The online racing simulator
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S2 licensed
Great movie, we have utopian society model with zombies in the background, lots of bright colours and a bit of dark humour, everything set in very believable 50's.

I read somewhere opinion that Fido is Lassie of our times and kinda agree with it
S2 licensed
I asked how look influence physics, is this question too complicated for you?

RBR had pretty good graphics when it was released and you cant tell it handles bad.
And about games you mentioned the only conclusion i can draw is that those games were never intended to handle like LFS in first place, it has nothing to do with the graphics.
Actually funny thing, i remember at time LFS was praised for good graphics in one of the review.

To me your post was totally fanboyish and full of ignorance.
Fanboyish because not only you tried to defend the fact that lfs have graphics from 2004 but you even try to make it look like its actually a good thing.
And full of ignorance, because you said something that on this forum become a standard thing to say in situation when someone mention outdated graphics of lfs, but you repeating it blindly chose to ignore the fact that graphics have nothing to do with the physics.
And since on this forum arcade games are being looked down upon, sending someone to play nfs become just another way of attacking someone ad hominem style
Last edited by Chupacabras84, .
S2 licensed
Quote from gandlers :there is a popular arcade series of racing games made by electronic arts, if you are more bothered about looks than handling, then I suggest looking at that series.

Please draw me a correlation between looks and physics.
S2 licensed
Quote from BOSCHO :тоникг абаут

Зат саунд делисиоус, ай воулд спринкле ит он май фасе иф ит вас адвертисед ас ан афтершаве

Well sht i Just copy paste what I wrote into google translator and clicked listen.
It sounded exactly like Irina Spalko from "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull"
I guess thats how they translated her script to russian.
Last edited by Chupacabras84, .
S2 licensed
Quote from PMD9409 :Please tell me you meant "beach".

Yeah i think i did two mistypes b4 i get beach right
S2 licensed

I say only.
90 years old, on a beach in tiny bikini, boobs bigger than head, visualise the rest
Was that graphic enough?
S2 licensed
Quote from Intrepid :kids action movie...
violence and prostitution.

Ok, I am sold
S2 licensed
Quote from DevilDare :But being "alpha" is so easy on Facebook!

Speaking from experience here?
S2 licensed
Quote from Klutch :I live with my girlfriend. I don't need to use anything to get laid.

Did you play compassion card or something
Quote from Klutch :Go be pathetic somewhere else.

"Pathetic" thats sound kinda funny coming from you
S2 licensed
Quote from Klutch :Who the **** cares?

If you're using FB to talk to/pick up women, you're doing it wrong.

Really. Really wrong.

If you dont use every tool available to you to get laid you doing it wrong, now go be emo somewhere else.
S2 licensed
Quote from Kristi :Lol, you are so wrong! What's the big deal with pressing Shift+U and let your imagination do the work?

Most people who steal layouts/skins are total noobs with no skills or knowledge, they dont want to do anything at all, this is why stealing layout via save layout button is so appealing to them.
Its fast and easy contrary to rebuilding layout from memory.
Quote from Kristi :
I don't know the fuss around stealing layouts. They are not stealing your life, are they?

So its ok for you to steal anything you want, as long as its not someone life?
Nice ethics you have there...

Truth told you sound like a person who never created anything or if you did created something it wasnt anything good enough to even protect it.
S2 licensed
Accidental clicked "No, keep it the way it is now, and please don't steal my layout"
But I am all for possibility to grey out dl layout button, if someone spend time making layout and dont want anyone to use it outside of his server its rather fair.
S2 licensed
Quote from southamptonfc :everyone who like cruise servers are fags

Quote from eclipsed :dewz dewz dont selz teh lisenzes to idiots sel it to smart ppl like meh everyone who likez thingz i like are smurt


One is the skillz the other one is the brain Together they are the Derp team

(Pinky and the brain theme song humming in the distance)
Last edited by Chupacabras84, .
S2 licensed
Quote from TypeRacing :Facebook art gallery

Hey he might have lacks in his workshop but i say he captured the essence
S2 licensed
Quote from superman96 :i live in UAE

Thats some glorious English for someone from UAE
Now shiu bad troll lol.
S2 licensed
Quote from mamoru :I am missing something here...

I worked here once as a talent agent
Decent job I tell ya.
S2 licensed

And thats how you destroy the man folks
S2 licensed
In case you liked and want more here is his first part of the game a bit simpler but in similar mood.