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Quote from SimhonNL :It wasn't only the cars, Just the combination of the cars and track......
Demo licensed
Quote from xaotik :[OT]
This made me think of "Live For Suits: The Online Garment Simulator" - where everyone is in tie and suit walking around holding briefcases. With visible shoe sole deformation!

Hardcore players of it would be all about creases and smart colour combinations while many people in the forums would demand different types of shoe soles and ofcourse you'd get people demanding jeans and sweaters while the main community insisted it was "Live For Suits! Not some slacker simulation!"

That was written in the other thread and that sums it up pretty good I think.
Demo licensed

I've been waiting for this thread to be reposted for the 3000th time!
Demo licensed
Quote from xaotik :[OT]
This made me think of "Live For Suits: The Online Garment Simulator" - where everyone is in tie and suit walking around holding briefcases. With visible shoe sole deformation!

Hardcore players of it would be all about creases and smart colour combinations while many people in the forums would demand different types of shoe soles and ofcourse you'd get people demanding jeans and sweaters while the main community insisted it was "Live For Suits! Not some slacker simulation!"

That made me laugh, nice one.
Demo licensed
Oh, great. Another one.
Demo licensed
Quote from Borat :and 3rd, if there are 300,000 threads on this, then maybe thats a reason to start listening to people. We are the people who buy the game who pay for the development of the game, now its totally up to them what they do with their game but to say they shouldn't listen to the us is also silly.

Why? It's their game. They should do what THEY want and not what the people want, if it was your game would you do what-ever someone on the forums wanted?

There is 300,000 threads about putting NOS, bodykits and bling-bling into the game, should the Dev's "listen to the people" on that one to?
I know that I would not listen to what-ever the people said, sure I would listen on some points but it had to be in the frames of my dream.
Demo licensed
Another one of this kind of topic, do you guys use your eyes or are you so up in your "original" idea so you can't use the search button nor see the 300,000 other threads about this exact thing?

And for the record. How many games/dev's accept these kinds off things? How many people post threads on the EA-forum saying that they want this and that and EA does what ever the people on the forums want?
They don't.

Everybody that posts these threads are forgetting one thing, the game belongs to the Dev's. There is an open forum with a suggestion-section, sure. But that does not mean that you can decide what should be in the game if you get 200 posts in your thread that is positive, it does not change one thing.

The Dev's choose what is in the game and they also decide what not to bring in the game, and if they say that we do not want this and this we as players should respect that. Let's face it, we get to play the game and be a part of a really nice community even when the game isn't finished! How many other games allow that?

Please, stop these threads. The Dev's don't need it, the players don't need it.
How do you know that the Dev's are not working on new tracks and new cars as we speak? You can't know. You shouldn't know either. But just stop these threads.
Demo licensed
The problem is, that it's not seperating the noobs from the pros. It is bringing the pro's at setup-buildning down to the noob's level. Is that fair just because they know a lot about how to tune the suspension, the gearbox etc?
Demo licensed
Why don't anyone think before they start a thread? Modding, new tracks, new cars is already spoken about in 30 threads and we don't need another one!
Soon someone is going to say "We need rain too!!!" and then this useluss thread is even more useless.
Demo licensed
Quote from Bandit77 :for me, this takes the fun out of DRIVING. that's my point.

it's like driving a 911 and take the piss of a boxter at the traffic lights. if these things make you happy, so be it.

I could even put my "wish" in another way, not to destroy your experience with the game the way it is:

What about ADDING a handful of cars modelled after production cars?
And yes, those cars are raced.

It is the way of life.
Some people know what they are doing and produce good settings, some people have no idea what they are doing and they can't create settings at all. Their loss.
And the fun of driving ain't ruined, you can take a WR-set and still not drive WR's with it if don't know what you are doing. If you drive like shit, you drive like shit.

People with better sets know what they are doing and should get "payed" for that, they shouldn't be "dragged down" because you think they drive to fast with their personal settings.

LFS is a racing simulator. Not everyone drives the same set and cars, some series do force settings but not all do. It's a minority that do. Different drivers have different driving styles and this means they need different settings to drive their absolute best, and this is the way LFS should be and it is.
Demo licensed
Quote from rjm1982 :I love how you left the previous sentence out of that. There are plenty of RL leagues/events that force setups on the cars. The Kart league I raced in last year only allowed tire pressure and compound changes. IROC doesnt allow any changes. When it comes to autocross, there are a lot of "street stock" classes that allow nothing more than tire pressure changes...

It, in fact, IS realistic.

Yea, a couple of series does it. The rest don't. So I don't see how you can say that it's realistic that you ban personal settings total on those cars. I would agree to LFS-servers be able to set a preset setting, but not ban personal settings on all servers at all times. Then it takes a way a critical aspect of LFS.
A setting could make such a difference that it's a difference between first and last place between two different settings and that is the way it should be.

If you are good, the car probably runs good. If you are not that good, you have to practice and learn until you get good or get help.
So just because the thread-maker can't run WR's with his setting we should ban settings overall? No.
Learn to make a good set or take one from Team Inferno. Maybe even ask a racer on a server and you might get a good set.

Practice makes perfect.
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Quote from rjm1982 :Then it becomes a DRIVERS race, not an equipment race, and is imho, much more interesting and a better indicator of a better driver.

But then it's not realistic, it's not like every racer in the whole world drives the exact same car with the exact same setup. That is just wrong.
Demo licensed
Quote from Bandit77 :sure YOU don't want to limit the street-cars' setups... because you only have these.

I would manage just as good if I wouldn't have as much settings, as long as I could race in my way and drift every now and then.

It's your reason I don't like, you say that because someone make's a better set then you and get better times because they know a lot more then you about making a good set you think they should ban some settings. I suggest you start reading a little about making a good set and train more instead of taking everyone else down to your level.
Demo licensed
What LFS really need's is a auto-search-for-threadsubject-and-post-before-creating-new-thread-script. Then everybody will be happy and will post in the "Cars we want to see in S3"-thread instead of creating 3000 different thread's on which car they want in.
Demo licensed
You want to ban setup's from a few cars because you can't go as fast as the WR? Oookey. I think someone need's their cookie.
Demo licensed
Quote from volvoguru669 :who use a seatbelt aynway!

I do, so +1 for this suggestion.
Demo licensed
Quote from pearcy_2k7 :It is my right to have freedom of speech if i say that it isnt realistic and want other peoples veiws whether they think it is or it isn't, to make a game like this succesfull you have to take into account the veiws of the community, basicly i said that the LX4 should be fibre glass, and im not making a big fuss out of it.

Although that the current system isnt no way finished i feel they could have done a better job than they did, after all it is one of the most important aspects of the game.

Yea, you say that it should be fibre glass. Why? The LX4 may be made out of metal, because it crumples like metal, ever think of that?
And the deformation is just temporarly, haven't you read any of those threads? The game is in ALPHA-stages, that means that everything is not complete and there will be improvments.
Demo licensed
Quote from pearcy_2k7 :Oh yeah thats realistic every ar is made out of metal when some of them should be made out of fibreglass to make them as light as they are !

Why should they be made out of fiberglass? Who decided's that? You as a player or the Dev's that created this game from scratch?
If you read that question enough you will see that the answer is; The Dev's.
If they decide that all cars are metal, then they are metal.
If they decide that all cars are carbon fibre, then they are carbon fibre.
If they decide that alll cars ..... You get the point.

It doesn't really matter what you think is real or not real, the cars are made by the Dev's for a game created by the Dev's. The Dev's decide what should be done and not you.
Sure players do have some "voice" in the matter, but you can't just come in screaming that this and that ain't real because you have seen 15 wrecked Caterham's which has absolutley NOTHING to do with the game at all.
The cars is LFS cars, LX4, FXR, FZR, UF1 and so on. Not Caterham, DTM-car, Porsche GT3, Mini Cooper. It is an LFS car and thereby there is no real preset of which material it is.
Demo licensed
Quote from XCNuse :Hey I have a suggestion, it goes a little like this: the LX4 is.. oh my God, an LX4!
Looks like metal when you crash it if you ask me.

Best post in this entire thread.
You people forget that the cars in LFS are actually cars in LFS. Not real-life copies, it is the Dev's home-made cars and nothing else. Doesn't matter if they look like a Caterham Super Seven, a DTM-car or anything. It is what it is, not what it look's like.
Demo licensed
-1 for random oilspills.
+1 for oilspills when a crash has happened.
Demo licensed
Quote from Takumi_lfs :lol i was joking

dont take my post's serious

Ooops, sorry 'bout that then.
Was just in a bit of an argument on another forum and it got a bit rough so I might be a little tense. Again, sorry about that.
Demo licensed
Quote from Takumi_lfs :You demo racers want to make the Dev's mad?

they will remove everything in demo and give you guys only the XFG and Carpark as track.

Please don't generalise, 2 out of 3 demodrivers in this thread is against it thinking that we already have enough so please rephrase that post. Not all demodrivers are the same you know.
Demo licensed
Quote from LineR32 :Is this a first? :jawdrop:

I agree, Demo already has enough content to play with.

I hope not, we demodrivers should be thankfull for being able to play three cars and one track online and offline for an unlimited period of time. So I'm nothing but thankfull, although I haven't got a round to get enough cash loose so I can buy S2.

Sorry for Off-topic.