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S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :out of interest, what resolution is that helmet?

Those in the picture are 1024, but I also made high res versions of 2048.
S2 licensed
It's not big, but I made the screen because I just finished the helmet in the background. For Chriskart.
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :
I would say RAM, but i doubt it's that either

It's the only thing I can think off. Because I got 2 RAM cards of a different size (512 and 1024). That might be a problem. But I was planning to replace that 512 by a 1024 anyway. We'll see. If it solves anything you will hear it.
S2 licensed
Yes, I'm using XP. I've been using LFS on XP as far as I can remember, and before patch X I never noticed the stuttering.

Also, I have 3 different HDD's, all 7200 RPM, 2 extern, 1 intern, I tried LFS on all three, but no difference.
S2 licensed
Quote from danowat :It (seemingly) can't be solved, I have the same problem, lots of others do too, it's been mentioned many times, I mentioned it throughout the last round of test patches, but it's still there.

Yes, its a PITA, but it's one of those things you have to live with........for now

Have to live with.. Ye I guess, but it kinda ruined my quali, and it ruined a lot of races and quali's and pb's. Kinda unnessesary..

But there are a lot of people who don't have the stuttering. So what does their setup/install/whatever differ from the people with the stuttering?
Stuttering when someone leaves the pits
S2 licensed

This has probably been discussed a lot of times, but I couldn't find a good answer.

When someone leaves the pits I get stuttering. Tonight was MOE quali, and I couldn't even do 1 clean lap, just because of the stuttering..

It only occured since patch X. Even after a reinstall of my pc and later LFS itself too, it still happends.

My PC isn't that bad;

Intel Pentium 4, 3,0 GHz
1536 MB DDR2 RAM
Nvidia GeForce 7800 GS

My internet connection is 2 mb down, 512 kb up, so that's not bad either..

It's not because it's loading the skin, because it only loads the skin when you're going almost 0 km/h for a longer time.

Can anyone please tell me what this could be and how I can solve it? I'm getting really sick of it now.

Thanks in advance,

S2 licensed
First Vixen Challenge. Last race of the season (Aston National), I was champion after the qualifying so I took it easy for the race. Then at the end of the feature race the car became really really fast so I wanted to push. Did some pb laps. But the very last lap I pushed too hard in T1, causing me to go off.. Luckily I still got 2nd, but what a stupid error, stupid me..
S2 licensed
Hmm, I'm not that technical, but you need to make sure you don't steer too much. See it like this; the curbs are bumps, so when you drive over them, the car becomes lighter. That screws up the balance a lot, so don't steer too much.

I got problems with the curb on the exit of the last turn too. Sometimes my rear right tyre slams into it, causing damage.

I think it just has to do with the car control. I've been driving the FOX since the beginning of S2, which is more then 2 years, so I got quite some control over it. When I jump into the LX6 I have the same problem as you because I hardly drove it.

I hope that can help you a bit..
S2 licensed
Quote from Sponge :Awesome! that looks really nice!

S2 licensed
After I saw JakG's helmet I thought, hey I can do that too! So I made a new version of my helmet. 2048 instead of 1024 pix this time..

Here are some high quality pictures. Beware! They're pretty big!

Maybe I'll release the skin template (visor and stuff) once, if there's animo for it.
S2 licensed
New version of my personal helmet. I'm not uploading the skin, but here's a picture of it.
S2 licensed
Quote from rjm1982 :Yeah, probably has nothing to do with getting knocked into the sandpit by someone else in T1, getting wrecked by somone else in general to the point of needed to telepit, then when you rejoin your back on lap 1.

Oh, that and new people pick the game up every day. I doubt you were running with the leaders in your first 50 races...

Sorry, I don't think you meant to...but your post sounded very, very elitist...

My first 50 races were probably offline.
S2 licensed
Quote from Biohazard :join mid-race?

We'll, there are always people who manage to get a lap behind even when they didn't join mid race.
S2 licensed
Hmm.. I haven't binded a blue flag message. But sometimes, very rarely I'm on a really fast pb lap and a backmarkers appears (no that's not rare at all, but the next part of the sentence is), I quickly type something like "pleeeeaase, blue flag". With a smile behind it or so, and then I hope the backmarkers will let me through.

To be honest, how can you manage to get 1 lap behind in a 5-10 lap race anyway? Sorry but then you're just a very bad driver.
S2 licensed
Quote from Crazy Harry :FO8, looks great drives great, not that much technical bs like the BF1. BF1 cuts the fun on the oval for me because everyone can manage to drive fast with the BF1.

Hmm.. Driving the BF1 on the edge is a different thing then just driving it.. If it's so easy, why do I see so many people crashing it? Even on straights. TBH, I find it one of the hardest cars to drive on the edge. A small error has huge consequences, which makes it so hard.

I like the FO8 most, and I learned to appreciate the FZR with his behaviour too. And the BF1 is also great to drive, such a rush!
S2 licensed
Mostly I don't have any problems with backmarkers, but there are some people who can't seem to think. For example, if get behind someone on Aston National, on the last hairpin, the backmarkers usually wait untill the straight before they pass me. I can't stand that. In 9 of 10 cases the backmarkers does something stupid in the chicane, for example crashing in the tyres. Just because he's under pressure. So please, let people pass before the chicane..

And of course when you join in mid race you should go off the line and brake if needed, for the race leaders. You got absolutely no rights when you join midrace, imo.
S2 licensed
Quote from Lightsaver :I like to use this addon!

But one thing is annoying me. The reflection on the speedometer and rpm are just too much. I cant see my speed at some points.

Any idea how i can change it?

Reading the readme might help.

Quote :If you think the reflection maps are too light (too much reflecting),
go to the cfg.txt in your main Live For Speed folder and search for "Car Shine 1.00". Change 1.00 to a lower
value for less reflection. 0.00 is no reflection.

S2 licensed
Quote from Bandit77 :but still you wouldn't know if the setup or the driver had won. that's only possible with the same setup. I thought about forced setups too, but that's a bit like "I have a nice setup here, and I hope it doesn't suit any of the other drivers."

Well, a lot of fast drivers just send they're sets if you ask them nicely. Then you can always edit it to suit you're own driving style. At least the base is good then.
S2 licensed
LOL. That race mission was easy man! 1.21.6 was my best (I installed Mafia again earlier this week). Just pass everybody in T1 and finish the race. I passed about 10 backmarkers.. :P
S2 licensed
Nice movie, not bad. I really like the colors/effects over it!
But it are all only onboard shots, making it a bit boring to watch. Also, a moving cam on an onboard tv-shot isn't good. :P
S2 licensed
A few pics from yesterday's MoE test race.

S2 licensed
It's not really relevant maybe, but I had this today.
I drove a few races with the GTI today. After that I jumped in the FOX and I was amazed how fast it went, and felt! Next time I'm going to drive the GTI first and then the BF1, that's gonna be fun... :P

Was the same feeling I had when I first drove the FO8. Just awesome!
Last edited by Darkone55, .
S2 licensed
Ooooh, there go my FPS.
The idea is good, but I seriously hope the big servers won't use it, sorry.
S2 licensed
Hmm, maybe you're right. I'm not really aware of what I'm doing. I just do what feels right, and it appears to be not bad at all.
S2 licensed
I just found my first laps in the FOX, in the Online Race Results. On Aston Club,(my most driven combo now), I started with 1:05. After a few weeks I came into 1:03's. About 6 weeks later I started to do 1:02 low. And shortly after that into 1:01's. I didn't practise fulltime, but I think I raced quite a lot back then.

So before you get some good laptimes, you probably need at least 4 months practise.. Good luck!

Quote from AndroidXP :Really, there is no distinct step by step solution to "I miss the apex when going fast". You have to get a feel for the car and for LFS' physics in general. The only common mistake is that people don't look far enough through a corner, so try forcing yourself to look in the distance - for example before approaching the apex you should already be looking at corner exit and beyond.

I don't really agree. First you need to aim for the apex. When you're sure you approach the apex the right way, then look at the exit. Also depends on the corner and what's coming next ofcourse. But at least know when to brake and steer in, to start with.

It could take 100+ laps in the beginning before you get some decent times.
Last edited by Darkone55, .