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S2 licensed
Report post is there for a reason, no need to get loud
S2 licensed
Congrats to Johnathon and Mercury.

Wish you both the best
S2 licensed
Skins look very nice Richard. All the best
S2 licensed
Wow man thats pretty impressive. Some nice work there.

Looking forward to seeing the finished product or the next couple of steps
S2 licensed
Hey just spamming away here abit...

Really like the proffessional approach your taking here. Sounds very interestin and with those reports is just adds that "Il be tuned in for more next time" effect

Was fun racing with you all earliar!
S2 licensed
Quote from mike20002 :
If someone is drafting really close in curves, I let him pass as soon as possible, even if I don't get blue flag else the risk is that we both end up eating grass.
And this will prevent him to bump me out in a corner.

id rather say try keep the guy behind, fight for position. When driving under pressure you quite often end up with 2 results, either you making a mistake and giving the position away hence you lost nothing. Or you can exceed your known driving skills and walk awat with a new pb and possibly a race win. LFS is about racing hard rather than letting faster people by

Quote from Jakg :
In LFS is a noob wasn't yeilding and driving dangerously, and slowing me down a lot then i would nudge their nose wide at the apex so i could slip through, then say "Sorry"!

Well then i dont agree, I see no need to push a car out the way. If they slow you down alot then im sure you should be able to make a pass by getting the right drive and line. Taking the pushing attitude and then saying sorry seems a little bit of childish behaviour in a race imho.
S2 licensed
If a backmarker isn't much slower and hence its more difficult to get past, i find it a challenge to get infront.

I adhere to all the make a move once driving defensive and car overlapping for right of way and keeping it clean. So i'l try get past and if something happens end of the race i'l give him the friendly reminder of the difference between driving defensive and blocking
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :but only by going up the inside, and pushing their nose wide at the Apex, but nothing more as that IS (to me at least) wrecking

Quote from Jakg :no - thats bloody dangerous illepall

I think some are getting maybe getting the wrong idea, i agree with you here, just think the "push" word is a little to aggresive. Should more be like line the backmarker up and into the corner you have enough car alongside to take the inside line, without causing contact, so the other driver takes the wider line and hence you make a clean fast pass
S2 licensed
Quote from wheel4hummer :An R10 at Kyoto!

[imitation of spammer]Please log in with your S3 license[/imitation of spammer]

S2 licensed
I've only had good races with XFR drivers!

Great clean drivers with loads of experience behind them

All the best for the future guys!
S2 licensed
Beer is the devil and it got me again tonight....will make avatar though
S2 licensed
Ah but alles look at your times in the LX6....want to make me cry, you better cool down for the LXCC
S2 licensed
Congrats Moby!

Sure you and Cyber will be happy with one anothers company! All the best
S2 licensed
Should make a sticky, "If you think the master server is down"

then it just says go here
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :I've added a few to my buddy list so I can avoid them! But still SparkyDave regularly seeks me out and obliterates me. He does send me his setups a lot but I never seem to like them. The steering always feels weird and light.

*adds Exodus to buddy list*

Your on my list aswell....for those nights where nothing goes right i have someone to come along and race with j/k

Always good times, especially on the OCC servers!
S2 licensed
Im no expert but i dont see myself as a slow coach.

I've been racing for just over a year now, and the key is just practice and alternating between combo's, especially the hard one's like Tweak said.

I have added alot of the very fast drivers inb LFS to my buddies list at LFSWorld and try when i have the time to go join them to learn, also to get some very good setups , but basically for the experience.
S2 licensed
At the beginning my friends were always giving me the strange look about playing LFS, but i gave them ago and they saw how much effort goes into it and that it's not your normal arcade rubbish found around.

I'v told many girls i play it, i just dont tell them im in a team...i thinks thats a bit of overkill for them and will give them the nerd impression.

But all my friends realise im good at it so when i say sorry i cant make going out for drinks im doing some league or i have a meeting they understand
S2 licensed
Congrats rcpilot and CoRe Racing!

We share the same racing number, nothing can go wrong with a 42 on the side
S2 licensed
Never used them, send them to code heaven
S2 licensed
Tried Exodus, But some German guy already had it....and wasnt feeling so creative so just did my first name initial and surname.

If I could change it I would to atleast something a bit more meaning full, either my full name or exodus42, which i use on the majority of websites, forums bla bla bla.
S2 licensed
Congrats Cropsy and SCCC, enjoy and all the best!!
S2 licensed
WR for XR GT Turbo on BLGP is 1:23:14

Here is a link to the replay. You can put this in your lfs/data/spr folder and then view it in LFS and see where you are loosing time
S2 licensed
Congrats faster111!

Have fun and all the best in the team
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :tbh there aren't any amazing times, just average ones. I could beat his ASClub time in the RB4 with a standing start in my FXO

Wow just spur him on!
S2 licensed
Quote from TyresHot :ok,agreed,

i only wanted to get help from people and help was my exciting did that.i will try to post rarely.i will talk lfs on msn with my buddies.

I think more what people are trying to say is that when thinking of something or a bug, for instance this crashing, use the search.

You will most probably find something mentioned before in the forum somewhere, have a read through and if needed post your new idea's and get that topic running again. And if you dont find anything then your welcome to start a new topic with your help.

We are a community here and are not wishing to push racers out of it, we just rather ask posters to be check before creating a new topic.