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Or release a shadowlayer of the MRT?
Last edited by Dalarna, .
Demo licensed
Here in Sweden that raceclass is called "Folkrace". It's really fun to watch.

Demo licensed
Quote from ChiliFan :British keyboards don't have a ¨-button.

I see, that is where the problem is then. My bad.
Demo licensed
Quote from Anathema :I guess you must do one yourself.

Then that I will do. Later. (At work)

Updated the first post with updated previews from the work last night.
Demo licensed
Quote from Anathema :A decent shadow layer could improve the skin.

Yea, I'm going to do the shadows best I can later on.

EDIT: Is there a already done shadowlayer, like a default one without the text on it? Or am I forced to make a special one my self?
Last edited by Dalarna, .
Demo licensed
What's the problem making a ü? Just click the ¨-button and then a u. That makes a ü. No need to go alt+[insert correct numbers here].
MRT - Jas 39 Gripen WIP
Demo licensed

Since I am quite new at skinning I thought I would replicate a existing paintjob and fit it to a LFS car, but I just fell in love with the WWII Fighterjet paintjob some guy did here on this forum so I thought about making my own one.
So I wouldn't be seen as a 'copy-cat' I chose to use the Jas 39 Gripen as my model to skin from as that is a Swedish fighterjet and I am from Sweden.

The work done is just the basic colourscheme and some basic layout of some of the different texts and "stickers" that is on the jet it self.

Real life: ... rnas_Bucket/gripen_06.jpg

WIP: ... et/Jas39Gripenpreview.jpg


Did some more work last night and added some studs to hold the "plane" together, some service hatches and those varningstickers that can be found on the real plane.
Im unsure about the yellow lines on the pod though, there are yellow lines on the real plane on the wings but I don't really know if they fit with the rest of the car. Comments?
Shadows will be added later when I'm home from work and the laptop is recharged. ... _Bucket/gripenpreview.jpg ... Bucket/gripenpreview2.jpg

/ Dalarna
Last edited by Dalarna, .
Demo licensed
Quote from The Very End :When you say stall(ing?) the car, does stalling means that the front of special formula cars maybe can be raised due to the airforces under the car, and it will be sent flying?

Sorry, bad english point is.
Stalling is when a car .. example nascar gets up in the air and gets tossed on roof, since it got too much air under it and it was lifted up?

Of thats so, YES that would be a grreeat idea in LFS
Then people wouldn`t push it so hard on tracks with elevation changes, like AS 1 or something LOl, evil chicane.

I think they mean stalling as in "If-you-dont-push-the-clutch-when-standing-still-the-engine-dies" or something similar to that.
Demo licensed
Just awesome. I'm a big fan of Volvo's since I'm from sweden so this is just pure love at first sight for me.
Demo licensed
Quote from Belgrom :Alpha = free
Beta = ok money time , not too much
Full game = Ok Now 25 euros for license

I disagree with you, then I rather have it this way.
That you pay 12,24,36 or whatever it is at the beginning (Alpha) and you get the updates for free as it is right now, it is perfect.

I don't see what you would earn on "your system", you would be forced to pay twice to get the full content. Is that going to gain you in your poor country? No. So I don't see how you are thinking.
Demo licensed
Quote from Belgrom :DAMN , Is release s3 Lees oportunity of buy

IN ARGENTINA THE ECONOMY IS REALY BAD , DAMN And you want we pay more for the GAME?

If In Argentinean we are really bad of economy, as they hope that somebody buys the license s3

My pay as soon as it reaches me to be able to live, if the game follows in Alpha that to be FREE

Can't really understand your bad english, but just because your country have a bad economy the game should be free/cheaper there?
Demo licensed
Quote from JTbo :Yes, I know that one, it has Audi Quattro engine, 900hp or something like that, can't remember everything now, but it is fast.

Also that one with BMW V12 twin turbo engine is quite wild machine

Race cars are ugly, also Volvo 300 series is ugly design, but that is why I like it also, well it is RWD with 50/50 weight distribution so that helps too

Exactly, wouldn't that be just so much fun to drive in LFS?

The Volvo 300-series is a good platform to base a racecar on since what you said, 50/50 weight distribution if you don't add to much weight to either end.
If that would end up in the game, or something 1/10 of it I would give the devs my soul.

Demo licensed
Quote from TurboRacer35 :IMO, that volvo is UGLY...

Perhaps it's ugly, but since this is a race-sim I think it would fit right in. It is one of the most absolute hardcore cars I saw at Gatebil that year and that is just a pure beast.
Demo licensed
Quote from JTbo :FWD, it is no good, Group-A 240 is however much better choice or 340 rally cross car that won european champion too

If we are talking about 340/360's then I better show you this one.
It is just purely insane!

That is just insanity on wheels! Oh boy does it run.
If we could get this kind of monster into LFS I would just faint of happiness.
Demo licensed
Quote from KanseiDneova :I agree with him on the estate thing. Volvo 850 Estate BTCC anyone?


Now that is what I am talking about. The Volvo 850 Estate BTCC is just a superb piece of lovely craftsmanship.
Demo licensed
Quote from Cr!t!calDrift :
I would say that maybe a cracked Live For Speed would secretly install a file in the registry, but maybe that is too drastic.

That would actually make LFS more towards the spyware-direction and less car sim.
I know crackers are a very big problem, but installing files to find out if its cracked or not isn't really the answer. Most antivirus-programs would notice anyways.

I say +1 for the suggestion in first post, but -1 at installing hidden files on the computers.
Demo licensed
Quote from Sponge :I'd say, no longer welcome.. Skin stealing should get punished!

Yep, I know the feeling. The thing that I don't get, why do they keep trying?
Demo licensed
"Created by Bean0"

Really, really bad edit. Why steal a skin, edit the colour, leave the real creators name on it and then post it as their own skin? That is just really foolish.
Demo licensed
The only thing I don't quite like is the LFS logo on the back, it doesn't really fit the rest of the skin.
Demo licensed
Quote from MAGGOT :Put the default skin on the top layer and set it to "multiply"

Thank you, that really makes it look more real! I was scratching my head how to do the shades but that solved it all, thanks!
Demo licensed
The thing is, even if the people will hate me for this, I would like to see more stationwagon like cars.

No racing game has EVER had it, atleast no game I've played. And I am not talking about a doll original one. I'm talking about a tuned up more racecar-one. Not a ricer, not a fully radical racer. Just a middlepart-car.

Not soccermoms vans either, just a basic stationwagon-like car with a quite powerful engine and tweaked suspenion.
What about a LFS-version of a Volvo V70? Or something like it.

And of course, some more "supercars". Koenissegg, Pagani Zonda, Lamborghini, Audi R8 perhaps? Not the exact copy since that would be expensive. Just something.

(And yes, I am aware that I am a demo-driver.)
Demo licensed
Quote from Jakg :Ah BS is the PS3 more powerful than the PC - in some ways it is, in others it looses out massively

I'm talking about the average PC, a gaming PC at the absolute top in computers would totally smack it, but not everyone has that. I myself sit on a laptop with a not so good graphicscard and I was totally thrilled that LFS would work on it lag-free!
Not many driving-games/simulators work on it, if they work I can only run it with the superlow-graphics and even then it won't be lag-free.

I think that it should be kept that way, that any average computer can run it with not to much hassle so everybody, even those that don't have supercomputers or the money for a new computer, can enjoy the fun of LFS.

(Yes, I am aware that I am a demo-driver.)
Demo licensed
Actually, your picture is just perfect!
I'd love that track/test area in LFS and exactly that layout. Just stunning.

Demo licensed
Quote from Nathan_French_14 :i have motorstorm for my PS3, and it has the same thing that your suggesting. on motorostorm, if you following a light buggy, it deforms the mud a little bit, but if your following a big rig, it deforms it a hell of alot, and can prove "interesting" if you get your car stuck into them.

Yea, but would the average computer be able to handle it? Since the PS3 is one of the most advanced pieces of gaming hardware around.

EDIT: Not comparing to the supercomputers hardheaded gamers have of course.
Last edited by Dalarna, .
Demo licensed
Hello again. This is my third skin ever and I wanted to keep it clean and simple as far as it was possible. That means, not 3,000 stickers per inch of the car.

The vents are from a big vent-pack, creds to the creator.

But I can tell you that the carbon fibre almost killed me, but it came out ok I think.
Give me comments on it as I want to improve my skinning.

I present to you,

The UFR Race version
Last edited by Dalarna, .