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Demo licensed
Quote from MAE_2007 :Hello,

I had an idea wich goes like this: In S3: give the s1 cars and tracks 2 the demo racers and give the s2 licensed people the new tracks and cars of s3.

I'd would like that. If you guys don't like it then thats ok.

Greetz, MAE.

No. I'm a demodriver and I am against it. If you want the game, buy it. Don't give more to demodrivers, we already have enough.
Demo licensed
Any progress?
Would love to see this finished, or atleast some updated pictures to see how far you have gone.
Demo licensed
Can't say much about Quad or Duo-processors but all I know is that it is not much programs, games, w/e that supports Quad-core at the moment but maybe in the future.

A 8800GTS would be better and that is what I would choose.

Vista? It is nice in the beginning but then you notice flaws and things that aren't really that nicely done. So I would choose XP Pro Service Pack 2 (SP3 is on the way) at any time at the moment. Atleast wait until Service Pack 1 has been release for Vista before you get it, that is my advice.
Demo licensed
Quote from Tony Pearce :Has there ever been a poll asking if people want real tracks??

There's so many threads of people stating they want real tracks like the Ring, and much less saying they're happy with the tracks we have.
I think to settle this argument, a simple poll would suffice in this forum.

You forget that it isn't your or mine or even our game, it is the dev's game and nothing will ever change that. We as forumvisitors can't deside what the dev's should do with their game or not, a "simple poll" won't change that fact.
Demo licensed
Quote from danowat :Brilliant little utility to over come an annoying Win XP problem >

Lovely tool. Just brilliant. Been using it for a while, works every time.

Right click > Unlocker > Unlock all > OK and you are done!
Demo licensed
Quote from Mr.Muh´s obvious

For a new guy it may not be as obvious and he trusts the experienced players that have been here for a while. Think before you post. It may not be as obvious as yourself think.
Last edited by Dalarna, .
Demo licensed
Quote from Chrisuu01 :I know But the trevis and mini look cool and cute the UF1 his just like plain ugly and those lights make me faint---> :faint:

Why do you drive and look at the lights? Isn't that a very bad racing-strategy?
Demo licensed
Quote from Gunn :Why should it look like a Mini? The car is UF1 and it looks exactly like a UF1.

Well spoken. Fully agreed.
Demo licensed
What we need is some nice big marks after the wheels and it would look okey.
Demo licensed

Good suggestion.
Demo licensed
Quote from wark :

Is it just me reacting to the thin guy with a cap that still has the pricetag left on it?

Oh right, on topic.
Spinners would ruin the main idea of LFS, so it will never happen.
Demo licensed
Quote from The Very End :Maybe I should rename this topic to the "dreamers topic" or something

Or ask a mod to close it since there is already a 6-paged thread started LONG before this one started.
Demo licensed
I've been wanting this ever since that reckless guy smashed into me on that demoserver.

I wounder if it could be to any help to see what the others games have done about this, I know that in GTR 2 (I think it is that game) you can't exit the pits if the red light is on. When the green light is on, then you can throttle again and go.
The car autostops at the white exit line, wouldn't that be kind of usefull here to? Then you can't leave the pits and crasch everybody and say "SRY!!" and then do it again 10 mins later.
Demo licensed
Quote from Dajmin :I like the idea of a driving instructor giving you advice. I also think that a few simple commands would be enough to get it working well.

"Slow down" - gentle braking
"Full brakes" - hard braking
"Full power" - mash the throttle
"Gentle power" - accelerate gently
"Touch right" - move slightly right
"Touch left" - move slightly left
"Hard right" - full lock right
"Hard left" - full lock left
"Move to outside" to the outside of the track
"Move to inside" to the inside of the track

Does that cover everything? Not including gear changes or anything specific to a setup or track.

Could an InSim app do it? I've no idea. It could be done using your rough position on the track, so (for example) if you were too close to the inside on a corner, it'd tell you to move to the outside, then brake. If you were approaching too fast, it'd slow you down, too slow it'd speed you up.

Might get annoying after a few laps, but it would teach people new to a track where they should be braking and stuff. Hmmm...

That's exactly how I had it in mind.
Demo licensed
Ain't this 6-paged thread enough?
Demo licensed
Quote from XenoWolf :I own and play RBR, but you can't get live person-to-person feedback in RBR like you can in LFS.

With this you don't have to have a live person-to-person feedback, this way you learn the basics without asking alot of people to spec them.
This way new racers like me can learn the basics offline and then go online and just race and not crash all the time since we miss both the brake points and the proper line.
(That makes it sound like I am a wrecker, which I'm not. Don't missunderstand me know.)

I can only see this as an improvment, it is very usefull help and you get the help without having to go around server by server or forum by forum to find someone that will spec and give feedback.
Racing School
Demo licensed
Okey, I know there is already a "training school" or how you can say it, but it doesn't really teach you that much.

What I really think would bring much more knownledge to new drivers (and old slow ones) is a real racing school. A proper one.

The basic idea is to just have a passenger beside you in the car, which is the racing school teacher or how you can call it. What he does is that you will drive around the track lap by lap and he will say, or scream, what do to basicly.

For example, when you are entering a corner he will scream "Brake, brake! Hard on the brakes!" when the braking point is and then "Turn right and hit apex" and then tell you when or how much to accelerate at the right point in or out of the corner.

This way you get alot of help learning the proper braking points, proper racing line and "correct" speed in the corners. Basic knowledge that is.
As it is today it is just "Go around the track and learn the brake points."
That ain't so easy when you are new to driving a sim and will take ALOT of time since you get barely any help at all.

The idea is also that you get a picture in the beginning of the school of the track you are currently at and you see a marked line on it, which is the racing line, and some numbers written on it which is the basic speeds you can master the corner at if you are new. This way you also get an overview of the track and a basic idea of which speeds and which line you should take.

I for one don't have that much experience in racing online or offline for that matter and would really think this would help me alot and will push me towards better laptimes and better lines around the track.

The racinglines, accelerationpoints, brakingpoints and those sort of things that the "teacher" is yelling ain't World record-breaking but it gives you a basic knowledge about these sort of things and would really help the new ones. Maybe even make them to survive T1 without crashing everyones rearend because they missed the proper brakepoint.


Yes, I am aware that I am just a demodriver. Don't smash me for that, read my suggestion and base your oppinion of that. Not my not-existing-license.
Demo licensed
Screenshot of it?
If it's done properly this could really come in handy while I'm skinning.
Demo licensed
"I suggest that devs give more power to FXR and XRR or to try this car balancing:"

The FXR is fastest by your tests, and you want to give it even more power?
Demo licensed
Yea, please release that skin to public when it is finished. In colour and in black/greyish. I just love the way the skin looks, both the black/grey and the colour. Great work.
Demo licensed
Quote from lizardfolk :u know in a replay if the view is in the cockpit u can look right and left on you own (at any given time). So this suggestion is pretty useless.

Did you even read the post?

He want's to see what the driver sees. That means that the camera moves automatic, not he moves whenever he wants to like it is now.

Although I say it should be an option, drivers view or normal replay mode.
Demo licensed

Really like it, would be a good thing.
Demo licensed
Awesome skin, is that going public or private?
Demo licensed
+1 from me. Would love to see that as a testtrack, alot of different routes to choose from and that makes alot of different testing of alot of different setups. Lovely.
Demo licensed
Quote from PlusP :Since I am still a big fan of GT Legends, I do believe the game would benefit from some classic '60's & '70's race cars like the Mustangs, Escorts, Corvettes, British roadsters, and the American big-block Cobra. [...]

I can't say more then that I agree to everything you said. Old "supercars" (or atleast they were in the back of the days) would just be a perfect addition to this game.