This has probably been discussed a lot of times, but I couldn't find a good answer.
When someone leaves the pits I get stuttering. Tonight was MOE quali, and I couldn't even do 1 clean lap, just because of the stuttering..
It only occured since patch X. Even after a reinstall of my pc and later LFS itself too, it still happends.
My PC isn't that bad;
Intel Pentium 4, 3,0 GHz
1536 MB DDR2 RAM
Nvidia GeForce 7800 GS
My internet connection is 2 mb down, 512 kb up, so that's not bad either..
It's not because it's loading the skin, because it only loads the skin when you're going almost 0 km/h for a longer time.
Can anyone please tell me what this could be and how I can solve it? I'm getting really sick of it now.
Thanks in advance,