Okey, I know there is already a "training school" or how you can say it, but it doesn't really teach you that much.
What I really think would bring much more knownledge to new drivers (and old slow ones) is a real racing school. A proper one.
The basic idea is to just have a passenger beside you in the car, which is the racing school teacher or how you can call it. What he does is that you will drive around the track lap by lap and he will say, or scream, what do to basicly.
For example, when you are entering a corner he will scream "Brake, brake! Hard on the brakes!" when the braking point is and then "Turn right and hit apex" and then tell you when or how much to accelerate at the right point in or out of the corner.
This way you get alot of help learning the proper braking points, proper racing line and "correct" speed in the corners. Basic knowledge that is.
As it is today it is just "Go around the track and learn the brake points."
That ain't so easy when you are new to driving a sim and will take ALOT of time since you get barely any help at all.
The idea is also that you get a picture in the beginning of the school of the track you are currently at and you see a marked line on it, which is the racing line, and some numbers written on it which is the basic speeds you can master the corner at if you are new. This way you also get an overview of the track and a basic idea of which speeds and which line you should take.
I for one don't have that much experience in racing online or offline for that matter and would really think this would help me alot and will push me towards better laptimes and better lines around the track.
The racinglines, accelerationpoints, brakingpoints and those sort of things that the "teacher" is yelling ain't World record-breaking but it gives you a basic knowledge about these sort of things and would really help the new ones. Maybe even make them to survive T1 without crashing everyones rearend because they missed the proper brakepoint.
Yes, I am aware that I am just a demodriver. Don't smash me for that, read my suggestion and base your oppinion of that. Not my not-existing-license.