I think the red is supposed to represent speed.. (because of the idea of motion in it and the red colour is also often associated with speed; a red ferrari looks faster then as blue one or something)
Ok, I love it! I loved the concept with the quotes and the engine sounds combined with the bass. Very nice. All the ideas and the special effects, sure they could be a bit better here and there but it's done very very well!
Shame it's just too late for the year-end awards. :P
Here's one I made for the Aosta Sport Intermediate. I did 1:10.050 with it, but I'm sure it will be able to do 1:09.5 or so. It seems like a soft suspension really helps, it got me a second off my original time.
I'll try the Donington one, thanks! I did a 1:29 so far, although my set seems ok, it's like I'm still losing a lot of time...
Well, I tried the F3... That's just insane! It's so bumpy, and that makes it so challenging, out of every corner.. Waaaaa. Also, the shadows of the trees make it feel so real, with the stoboscope lightning. :P
Well, I don't think you'll hear that much of a difference in the low frequencies. You can't hear anything under 20 Hz anyway.
Just going after what you know about the technical side of the headphone is cute, but if you really want to buy one... I'd be sure to test them out in the store. In any decent store you can.
I tested both, when I wanted to buy a new headphone and the difference was very small. Yes there's a difference, but how far do you want to go? After all, the difference was 100 euro's or so.
I went for a Beyerdynamic DT880. I think, with these prices, it depends a lot on taste, or the sound you're looking for.
Well, he was pretty much punished for all of these things, he was taken out or penalized. In all his years of driving, he wasn't the fairest person of the field, but if this is all you can think off.. He might have not been so bad at all. For example Coulthard has done a lot of stupid actions aswell. Every driver has. I admit, maybe he was a dick. But he won those championships not by cheating but by driving..
You can create a RAF file in LFS (its somewhere between the buttons in the menu when you watch a replay of a hotlap). If you do that with both hotlaps, you can open them in programs like PerfView.