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S2 licensed
Haha i wonder what the finance will be like on it

...few cents every month
S2 licensed
Another good signing, got your team on a role so early in 2008.

Congrats to the both of you!
S2 licensed
Quote from arco :Hoy Hoy!

(Btw, they're both removed now)

Not only...
S2 licensed
This OOS error can be found also on the FB Club WR for the XF Gti and XRG. Both replays get OOS error as the car pulls away and the times are about a second faster than par...something smells
S2 licensed
Great start of 2008 for Astroboy and AR
S2 licensed
Crash, it looks better

MSN or trillian?
Last edited by cmckowen, .
S2 licensed
Shaun i agree on some points but in general disagree, but only after doing some serious testing.

At first i found that there was too much going on whilst driving, outbreaking myself and smacking walls as was concentrating on the new clutch to much.

Now after using it for a while it has grown on me and i enjoy being more involved and to be honest it is more realistic and i feel faster(may just be because i'm hitting buttons and jabbing pedals like crazy :shrug, which is what this sim is about. LFS is not intended to be the next step up from NFS, thats what those other "sims" are for. LFS is hardcore.

Partly i think the problem is the complete removal of all the driving aids. See if i was a beginner and i tried to drive i would not make it out the pits and if i did so i would probably loose interest as i think it would be too hard.

Now there is a way to get around this, we have had numerous posts on the forum asking for help and what not about how we have to adapt from a normal sim/game to driving X30/32, but does every LFS trial player visit here?

Maybe give it some more time Shaun, your decisions may sway in time. Chat sometime and we can quarrel over it
S2 licensed
Nice one guys, congrats!

See you and your new drivers at MoE
S2 licensed
Quote from LFSn00b :Private skin, sorry.

No worries man, no need to be
S2 licensed
Welcome back Richard....we kept your cars clean and polished in the garage while you were away!

Welcome aboard Esben, great we have you and your experience joining the ranks!

See you on the black stuff soon!
S2 licensed
Happy Birthday Scawen, hope you have an excellent day!

ROFL if your wife bought you NFS Pro Street as a pressie
S2 licensed
Ah nice pickup AR!

All the best to the both of you. Im sure it will be a great partnership!
S2 licensed
Quote from hrtburnout :Two pages of posts, and still no member recruited. Tsk-tsk

Well two pages of rather uninspiring posts doesnt tend to attract many. But everyone to their own way for recruiting!
S2 licensed
Nice work on this one Jens.

Love how there is little racing in it but the music and scenes of swooping though the tracks like we are used to is so captivating! You really put this one together nicely.

Small racing scenes and the crashes were nice and look good.

Think this is some of your best work, definently getting much better at this. Can see you making some really great movies in the near future!

Keep it up, this is great work!
S2 licensed
Okay first really big mistake you are making is you are turning way to much with your wheel and breaking traction. You will know when you do this as the tyre noise will change from a scrubbing noise to a more squeel like noise...and you leave pretty skid marks Only thing this will do is slow you down and loose all front end grip and that is not what you are after in front wheel drive

Not so sure on your setup you are using so i have attached my one which is not super sonic but i find easy enough to drive into the 33's. Also you can try for setups aswell.

Watch the WR i attached as well and you will be able to see the most extreme brake points and speeds managed around the corners so you can get an idea what to aim for. Trust me no one is going to do a lap like that over night! So just keep trying and working up to what you see in the replay. You can stick this replay in your LFS/spr/ folder.

You can also pick up the lines that are different and the brake and throttle control aswell because this makes a huge difference aswell.

I reckon give this a quick go and then save us a replay, press 2 after you have done a lap, valid or not. You will find it in your LFS/spr/ folder under what you called it. Then we can give you some more detailed suggestions on your driving.

Best of luck, hope to see your times improve soon!
S2 licensed
Yeah the rugby world cup has started off nicely. Both Australia and New Zealand abusing the opponents and ending with a final score that looks like ot would be more suited to a cricket match.

South Africa's performance against Samoa was not that bad. Worked well together but far to many mistakes and slow passing. I just wished Samoa had kept up there aggressive take on the game the whole way through and not just the first 10 minutes as they were obviously flustering the boks.

My prediction is a New Zealand/Australia final. Dont think England have what it takes this time. But I may be wrong, they might come round in the end. I see New Zealand taking it as they might not of been playing the hardest team in the last match, but everything was just perfectly executed.

We will see if the favourites take the cup...go NZ!
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :He's no longer in T7R afaik

You are correct. I will get someone to remove his name and PM you when it is done.
S2 licensed
Hi could T7R - Triple 7 Racing be part of your stats site!

Really nice work!
S2 licensed
Congrats Kevin, all the best hey!

Nice result in the last BOTT!
S2 licensed
Best of luck with the new team Dan, really nice skins!

Hope to scratch some of your new paint when i get the time to drive a bit!
S2 licensed
Yes, it is already on the car, if you look closly for the small writing
S2 licensed
Wow read the whole thread and yes I share your dissapointment that the cars are slower. But you know what I got over it!!!

I was always an FXO driver as there was never a chance for me to beat it with the XRT or RB4. Now the FXO is seconds a lap slower than it usually was for me on the longer circuits but now im battling with all the cars which i have to say is what the racing should be. We are not here to race at WR level, you cant when you are going side by side through corners anyways.

Really if it was possible it would be priceless to get some S2 drivers into the demo servers with some FXO's and you demo drives can have your 20kg's removed and we will have our restriction removed. It wont even take a race before you will take that 20kg back and enforce our restriction. You would then really see why this balancing has been put in place.
S2 licensed
Congratulations F1RST, nice one!
S2 licensed
Big Happy Pie Day to you!

Always a pleasure sharing a piece of tarmac with you guys!
S2 licensed
Hey, a 4th birthday is still a 4th birthday. Thats one hell of an achievement!!

Congrats Saiko D guys and all the best for the future!