>Implying i drive online only and not prefer driving offline improving my times and avoiding riffraffs at the same time.
GT2, 4 for a couple of years GT5 hopefully longer.
GTL and rFactor, WRC championship on my bellowed PS2 (that was a really good rally sim), DIRT very enjoyable if you ask me and LFS its kinda meh after a few weeks i mean car rolls fine and all but I already seen everything game has to offer and get bored by bad visual design of the tracks and small number of the same tracks
I mean look at you 23563 laps for 5 years on the same damn 7 tracks in different configurations (Probably more laps since there is offline option, how can you stay sane after looking on the same scenery every lap for 5 years ), look its not my fault i have bigger demands than you i guess some people can get satisfied with literally anything
Especially that mods already mentioned something about quoting images but as for now most people asked to edit their post ignored polite requests so thought about reporting already crossed my mind a few times.
FFS if you post something in funny pic thread and want people to enjoy it at least make sure that it wont be another annoying post by another ignorant poster (Quoting pics, posting large images, posting 100 MB of pics in one post like someone already did are the kinds of annoying posts...)
The worst thing about kind of posters who post this annoying crap is that those people often refuse to admit they did something completely retarded and unnecessary, something this thread would be better without and refuse to edit their post, so i hope you wont be another troll and either post thumbnails or resize it in paint at least.
Nah i wouldnt use word racism here.
We make a lot of jokes based on stereotypes which include laughing at Asians, fat people, womans, Russians/Poles, catholics heck even owners of different consoles
I think as long as its an obvious joke and not an actual attempt to insult anyone its ok.
Not sure why but loled at picture below as F***K
On second thought i think its because he sitting there like a boss showing confidence and stuff when he looks like i dont even know who...