i got the correct cable and plugged it all in and nothing not even power light on the screen there is power at the end of the power connector but the screen isnt doing anything. is there any electrition on here that could help me attempt to find the fault? its probably just a small component of some sort, if i knew and could find out how to find the fault i would have it repaired or may even attempt it myself if it looks easy enough. :doh:
forbin...you didnt answer my question all you done was judge me. neither have you said anything that is relevent to the thread in either of the two posts you have made. so in the eyes of me and perhaps some other people your not doing anything constructuve with this thread. go and spam somewhere else.
irellevent to the thread but still most of the threads i reply to are so i may aswell answer this one aswell.
i dont have a little sister so i dont know what its like to be the older brother and the one that perhaps that little sister may look up to and get bad habits from
a handbrake on my brothers car that has a 20/80 split now why the funk would any car want that and i dont have an older brother either so....
forbin, what would be your improvement suggestion to the devs. if you could have a little say in something sensible that everyone that actually plays the game and dont sit here in the forums gathering post counts want, what would be the best thing that you could ask for in one of the lfs cars?
im actually thinking that a poll should be used in every thread in the improvement suggestions and which ever gets the most yes answers in one week should get the improvement
BTW the voting bit about me voting twice i managed to hit the yes and the vote button twice. it wasnt someone elses doing. but im not going to loose any sleep over it.
my pc has no virus or hacking software i manage to vote twice for yes let me see if i can do it again. it was on 28 and went to thirty i will try and make it stop at 35
P.S. i made a poll two posts down see if you can vote more than once.
its now changed damm i should of got a screen shot.