates.
For me al it takes for a good time is 2 or 4 wheels and an engine which can propel the vehicle to reasonably fast speeds.
And some nice corners to make it fun.