I don't think welding's absolutely necessary. My setup so far is made entirely out of wood that was already lying around in the garage as I don't have any welding gear. It doesn't look pretty but it is very useable

You'll have a tougher job than me as you want swizzelyness, mine's just sat on the floor (the frame that is, not the seat from the car)! I'm sure you'll manage with what's around though
The extra switches sound like a good idea. I was tempted to use the switches and possibly steering wheel off the car I got the rest of my stuff from, but will be using it for something else shortly so had to resist! :bitehard3 It would be great to be able to find the right buttons when I wanted them though.
Buying a battered old car is probably great value for getting 'sim stuff' from. The Ford Sierra I mentioned earlier I got for £120 delivered, and the scrap man gave me £10 for it when I'd removed pretty much everything (I'm using most the other parts for something else). If you were just getting it for sim stuff though you could be less picky about the car you get and probably get something a lot cheaper or even free! I don't know how cheap old battered cars are in other parts of the world?
Things I'm using for LFS out of it:
The drivers seat.
The pedals.
A nice big spring from the boot, to be used for clutch pedal as it feels about right + cable from bonnet catch to go from pedal to spring.
Accelerator cable and throttle body, so my accelerator pedal will feel authentic

The car had fuel injection, so I can use the throttle position sensor instead of having to try and find another pot.
Windscreen wiper motor - I'm going to try and use this to make a force feedback/pressure sensitive brake pedal. Don't know quite how well this is going to work though yet.
Could also have possibly used the steering wheel and switches if I didn't need them. I guess the force feedback would feel a bit muted through a big heavy wheel though.
Sounds like good value for all that, and I enjoyed ripping the car to bits
That triple monitor setup looks great Cue-Ball! Didn't know someone had actually managed to get that working.
PS I think that's the longest combination of consecutive sentences I've ever written