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S2 licensed
Its easy to understand...its a Monday, people trying to bring some light to their long week ahead and turn too LFS

I heart LFS
S2 licensed
Quote from Jertje :
As for improving laptimes; for me it seems to be very gradual below 1m35s.
I have actually made a video of my own PB and the WR side-by-side, and there seems to be no particular point in which I lose time to MacEST, however in the end I am more than a second behind! To me this proves that very slight improvements which will come as time progresses make all the difference, just keep practicing!

I couldnt agree more, improvements from here are tiring but eventually come around!!

Keep up the practice!
S2 licensed
Well done all, cant believe the amount of work you guys have gotten through in such a short period of time, you have worked like demons!

Pat yourselves on the back hey!
S2 licensed
Quote from Kommienezuspadt :I gave birth to every member of the T7R team because I love myself.

OMG iv been lied to my whole life!!

"I squashed an intro screen because I'm a stupid fanboy." ...yes i remember this well illepall
S2 licensed
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :you forgot the Nos stickers

Yeah and a kewl aftermarket steering wheel so your handing is improved, oh ya and NOS in the indicators so u can turn faster!
S2 licensed
Quote from the_angry_angel :Just to give you the opposite side of the view, I cannot stand eclipse. On a concept level its good - all driven by plugins, very versatile, etc. However, its also extremely sluggish, because of the good extensible features. I'm not saying don't use it, but it's some additional food for thought.

Ya there i cant disagree, eclipse is a little biaatch especially when ure not only doing ssome proggy work.

Nice reply about the open source, its always good to hear the pro's and con's for everything.
S2 licensed
^^ sigh!
S2 licensed
I have used Java for my time here at varsity and tried the likes of vb, but im a java boy!

Java is soon to be open source as i have heard.

And a great developing envioment for Java is Eclipse, the new version 3.2 was released just 2 weeks ago, got alot of new features! Very cool enviroment to use now!
S2 licensed
Yeah even slicks last quite some time dependent on the cars, i raced the FOX around Kyoto National last weekend for race practice and i managed 50 laps on the R1 slicks.

Even with a few lockups and drifts the tyres still lasted quite a while.

But yes the road tyres can take a severe beating before they start to show signs of wear.
S2 licensed
Congrats Bawbag!

Well done Mercury for recruiting another great driver!!
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :Annabelle - 242108 Ml - oval racer!

Actually not always, i race alot with her and were on Westhill, Kyoto and South City Tracks quite often.
S2 licensed
Yeah i had a league race this weekend at South City Sprint 2 Reverse with the UF1000. Now this fuel guzzling monster() uses 0.4 per lap, now i almost forgot to set my fuel before the race so did a quick calcualtion in my head....i ran out of fuel entering the last sector with a 20 second lead, finished 4th in the end getting pushed over by a fellow racer hearing my cry for help

Normally i always put 1 extra lap of fuel in just incase but really stuffed the it up this time.

Was good fun that combo, brilliant close racing and overtaking is so difficult and no room for error with no available pitting!
S2 licensed
Good luck with your team!
S2 licensed
Speaking of names that are not gender specific, we had, note the "had", a female racer by the name of TerminalMotion in the South African who actualy joined team vMax. She is an incredibly fast racer, you could try punt her off the track if you could keep up with her

Pity that she left, personal reasons for it though.
S2 licensed
Happy Birthday S2!!!

*sniffles* They grow so fast these sims *sniffles*
S2 licensed
Good luck Rich and all the best!
S2 licensed
I just did an enduro on westhill....only an hour race but was still brilliant fun!

I pitted just over half way and this cost me first, tyres and fuel against someone who pitted long and did a "1 second pit".

Hey you win some and you loose some.

Iv pitted right in the first few laps before and its worked brilliantly for me, only thing is dont make a mistake during the race that might require you to pit for damage...that will only destroy your race.
S2 licensed
Congrats to the two of you!

Im sure you will have a blast with vMax.

All the best!
S2 licensed
Congrats Anton!

Just dont forget us man!
S2 licensed
I agree. I havent actually had much time to race since the new patch came out due to varsity keeping me busy.

But i have had a go on a few of the tracks with the cars that have had there power/weight ratio's changed, I am aswell not the fastest racer...hope to get there one day , and yes some have become slower but the FXR has definently become more competitive!

The FXR is enjoyable to drive now and the sight of new pb's is always a good sign.
S2 licensed
Go Mark

This is amazing what you are doing!!!
Keep it up and make your miles!

S2 licensed
Cant wait...really just cant!
S2 licensed
Quote from garph :I'm getting so excited its stupid! I hate what LFS has done to me!

It has made u a kid not being able to go to bed on Xmas eve cause ure too excited!
S2 licensed
Ya well we'll still staying up just in case!
S2 licensed
Kyoto GP Long Rev - XFR
Westhill Rev - LX4
Kyoto National Rev - any
Aston National Rev - XFR
Aston Historic Rev - XRR