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S2 licensed
Yeah i was serious into it, even worked at a hobby store so i ran all the remote control and awesome hobby equipment, this funded my RC addiction, but near the end of school i didnt have time so i stopped and i havent gotten back into it....all my cars just sitting, quite sad!
S2 licensed
Sad to hear we wont see your funky avatar so much with your priceless contributions to LFS.

All the best Victor, hope you find more enjoyment out of your new interests!
S2 licensed
Great to have you guys with us!

S2 licensed
I would love truck racing implemented in LFS...just see it being a slight problem on the odd Fern Bay track or South City track
S2 licensed
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :I bet i can change your mind, if you see some quality pieces of work rather than my poor efforts. ... arge/mconceptfinal6fc.jpg ... /large/axiafincopy9ve.jpg ... es/large/untitled10pu.jpg ... /large/modenasrage9ld.jpg ... e/mk211ferrarien508ip.jpg

Just a few examples, far better to ruin a picture of the car than to actually ruin a real one.

Hey the very first pick, the beemer, my friend did that one with his mate.Miler is my friend, dont know the other guy.

He showed me a step by step on how he did this, he saved it in stages. Just amazing. It was actually an Aston Martin DB something...I cant remember and they made it into a beemer. He has some stunning work. True photoshop guru that guy!illepall
S2 licensed
Really it was a shocking display!!

Anton just ran to the machines and quickly played with the settings when they werent looking

Its sad to say it, but if i had never raced LFS or any sim before today and had tried it and GTR2 at the expo today....i would wait for the release of GTR2 and prob not think of LFS again.

We met up with someone who looked a very promising driver but has no internet at home, "Enjoys all racing games" he said and so showed his skills. We asked him what he thought and he said no the experience wasnt that good. But then we told him the good side of LFS, a quick breakdown of it all and he seemed more interested. Problem is there was no way we could do this for everyone at the show. Oh yes this is the guy in the video shaking his hand at the car loosing control because of the "LFS wheel shudders".

Those idiots running the stands really irritated me though with there "this is how LFS is and I will ignore what you say from now on" attitude illepall
S2 licensed
Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :I imagine it went like this:

1) Micha ingests some sustenance of questionable nature; I suspect fungal
2) Micha proceeds to play LFS.
3) Micha selects Aston GP / GT whichever it is
4) The thing in his picture appears on his screen; proceeds to extrude itself from his screen, and tries to bite him in the nose
5) Subsequent to initial shock reaction & probably a guffaw or two, he realizes the circuit looks like the sea monster that tried to nab his sniffer!
6) Attention span for LFS falls to negative range and rather than risk another attack on his nose, Micha decides to put his artistic ability to work and share his new discovery here with all of us.

LMAO...sounds like this has come from experience, you got any art work BBT?
S2 licensed
No thats Aston GP not GT...and no im not on drugs
S2 licensed
Sad news to hear such a well known and respected team leaving the LFS community.

All the best to all the drivers in the future
S2 licensed
This is pretty popular at the moment with the GTR cars, there is the Masters of Endurance race this weekend so there is alot of people practicing. Just have to be up for rather long races and not the usual sprint ones but it is alot of fun none the less!
S2 licensed
4 years....WOWness!

I'm one year 2 months woohoo

Yeah its just incredible how far LFS has come and the outstanding commmitment from the devs, HAPPY BIRTHDAY LFS!
S2 licensed
Yes Annabelle races oval, but i have raced her multiple times on Westhill and South City tracks.

She doesnt just go round and round in circles all day like some though.

She is actually racing online at the moment on her server
S2 licensed
Hey, my name is Ben Dover, i work for Rent a Gent.

On a more serious note i agree in leagues and more serious events real names should be used, there is a more personal connection between the drivers.

But then in the quick sprint races we all join for an evenings race nicks are just fine. Id rather prefer to be called "that noob exodus" instead of "Charles you idiot!" when learning a new combo isnt going so well
S2 licensed
You think the devs will give you a vote too?
S2 licensed
Yeah i spend alot of time in front of the machine during the week doing some work...and evenings alot of time in LFS and no problems at all
S2 licensed
Santa gives me chocolate too

Oranges or banana's?
S2 licensed
78.92% podiums of nearly 1162 races
S2 licensed

A friend downloaded S1 demo back in the day and I gave it a spin, but with the KB it didnt really suit me too well.

Played it on and off until part way through last year where one of my friends owed me a little cash, and would you believe it, it was just a little more than what S2 was worth. Having heard it was a huge improvement I told him to buy me a voucher number for it.

Bought a DFP 2 months later when I had the cash.

Been addicted ever since.

Edit: Edited grammar for Axus' sanity
Last edited by cmckowen, .
S2 licensed
Quote from BigDave2967 :Going off topic guys!

Yeah sorry bout that, was looking quickly at ARNO's online racer stats, last race was BF1 on Oval, best lap a 26.77 , imagine that had been on the FM server! I think there would of been some harsh words
S2 licensed
Quote from nutty boy :Not exactly ideal because you live in South Africa but anyway ... entrypage=search&fgtp=

Yes South Africa does have a few downfalls, ISP being the number 1

Woohoo 100 posts, i feel....normal
S2 licensed
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :I want to get mafia, but i can't find it anywhere. Seems its too old. Its like GTA in the 50s

Exactly, im searching hard for it at the moment, have been for a couple months now, i know somebody i know must have it
S2 licensed
Mafia is a great game, years ahead of its time!

Those old school cars are the shiznit! ...but yes i dont want Mr Salieri(spelling) to catch up with me!

And to the cheaters, you are a waste of bandwidth, go get a life!
S2 licensed
Quote from bbman :Wireless for the lag maybe...


I got Wireless 802.11 N ... im not gonna are
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :I'll agree with that. Since the oval was added I just don't bother to look at ANY of the stats. I wish the oval statistics could have their own section, so that us circuit races (who use different cars, and aquire less laps due to the nature of circuits) could have an unmolested stats page.

Yup i got to agree, not picking on oval drivers or anything but it is a laborious process to seperate the oval racers from track racers to do any type of useful comparison.
S2 licensed
Great read Gentlefoot!