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S3 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :I'm surprised you can even fit in the door.

he is the door.
S3 licensed
Quote from MadCatX :Judging a device just by people who use it is not a good idea. There will always be Apple, MS and "opensource"(Linux, *BSD, *OSOL, Haiku,...) zealots out there claiming that their choice is the one and only. A MacBook for example is actually quite interesting piece of technology. S-IPS matrix display, multitouch touchpad, very power efficient etc etc. If you need a MacOS X for some reason (iPhone apps development), you don't have a choice anyway...

I do not have a Mac and I don't even want one, I'm just saying that they're definitely not a total ripoff, 'cause you get some extra goodies for you money. The question is if it's worth it and that's a matter of personal opinion rather than a value/money equation. The fact that Macs don't offer ME anything I'm willing to pay extra for doesn't mean that they don't offer anything to anybody...

also, to add to this. if you're not having a very enjoyable experience with laptops, then it would be a good idea to give a different product a try. i'm not a fan of apple but if i were in the market for a portable computer. and i was not enjoying windows laptops then i'd seriously be considering apple.
they seem to be able to get the best out of the hardware compared to a windows based laptop. even with the development of tablet computers, apple (unfortunately) are top in that department too. even with their flaws, they are still faster than most tablets on the market. that being said, the Asus tablet seems to be a very close 2nd.
S3 licensed
spam? last i checked i was posting my opinion. it's your issue if you think it's spam. if you can't respond to a post without resorting to calling people names like "forum police" then maybe you should go back to watching catroons until the grown ups have finished talking?
please tell me how it's spam? my posts are thought out and have not insulted anyone. unlike your little rant about forum police and spam. seriously dude, get a proper opinion, the one you currently have is making you look like a kid.

i don't mean to throw a spanner into your little theory but you forgot to include the point i was actually making, what if he had cracked the game? i've already done the job of the moderator by asking him if he has actually paid for the game. a moderator has already informed me that the ip that the OP is posting under does not match that of any LFS S2 user.
do you think i just blindly claimed that this guy was using cracked software? because you'd be wrong kid.

Tip, next time you talk to someone and you would like them to engage in a mature conversation, don't start it by calling the guy childish names.
S3 licensed
that's like the spiderman(or seagulling) but you add your barbed wire for visual effect isn't it?
S3 licensed
i'd mostly give her some angry butt sex. mostly. maybe give her a Dirty Sanchez(stick your thumb up her bunger then wipe it on her top lip to give her a shit mustache).
S3 licensed
if her eyes weren't so close together her whole face wouldn't seem as big.
S3 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Why did the random link I test that with say "Smoke a dildo".


that was my link. my bad. lmao.
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Quote from CSU1 :yard brush stuck to forehead

HOLY SHIT!! no wonder irish men have issues with baldness, you've stolen all the feckin hair in Ireland for those brows. how do you manage to keep your eyes open with all that follicle based brow ballast? they nearly start at your top lip lmao!!
it's like you've got the McDonalds arches on your forehead hehehe.
Last edited by dadge, .
S3 licensed
Hi pajkul.

would you be as kind and let the forum know how you are able to drive the FXO with a demo account? there seems to be a bit of a misunderstanding and this information would really help clear things up.

thanks for your time.
S3 licensed
all we need is for the OP to post how he's able to use the FXO with demo status and the conversation will get right back on track i'm sure. and if i'm wrong i'll apologise.
S3 licensed
Quote from bunder9999 :dude, just let it go. as a former moderator for a high-ranking forum, i know these guys can get you pretty miffed because of how they moderate (or lackings thereof). but the fact is, they can't be bothered to change their status quo, so it's better to just leave it alone.

eh? you seem to be misunderstanding my view. i made one post in this thread. it was deleted. i wanted to know why.
if we all "just let it go" then what's the point of us buying LFS when all we'd have to do is crack the game and still get support from the official forum? why did we pay £24 if cracking the game get you the same privileges?
As a current LFS user (and customer), i feel that i am entitled to post my opinion in this thread. again, it was a light hearted post i made (that was deleted). i don't think it was reported so i don't understand why it was deleted. maybe as an ex-mod, you could help clear that up for me?

(not directed at anybody in particular) a moderator that can't be bothered is lazy moderator and should not be moderating any further. if doing the right thing is too much hassle, then maybe it's time to pass on the mantle so someone who is willing to do the job correctly?
Last edited by dadge, .
S3 licensed
i'm not feeling picked on. but not removing the 2nd post as well could contribute to me feeling picked on. what i am feeling is that my post was brushed under the mat (so to speak) so that the conversation could continue. had you moderated correctly, the op would have been investigated a bit more to find out whether he was infact using pirated software. the conversation would still continued without him/her being able to offer further input. the fact that my post stood out should have been enough for you to act and moderate accordingly.
you have to remember that one mans rubbish is another mans treasure. so although you might have the opinion that there's lots of rubbish in the forum, others are under the opinion that it's a fun place to be. as a moderator, you should recognise this.
is one post in this thread enough for you to delete my post claiming i was banging on?
S3 licensed
Quote from Xaid0n :DJ Dadge - Rory

i can post the link if anyone want's a to hear me sell my soul.
Last edited by dadge, . Reason : typo, sell, not see!!
S3 licensed
Quote from Rappa Z :Please do!

here ya go dude. Beached
S3 licensed
a chav has an unnatural ability to take €$£10,000, buy a car for €$£1000, then spend €$£9000 trying to make it look like it's worth €$£100. that kinda shit should be on Britain's got talent.
S3 licensed
i'm sorry. i didn't realise that having a bit of fun on the forum was against the rules. so a crime that isn't reported is a crime not committed?
if you don't like my posts, put me on your ignore list. but don't remove my posts so that you can talk with a user who has pirated LFS. that kind of behaviour will only encourage more cracker/hackers to post here.
and since when have i been banging on about software piracy? i think that's the millionth time you've exaggerated this week. <<< sarcasm, i only hope you get it.
Last edited by dadge, .
S3 licensed
i'd also like to know why a completely legitimate post i made previously regarding this matter has been removed.
S3 licensed
Quote from Rappa Z :Dadge's Bass-oon entry

Hot damn I've fallen in love with this thing.:lovies3d:

thanks dude. if you'd like the link to the set i played that earned me 3rd place in the final, i'd be more than happy to provide you with the link.
S3 licensed
so, have we established how a demo user is driving a FXO? my post has been deleted so i can only assume that we have confirmed that this user has not cracked lfs. according to a mod, i did not post in this thread. strange things are afoot.
Last edited by dadge, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Bmxtwins :dadge your losing your head. He said via email and via pm

cheers for putting it back up franky.

my bad lol.
S3 licensed
Quote from gandlers :Yes, I have a few outstanding queries sent via PM and via email. I will PM you again no to make sure it isnt lost somewhere.

if you could also send it in email form too. just so you can cover more bases.